He thought he was running away with the Tea Party Republican presidential nominee ticket; taxing for a take-off and was gradually picking speed when a debris he brought unto the tarmac boomeranged and ruptured his fuel tank. The result, a flight aborted! Icheoku asks, but will that do now? The answer is NOPE, as questioning his place of birth is just the mask of Zorro hiding their real racists motivation and intent. If only the site where Obama's white mother's water broke, as she labored to deliver the boy who later became president, were the case or the real issue here, this released birth certificate would sure do. But unfortunately, there is much more to it than these racists are ready to admit - their actions are largely in part driven by the sight of a "NIGGER" in "their" White House, period.
Already some of them are saying that the released certificate notwithstanding, that the president inherited his father's place of birth by devolution and so he still remains "THAT ONE" - an outsider and not one of us? Icheoku says these raving cuckoos, in their raging fixation on the president, selectively forgot that so many American women are single-mothers, some of who does not even know who their baby-daddies are or their whereabouts. Icheoku asks, does this unknowns now disqualify their children from being Americans or is there something subliminal being telegraphed by this coded birther-message regarding a unique circumstantial president with an "Arab terrorist" sounding name? So, why the selective sitting in judgment on President Obama over the issue of his place of birth and/or that he supposedly inherited his father's Kenya place of birth?
To these racist birther-crowd, Icheoku says, it is un-American for you to be seeing red just because a black-man is your president and in your White House. For you, it does not matter what the president does, he can never do right by you; and even if the president produces his placenta, with born in Hawaii stamped on it, or even a video recording of his mother giving live-birth to him, it will still not matter as something else is maniacally driving their attempt at a cheap short-sale. For these people, the only way President Barack Obama can satisfactorily prove his "American-ness" is to resign from office and leave "their" White House for them. But so long as they are continuously confronted by the president's "unsightly" presence in their White House, that long will they continue to manufacture stuff after stuff to try and damage a man with a wholesome stellar records that powered his meteoric rise to power. It is racism, it is envy, it is jealous and it is all the bad intentions put together that is providing the energy which powers these people who are fond of preaching tolerance to the rest of the world? Just do what I say but never judge what I do myself.
It is akin to someone asking another person to provide him with a snake's hind-legs or better still to give him palm-oil to enable him eat palm-fruit. No matter how you try, it cannot happen and if it happens, it is not good enough. It is just impossible to satisfy them within any reasonable conduct or act other than turning cold forever. These birther-mob just want to rid "their" White House of the "infestation of a NIGGER", period; as any other thing or attempt at explanation of different motive is an untruth. The fact of the matter is that America is still full of racist people despite the coats of "equal this and equal that" sloganeering paint they layer on themselves; so it does not matter what the president does or produces now to put paid to their 'silliness', these people will always invent one myth or another to try to denigrate President Obama. His sin is his skin-color and as far these loonies are concerned, no black man is good enough for anything, talkless of occupying their White House! And they are as loud as humming birds and as chirpy as crickets, so you cannot ignore them even if you wanted; so the president was right in throwing their downer back at them and lets see what they will pull out of their magic hats next.
Icheoku prays that these birthers, who recently found a new cheerleader in Donald Trump, will now cease and desist from further exhibition of their ignorance and lack of a comprehensive education to understand the age-long message that the president is an American-born American. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has intentionally shouted himself hoax with misleading statements, questioning the burial site of the president's umbilical cord as well as his foreskin or did Icheoku hear him question if the president was even circumcised? Some analysts opined that the real reason why the Donald Trump led birther crowd grew so loud in recent weeks was to bait the president into releasing his original birth certificate to see if his religion was listed as ISLAM so that they can run with a war-cry that the president is a MUSLIM? Yet America is supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave where religious freedoms are respected and is no inhibition to any pursuit? Finally, with the president's birthplace-myth now conclusively laid to rest, Icheoku and the rest of the world will be waiting to see how Donald Trump's egotistic ambition survives without his birther-parachute. A hitherto lifeline to a campaign that was DOA, now shredded midair; and you wonder how much longer The Donald will still provide some comic relief to endangered news-houses and their lazy arm-chair journalists who thrive in frivolities rather than hard-core news reporting. Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia is burning and all you hear and see is Donald Trump flying the kite of birther and you wonder why you still subscribe to your television service. What a dupe this Donald Trump is, that deliberately misled those Tea Party Jim Crows into believing that at last, their knight in shinning armor has come to prove that the president's long suspected "deceit" of the American people that he was born in America is indeed false and that the president is a stranger from Mars and ineligible to be president.