Vincent Ogbulafor the unrepentant, "unelected but imposed" chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Nigeria was recently quoted as saying that his PDP will continue to rule Nigeria, uninterrupted, for the next six decades (60years). According to this oxygen-nose, it does not matter what anybody thinks as he does not care a hoot if Nigeria becomes a one-party state!
Icheoku says, what a way to enthrone a real working democracy in Nigeria? To tell every other aspiring opposition parties in Nigeria, that they might as well jump off the bridge since they do not stand any chance at ever rising to power? One party state has never worked in any polity and any attempt to impose it on Nigerians will be resisted. Even in Mexico where it was tried it for several years and witnessed the worst official corruption in the history of their country it did not succeed and thrown out by the people recently. The Vincent Ogbulafors of Nigeria should be apprised of the words on the marble of the great American 35th president,
John F. Kennedy, who in a 1962 speech at the White House said
"those who make peaceful change impossible make a violent revolution inevitable". Vincent Ogbulafor and his fellow co-travellers in this their dream-land of perpetual rule, must be careful not to stretch the tolerance of Nigerians.
The irony of his statement is that these usurpers in PDP were not even elected by Nigerians hence have no real mandate whatsoever to impose their warped will on the rest of the country. Were it that they have the mandate of Nigerians, may be Vincent Ogbulafor could be assumed to be speaking the minds of the people of Nigeria; but the whole world including Nigerians are witnesses to the way these band of fringed-loonies raped democracy in Nigeria under the supervision of
Olusegun Obasanjo throughout the last ten years. 
For the records
, what has
Vincent Ogbulafor achieved since he assumed the chairmanship of the PDP? First
Olusegun Obasanjo is still the head/chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PDP despite all his rabble-rousing that he is going to implement the
Alex Ekwueme panel's recommendation that the way
Olusegun Obasanjo assumed the board chairmanship of PDP should be revisited. What has this lucky bastard achieved since assuming office when he cannot persuade the lords of the manor at Abuja to
treat the River Niger bridge as a national emergency or is he waiting for its final and total collapse before fire-brigading anything thereon? Or is Vincent Ogbulafor and his party not aware that the dilapidated bridge's lifespan has since expired? What has Vincent Ogbulafor achieved since becoming chairman of the PDP when the
Andy Uba generated crisis in Anambra state is still festering? It is instructive to remind our visitors that it is the same Uba family through
Chris Uba that kidnapped a seating governor of Anambra state and visited the state with unbridled mayhem without any repercussions whatsoever? Does it mean that Vincent Ogbulafor is a
mere ghoulish figure-head chairman without any meaningful authority or power whatsoever? Remember the days of
Tony Anenih's chairmanship and how everybody trembled at this feet.

Vincent Ogbulafor, Icheoku says it is this kind of rhetoric that invites the khaki boys back to power, especially when there is no democratic dividends coming from your PDP controlled government to the people of Nigeria. It is this kind of uncontrolled political loose-talk that makes agitation by the disenfranchised majority get so loud that discord sets in in the land. Vincent Ogbulafor, if you must open your wind-pipe this loud, at least make sure that a fair election is allowed to hold in Nigeria and if your party is elected, then and only then can you pretend to be holding the brief of the Nigerian people. Vincent Ogbulafor if you must shout on the mountain top on how you will perpetuate your illegitimate rule on Nigerians, is it not fair that you let Nigerians decide if you are the caliber of people they want to perpetuate in power? How did you even get to the mountain top in the first place or did you rig yourself to the top?
Icheoku says that
were Nigeria a real democracy there is no way the PDP would have returned to power in 2007 judging from the ineptitude of their past Olusegun Obasanjo's administration; talk-less of ruling Nigeria for 60 years. Were Nigeria to be a democracy,
Olusegun Obasanjo would have since been
arrested and tried for all
his crimes against humanity, economic treason, massacres of Odi and Zaki-Ibiam communities and his incestuous relationship with his daughter-inlaw - his son's wife! Yet Vincent Ogbu

lafor continues to allow and/or tolerate this denigrate person, Olusegun Obasanjo to remain his party's board of trustees chairman? Vincent Ogbulafor, our advise to you is to shut up or better still, stop making unguarded statements; leave it to your spokesman who may be better trained to read the polity and know what not to say to upset the apple-cart. Vincent Ogbulafor, you should endeavour to have something written on your epitaph such as
the man who finally brought about the second river Niger bridge to fruition otherwise your chairmanship of the PDP means nothing to the zone which you are representing in the party's arrangement. Do something to honor your legacy and stop provoking the people of Nigeria by flaunting a stolen illegitimate "mandate". How dare you suggest that your Peoples "Democratic" Party will rule Nigeria for sixty years?
What have you been snorting lately, Mister Nose? Get it?
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