By this single, ill-advised and ill-executed dastardly act, this Mallam Umar

When Nigerians think that the negative rap they are getting cannot be any worse, this uncircumcised jackass decided to add to the nightmare of a Nigeria that needs serious re-branding? Icheoku asks, Madam Re-branding Dora Akunyili, Nigerian Information Minister, where do you start now from in trying to change the minds of the world that Nigeria is no longer what it used to be, now that a terrorist state status has been added to its numerous negative appellation, courtesy of this mallam from Katsina State? With a president on life support for over one month now and in a foreign hospital; add this to it and Nigeria as a country, is really going through what might as well pass for its worst period in history and a public relations disastrous nightmare before Christmas, no, during Christmas?
According to the reports, a Nigerian man who said he was al-Queida agent tried to blow up a Northwest/Delta Airlines plane on Christmas day, as it was preparing to land in Detroit. However, travelers who smelled smoke and heard what sounded like firecrackers rushed and subdued him? Thankfully enough, alert passengers told this sub-human specimen that Americans cannot take any of their bullshit anymore, not this time, and not after 9/11. Those London bombings, Madrid trains bombing, Bali nightclub bombing and the many more cowardly acts of terrorism the world have witnessed as a result of these animals since 9/11 are rather too numerous to add another one to it; not just yet if ever! Vigilant and joyful Americans returning home for the holidays said nope, this petty scumbag Nigerian novitiate terrorist cannot stop their being with their families during this holidays. They did what comes naturally to Americans, they rallied round and answered the call to action and their bravery saved Americans a mournful Christmas? So as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us be thankful to passengers and crew of NWA/Delta Flight 253 for not allowing this scoundrel to have his way on our soil with our plane, our passengers and crew; and visit us once again with some painful experience; not again America!
Icheoku calls on every and all Nigerians to unequivocally and without reservation condemn this act of terrorism by a Nigerian as too stigmatizing and capable of adding to the overflowing negatives which Nigerians have in abundance within the international arena. Northern Nigeria have by this act, shown that they are now ready to export their terrorism to the international arena; terrorism which they have suffered Nigerians with and for several decades! Thankfully though, they have overshot their runway and bitten more than they can chew by messing with the wrong guys, the Americans! Icheoku predicts that very soon they will reap the whirlwind which their action, through one of their very own Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab have sown. They are no longer satisfied with their wanton and perennial blood-letting of Christians and southerners in Nigeria on very flimsy excuses, some as minute as a cartoon in far away Dutch-land; now they want to export same to the world and to America in particular?
It is our belief that this mallam did not act alone but in concert with his band of Boko Haram type of people and investigation should strive to unmask the people who sent this suicide-bomber into America with a view towards bringing instant justice to them. Icheoku advocates instant justice to these animals since Guantanamo is closing soon; and there is no need over-populating the new terrorists-prison in Illinois by bringing additional imbeciles there. Just dispatch any implicated terrorist, their aiders and abettors upon capture or arrest after on the spot interrogation, period. It is also our firm belief that by every intent and purpose of the definition, that Nigeria has long since been a terrorist state; but that their terrorism, headquartered in the northern part of the country, has been for local consumption only! A terrorism which have taken over 20,000 lives of Nigerians ever since as well as properties running into several hundreds of millions of dollars over the years. Even some sources suggests that the Biafran/Nigerian civil war was primarily fought to stop these terrorists from further destruction of lives and properties.
Now to this 23 year old almajiri who have brought added shame and odium to Nigeria and every Nigerian, Icheoku says, it shall not be well with you! Do you know what your hateful action has caused millions of travelling Nigerians who will now be scrutinized more at ports of entry and airports the world over? Would it surprise you to know that because of what you did, that many Nigerians will now be subjected to additional searches including possible strip-searches at various airports now? If you are tired of living, why not just jump off a bridge and call it quit with this lovable world? Why must you do this injustice to your country, irrespective of the motivation, religion or animosity? Icheoku really does not have a suitable qualifier of a word to address you with, but suffice it to say that you are the worst of the worse; and that dirt is better than your sorry self. The mother that gave birth to you must regret the day she spread for your father to contribute to the process that brought you into being; and wished she had aborted you or even fed you some expired "my pikin' teething baby powder" so that you would have quietly gone away and not live to this day of odium.
