Was he pushed or did he jump? The global economic downturn claims yet another victim? David Kellermann, 41, the acting chief financial officer of United States of America mortgage company Freddie Mac was found dead today in the basement of his house in Washington DC area? Icheoku asks, did David take his life or was he pushed off the cliff by the global financial meltdown and why; after-all it is not only Freddie Mac that is going through the hurricane of problems?
The Police ruled out foul play, explaining that David, whose body was found dangling from a rope by his wife in their house basement, probably took his own life? This is similar to the explanation given when the late DC Madam was found dead in Florida recently, after being under boiler-plate pressure from her Washington DC patrons? Who knows what pressurized David to "take" his life?
According to David's former company's statement, "Freddie Mac knows of no connections between this terrible personal tragedy and the ongoing regulatory inquiries discussed in our SEC filings." Icheoku says, could Freddie Mac have spoken too early; otherwise why would such a high ranking official suddenly take his life, if not for some very damaging reason which he could not live with or bear anymore?
Either way, suicide is a means of an end for cowards and with due respect for the grieving family, Icheoku admonishes, David should not have just chickened out? He should have fought whatever troubles he was going through like a man and a soldier, just like many Americans and the peoples of the world are presently doing or tying to do. Suicide is cowardice and a self-centered exit option for many of his types. Why did he not get help or take a vacation or do something fun instead of choking off his oxygen supply and possibly breaking off his neck in the process? To the grieving Kellermann family, please accept our condolence; but to David, the Almighty God does not condone any taking of a life and it does not matter if it was a suicide! Hopefully David left a note to let the world into his private pains that drove him to commit such a heinous crime!