ICHEOKU says Democrats have opened another front in their attempt to diminish standards in America and make everything now subject to the whims and caprices of which ever party is in power as opposed to the preservation of what makes America, America. The bad news is that the things which they are doing now will someday come back to haunt them when the Republican Party takes back power. As everyone knows, power shift in Washington DC is encircle, so Democrats must not be deluded that they have finally seized power for good. It will someday shift and there will be a payback.
It happened before when former Democratic Party leader Harry Reid bent the filibuster rule requiring 60 senators' votes for confirmation of judges and justices simply because he can as the then party in power. When Republicans eventually took back power, they also used Harry Reid's precedent to have their way with confirming many judges and justices. It is bad to set a bad precedent because unintended consequences usually follows it. Now, it is removing of a fellow duly elected member of Congress from the House committees for views which she held and expressed when she was not an elected official that the Democrats have introduced as their latest ploy in the United States House of Representatives. It will bite them in due course.
Just like Joe Biden is currently on a demolition derby course against President Donald John Trump's legacy in retaliation for President Trump doing same to Barack Obama's own legacy, so shall another president bulldoze whatever Joe Biden is currently doing with his executive order pen. To issue and sign over 47 such orders just within two weeks of his moving into the White House is unprecedented and he is acting as if executive orders will soon go out of fashion. The victim is the American people whose lives are now dependent on the feeling of whosoever is in the White House or who is leading the House of Representatives and no longer what is in the overall general best interest and benefit of the American people.
Such a toying with the general destiny of the American people is anathema to the growth, health and unity of the country and should be condemned totally and without reservation. How can you punish somebody for holding past opinions which were not illegal and when she was not a member of the Congress, assuming her opinion offends some members of Congress. So what if she is cuckoo in the eye of some people but does that now make her not a full member of Congress by denying her legitimate membership of House committees to which she is entitled to as a member of Congress representing her district in Georgia. She is not the first person to ever hold opinions considered not too kosher by some people but that does not make her ineligible to serve her people. Moreso, nobody should dictate to American people who to send to Washington DC from their district to represent them.
Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said he who is without sin should cast the first stone but Democrats are acting the holier than thou script by not heeding this time tested admonition that all have sinned and fallen short of glory with their current attack against a fellow member of Congress. Is there anybody who has never said something which they later regretted and wished they never said. Who among all those people currently haranguing the brash Congresswomen from Georgia that can beat their chest and say they without blemish. So, why single out the Congresswoman for some intrusive examination of what she said in the past before she became a member of Congress. Such selective righteous indignation based punishment is not fair nor just and is the stuff despotism is made of.
It is not fair and absent a general across the board condemnation of everyone who ever expressed an opinion considered by some others to be unacceptable speak or a stipulation of acceptable opinions for ordinary American citizen, then she should not and does not deserve to be specifically scapegoated. How can she be held to account for things which she said when she was an ordinary citizen and not a member of Congress nor dreaming of ever joining the body. Does that mean that any American citizen who has ever held an opinion considered unacceptable will be sanctioned any time they ever get elected to Congress? Such looks too intrusive a punishment and should not be tolerated or allowed in a supposedly free country where the only speech code presently available is the First Amendment which guarantees every American citizen the freedom of expression. It would have been a different thing if she made those statements as a member of Congress and provided there is an existing speech code guiding members of Congress against such statements and she violated them, then any move against her would have been germane.
But such an overreach as questions every speech and statement ever uttered by an American citizen, particularly one who never knew or dreamt of ever being elected to Congress is rather too broad an overkill and indeed an overreach. Which law did Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene break which Congresswoman Ilhan Omar have not when judged before some American people who find some of her utterances very unpatriotic. Ditto Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Thalib, Maxine Watters, Kamala Harris and even Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi, depending on who is making the subjective determination. But none of them was called out or punished for saying what they said but now it is Georgia's Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene that is being specifically called out, tried and convicted as an escape goat, really? America has certainly stepped on a slippery slope which will not do anyone any good with people now being judged and punished for mere opinions which they expressed in the past and which were not criminal, either then or presently. It is a sad precedent. #BadPrecedent.