But who gave this guy visa and other travelling documents to leave Nigeria and even enter American territory? This is the aspect of the investigation, Icheoku will be very interested in to ascertain how this lowest of the lows was able to secure an American visa in the first place? May be it about time professional psychologists are employed or added at visa-issuing embassies to try and enter into the minds of animals like this Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab to determine their mental stability and suitability, before issuing them visas? Icheoku is pissed off at this incompetent, idiotic and amateurish terrorist wanna-be for giving Nigeria another dishonorable mention! How dare his sorry little ass add to the woes of Nigeria at the precipice? I feel I could just reach his scraggy throat to make him gasp for dear air, torture or no torture rules?
Northwest/Delta Flight 253 began in Lagos Nigeria and went through Amsterdam en route to Detroit; and with 278 passengers and 11 crew members was about 20 minutes to Detroit airport when passengers heard popping firecrackers-like noises coming from the Nigerian terrorist at sea 19C; upon which they jumped and subdued him until the arrival of security personnel who arrested and took him away; but first to a custodial hospital treatment facility for his burn wounds. The terrorist had third degree burns on his legs which officials explained to mean he probably strapped the explosive devices to his legs and was too confused or stupefied to explode it midair over the Atlantic ocean as his handlers probably instructed; only to belatedly attempt same while the plane was practically landed. But instead, the Nigerian terrorist alleged that his Al-Queida minders instructed him to explode the plane over United States soil and not over the ocean desert? Icheoku asks, but why, Mallam Umaru Farouk Abdul-Mutallab? The incident also goes to show that the war on terrorism is not over by any calculation; and that only a continuous vigilance by all will spare us all and the rest of the world their intended agony.
But unlike the White House and its 'attempted act of terrorism' explanation, Icheoku says, this was not merely an attempt but a fully consummated terrorist act which only providence averted, since the animal had already set the explosion in motion by igniting whatever it was that gave off the alerting smoke. But for the vigilance of the passengers on Flight 253, may be the Nigerian terrorist would have taken his terrorist act to another level, which would have resulted to a more catastrophic disaster, God forbid! Our position therefore is that this mallam Nigerian terrorist should be treated like a full fledged terrorists; an al-Queida foot and/or air soldier, who was on a suicide mission but for the special grace of God who saved us the bullet. Hopefully the FBI are en-route to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport as well as Muritala Mohamed airport in Lagos Nigeria to try to figure out how this weasel managed to sneak his improvised explosive device through the security and unto the plane and to Detroit Michigan? Those officials at this two airports must fully answer questions on how they failed to detect this bomber and his bomb; otherwise let the American authorities declare these Schiphol and Muritala airports unsafe and too risky to allow passengers from there into America? Let anyone who minds call it too stringent, but not after this Nigerian terrorist suicide bomber had managed to slip through whatever security they supposedly have there.
With the new directive for a 'heightened security for both domestic and international flights at airports across the country, and that the intensified levels would likely be "layered," differing from location to location depending on alerts, security concerns and other factors;' Icheoku says, passengers from Nigeria should be prepared now for strip-searching and other associated ill-treatments at various airports world-over? Now that Nigeria has officially joined the list of terrorist states, through the action of a northerner, mallam Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, Icheoku says, it is not going to be easy moving around the world anymore as a Nigerian? Those still trapped back in Nigeria and helplessly striving to secure the almighty visa, getting that piece of eligibility to check-out will become more cumbersome now that Nigeria has become a terrorist country! So, now you see why Icheoku had advocated that this straggler be hung by his balls until he gives up the last air in his lungs for bringing such damnation to a Nigeria already over-burdened! His action has now qualified Nigeria as a terrorist breeding state? Shame on you Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab!