The good-old wise men of Palermo Sicily have a tenet of existence which served and believably still serves them very well till date. It is a prerequisite life-canon of survival in whatever "business"they do in their peculiar style and way of life. According to this rule of existence, two people can only keep a secret when one person is dead; leading to so many people "sleeping with the fishes" and freeways bursting up in combustible manner to consume some snitch driving across them? Sometimes it could be underneath the car, timed to go off as soon as the ignition is engaged. Their ways and means are legion that sometimes it is better and safer not to be privy to anything lest they make you pay when that rat in you rattles! Boy were they right as the case of the lying former former Senator from North Carolina and a previously, paternity denier, John Edwards, has just proved beyond every reasonable doubt. A bitter lesson indeed for this hair-freak, whose wife of 31 years has put her boot in his you know what, and out went the girlie-man who spends $400 on a haircut, from their multi-million dollars mansion in North Carolina. But did John Edwards do anything far and beyond what any other "Successful Joe(s) have done; no, as history is replete with such sexual escapades, moreso among politicians.
However Icheoku is not here to sermonise on Senator John Edwards not being a faithful husband, no, our foray here is to shine some light on the human scumbag, rat, traitor and betrayer of confidence, who could not man up and keep a friend's secret/private matters as is? We are talking about the Judas Iscariot named Andrew Young, a snitch, who were it in the underground world would have had his tongue, knee-cap, finger-nails or even his cranium visited, for not being a nice "wise guy?' A consiglari of some sort, now a turn-coat and authored a tell-all-tale book on confidential privileged information he became privy to as a result of the position of trust which he hitherto enjoyed with Senator John Edward. He sacrificed this personal and very important relationship just for a pot of porridge - the expected returns on sales of that book. Icheoku calls on America and the world not to encourage such bad behavior of betraying trusted confidences and boycott the said book, "The Politician"!
Andrew Young is a callous man, lacking in integrity and cannot be trusted; and he is a shame to all the Andrew Young(s) of America who happen to share his name, including the former mayor of Atlanta. A man whose mad thirst for money made him forgo the hellish consequences of the hatchet-job, which his book will do on John Edwards, his career, reputation and family; especially his cancer stricken wife of 31 years Elizabeth, who could not believe that she has been living with a philandering liar for 31 years? A former husband now proven pathological liar who dubbed once the exposing "The National Inquiry" article as a "tabloid trash." Now, several months after denying that the child was his, has come around to acknowledge that he committed adultery with Ms. Reille Hunter and that the child she gave birth to is a product of his illicit liaison with the impetuous home-wrecker, now turned baby-mommy. Icheoku asks why must people continue to encourage such low-lifers as Andrew Young, to always 'kiss and tell' or rat about some confidential information for some profit, by continuously patronising their so called books? We urge a total boycott of this book as a way to discourage people from disclosing confidential information which they otherwise would not have had were it not for the special relationship which they enjoyed with the confider. Lets send a message to these ilks that it is not just not ok, but it makes everyone suspicious of one another; since no one knows when a confidential story of a blue dress told would be ratted on, leading to a president's impeachment? That is the irony and tragedy of it all that yesterday it was the blue dress, today a telephone voice message and an insider who should otherwise know better not to betray such trust. Like his restaurant failed, Icheoku hopes this work of malice will also bomb out. A disgruntled man who wants to make it by all means possible, even by maligning his former "patron saint?" A man who who claim paternity of someone else child just for monetary rewards have no integrity; since he could do anything for money, having done it once!
As for the home-wrecker who went out on her way to seduce Senator John Edwards, fully aware of what led to the fall of man and man's inability to just say no and walk away; Icheoku asks, did you ever think about your fellow woman Elizabeth Edwards, the then wife of John? If places were traded and you find yourself in her shoes, would you not wish such a nasty little whore who is messing around with your man, a terrible death? The good thin in this world is that what goes around comes around and Icheoku cannot wait to see how long this bitch will survive before she also becomes a dejected, forlorn and dishevelled ex of Senator John Edwards. Knowing fully well that he was married, she should not have seduced him or if he approached her to have said no; or better still use protection? But none of that happened, instead she spread your legs wide apart investing heavily that she gives birth to an Edwards child as a means of financial security? Therefore it will not be out of place to tag her behavior whorish, what a little home-breaker from hell she is? For the other woman in this dramatic saga, which if a book were to be written about it, could be aptly titled, "The Broken Hearted", Elizabeth Edwards, Icheoku asks what is the logic behind throwing away your 31 years of marital investment? Extra-marital sex is not enough reason to dump a husband, neither is fathering a child out of wedlock, so please have a re-think and reconsider your decision to kick John out. You don't want the Hunters of this world to win and destroy all you toiled for 31 years to build? It is unAmerican to quit and turn tail? Do it to prove a point not necessarily that you still care and love him; just to let reille Hunter that she cannot reap where she did not sow by snatching your man? Most women would as punishment convert their husband into a glorified 'house-boy' or better still consign him in the dog-house and for a long time? Or even demand a therapy? Why didn't you consult Hillary Clinton to empower you and advise you on some coping mechanism and how to stay heads-high amidst a philandering husband's sex-escapades? It is our opinion that turning Edwards loose will only help his insatiable sex-appetite, since there is now no more minders around for him to be watchful of. He now have a licence to romp. You would have toughed it out and pray he repents soon.

The once "loyal" husband nursing his cancer-stricken wife, has now completely and totally mortgaged his career and marriage; and have become irreparably damaged forever. The man once dotted as the "young, energetic, well-spoken and good-looking Southerner," is today hibernating in his shadows with a load of shame, not necessarily for his sin of adultery but for lying about it and denying his child. As far as Icheoku is concerned, sex between two consenting adults is nobody's business but their private business; and if they happen to be cheating on their spouses, then let the victim-spouse decide her next line of action. But to lie about it with your pants down and to deny paternity of a child who did not ask to come to this world is the most cowardly of all acts. This is the sin of Senator John Edwards for which he has now paid some hefty fines including a lost presidential campaign, reputation and credibility, and now a marriage that has gone kaput! If only men would learn and be a little more discreet about it; or take some very important survival lessons from the wise guys of Italy and not have confidants; especially the singing-canary Andrew Young types, who have diarrhea of the mouth and will kill their "master" to find some relevance in life. What a boring life this Andrew Young must have, to tell on a former mentor in this way, culminating in the tragedy of John and Elizabeth Edwards marital breakdown after 31 years of soldiering on together. It shall not be well with this Andrew Young and like Judas Iscariot, suicide should be a good option!