But should Israel go forth with it and allow such an aberration to berth, they will regret as Palestinians will be handed a new tool for their propaganda war. They will start calling for a complete devolution of both people into one State, which will be neither Jewish nor Palestinian since a Palestinian is part of those governing the territory anyway. If these enemies of a strong and well defended Israel have their way, the hope of keeping Israel Jewish will forever be lost and with it too, the dreamed homeland for the Jewish people which will be lost as well.
The history of Israel is replete with such shooting of themselves on the foot as is broadly recorded in the Bible, the stories of the Golden Calf and their rejection of The Messiah Jesus Christ readily stand out. It seems that either they don't ever learn from history or they are simply too cockily Jewish to care, aware that they will always be taken care of no matter what, by the good Lord as a God's chosen people.
Please Israel Knesset, vote to retain Israel in the tested, tried and safe hands of Bibi; say no to the charlatans who want him out of the Prime Minister's office by all means possible, including by admitting an Arab Palestine in a Jewish Israeli government. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the answer to the Palestinian question and exactly what a petulant terrorist organization Hamas needs in order to be kept at bay from all their bad intentions towards Israel. #KeepIsraelJewish.