TIME SHALL TELL by Prophet M.K.O. Tibetan
From time immemorial whenever the Bible is read, it is handled with care and respect, because we believe it is the word of God since ancient believers. Even in Churches and Mosques; thieves do not steal Bible and Quran. In Kaduna when there was religious riot, a woman who rough-handled the Holy Bible was instantly punished by the Almighty God; because it is a Holy Book. But now both in Nigeria and Africa as a whole, people do not honor the Holy Book again nor have the fear of God while preaching the Gospel. In government of today, Bible and Quran are used to take false oath before the authority in order to be in public office; including all our politicians holding one post or the other. In some churches today, the Bible is used to deceive both believers and non-believers in order to enrich the pockets of Church founders and their families.
On the other way round, if we look at everything in Nigeria and Africa as a whole today, everybody in government offices and private sectors have lost their conscience in order to enrich themselves with public funds: politicians continue to divert money meant for the masses into their personal purses; forgetting that one day ‘TIME: SHALL TELL on them. Inflation and cheating are everywhere. Corruption is becoming unbearable while faithfulness and honesty could no longer be found anywhere in the land. Youth continues to grow daily in criminal activities due to lack of parental care and guidance. Past leaders wanted their children to lake over the ruling of the country but were unable to achieve their selfish aims because TIME DID TELL on them. Students in higher institution of learning have no regard for their lecturers or school authorities, landlords continue to increase shops and house rents indiscriminately only to make things more difficult for the masses. Everybody should realize that our expiry date is boldly written on each individuals' palms and that death is inevitable and we cannot alter what is already written. So whatever we do, TIME SHALL TELL on everybody. Psalm 49.2 & Sam. 14:14
Our female youths between the ages of 11-15 carry unwarranted pregnancies that lead to their having unwanted babies. Most of them are without education or moral training and end their lives in total regret with abundant problems as many of them are product of broken homes. Women above the age of 40-45 with different types of cars flock to Pentecostal Churches in search of future partners; but at last there will be no positive result nor achievement since they move from their house to office and from office to church then home and the circus starts all over again. These triangular movement has made them to end up with more regrets than when they started. Eventually ‘TIME WILL TELL on them.
Now to overseas where a lot of Nigerian men and women are residing, after spending many years without any reasonable achievements, at last they shall return home to begin again after their fruitless efforts overseas; hence their TIME TOLD ON THEM!
Till next week when I shall be with you again, remain blessed and feel free to contact me on my number 973.418.4397 for your spiritual needs and prayers. Have a nice productive and prosperous week ahead. See you next Sunday!
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