ICHEOKU says the most disturbing thing arising from the released memo is the implicit corruption within the upper echelon of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as the Justice Department; two organs of government empowered to enforce the laws of the United States of America. The very thing that makes third world non functioning countries not functional - corruption; and this is the sole reason the matter must be pursued to its logical conclusion, in order to prevent any future such violations and once again reestablish the confidence of the American people in both departments.
So many lawyers have been taken down for trying to bribe witnesses and pervert justice; so many judges have been dealt with for taking bribes; as well as Congress men and women, some of who served terms in prison and are still serving terms for trying to corrupt the system; all thanks to the investigative prowess of the FBI. As for ordinary Joe and Jill citizens of America, several thousands of them have been taken down and punished through the instrumentality of both the FBI and DOJ as well; hence both organs of law enforcement must be made to practice what they preach by forcing them to stay above board and atop of every fray. They have to be held accountable for their present involvement in the matter leading up to the last election and attempt to subvert the election of President Donald John Trump and sabotage his presidency. Simply put, what they did was both grave and unacceptable to our solemn trust in their law enforcement infallibility.
Therefore allowing the current unfolding sordid drama to go unpunished is condoning a cancer which will eventually eat into the very fabric that holds and makes America exceptional. The people must not be made to lose faith in the very backbone of our justice system and only getting to the very root of the matter and punishing everyone implicated therein is the only acceptable action that will assuage the current matter. It does not matter who goes to prison over the scandal and everyone implicated thereto must be made to face the justice which they tried to pervert by colluding to subvert an American presidential election. Any other thing, conclusion or opinion is simply unacceptable and should not be canvassed nor entertained, period.
Finally Americans have now seen who actually participated in the real "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"; yet they were chasing the wind all along, pointing Americans to the wrong direction. possibly in their attempt to hoodwink the American people and prevent them from seeing who in fact are the culpable parties here. It is a very sad day for all those who have been sent away for corruption as well as the entire American people whose faith in the justice system has been so supremely shaken up with what the released memo revealed. How else can anyone sum it up than to say it was the mother of all collusion.