ICHEOKU says watching former President Barack Hussein Obama deliver his speech at Urbana University, Champagne, Illinois, left many speechless and wondering whether the last eight years of his presidency never happened; or that the American people did not hear the same cliched hogwash in 2016, when they voted to reject his economic policies and the direction in which he was steering the country; and refused to vote to protect his legacy, by refusing to vote for his endorsed candidate, Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Therefore, it will require the suspension of disbelief to accept the former president's rehashed, stale, talking points, which he rattled and prattled on, deliberately and desperately trying to confuse the gullible and hoping that the usual public's amnesia will aid his ploy. But the American people knows better and they knew exactly what it was that they rejected with their votes in the last election and they do not want to go back to hopelessness, fear, misery and self-doubt, worrying about their 401Ks, investments, their properties, as well as the future of their children; and wondering what went wrong and what has become of their America. They are happy that their children who remained in their houses long after graduation, have all now moved out on their own to pursue independent living. They are happy that they do not have to support their adult children anymore, as the booming economy have taken care of business and nobody wants to go back to what it was that held America down and for eight long years.
ICHEOKU watched Obama's dribble, but it was a hard sell; as he told a tale of his peculiar America that was entirely different from the one which every American witnessed and watched happen during his eight years of making it up as he went, without any clear policies on anything; as he tried to please his homosexuals constituency as well as his foreign partners in their mad pursuit of a globalized world economy. Therefore it was a shame for the former president to so blatantly and with straight face, claim the last eighteen months of pure magic which is being wrought by the billionaire business mogul and you wonder what took over Obama's sense of self and pride, that he could have so condescended and so shamelessly and pitifully, claim the hard-work of another president.
But understandably, everything the left has thrown at President Donald John Trump has failed to stick to the Teflon Don, hence the need to drag out their last joker, a very reluctant former president, who is still nursing the wounds of defeat handed to him and his policies last November 8, 2016, back to the stage. Yes, they tried the Vagina hats, it did not work. They tried the RESIST movement, it flopped. They tried their several ANTIFA riots, but to no avail. They arranged a kangaroo Russian Collusion investigation, which has literally exploded in their face. They pulled Stormy Daniels, but it did not move a needle. Then came their Michael Wolffe and his Fire and Fury book of fiction, but it bombed too/ Then came Omarosa Magnault's Unhinged book of fallacious intrigues, which also failed to launch. Then, the Helsinki Summit, which also gathered no moss. Now, Bob Woodward's already flunked dead on arrival, Fear Trump will be added to the pie of mud. So, when every other thing they tried failed, it is time to reinvent the wheels by bringing back former President Barack Obama to come out to retell a tale by the moonlight. ICHEOKU says really?
ICHEOKU says if these democrats are really thinking, they would have known that Obama is not going to add anything of value to their effort to make a dent in President Donald John Trump's numbers or otherwise takeover the House this November. Obama's story in the White House is not such a distant past that Americans would have forgotten so easily and so soon. Obama's policies were primarily the reason Trump won the election as American people vehemently rejected them and sort a new direction. American people would have otherwise voted to stay the course and continue with the trajectory in which the country was headed, had they believed in Obama, but they chose to reject him. Obama literally, was on bended knees, pleading with American people to please vote to protect his legacy, by voting for Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton; but all his plea fell on deaf ears as they were resoundingly rejected. American people said no, that it his ideas and policies are not good for America and moved with the new kid on the block, Trump.
So, what exactly changed now that Obama wants to come and inundate American people with his imaginary tales, one would ask? What is he saying now that he did not say before in 2016; except that he wants to be twice beaten and twice shy, because he will be beat again. The reappearance of Barack Obama on the trails can only be one thing and one thing only - the desperation of the Democratic Party, because they are hopelessly hopeless, and lost, on how to solve the Trump question. They are a drowning man holding to any and whatever straw that floated their way and Obama seems to be their next best shot. But they will be disappointed to find out that American people have since moved on from Obama, who is now left in their rear view mirror, as a distant memory which they want better forgotten.
Here is a man who had eight long years to get the economy roaring, but never pushed it above 2.8% growth, the lowest ever in recent history. Suddenly, he is now claiming that the magic witnessed in the last eighteen months was his own making? ICHEOKU says what designer drug of choice was Obama on, when he told such fable as it must be some delusion inducing opiates. Query, why did the economy which was heavily regulated by Obama took off only when those regulations were removed? Why was Obama’s economy which was performing below 2.7% and which Obama told Americans not to believe anyone who says they have a magic wand to turn it around; and that America’s great days are over, able to rave back to 4.2% once unshackled by President Donald John Trump.
Obama once told Americans that manufacturing jobs are lost forever and that they are not coming back ever. But the Trump’s economy has so far created 656,000 manufacturing jobs within the last eighteen months; so how did Obama help to bring these jobs which he said were not coming back, back into the economy. Obama closed down a lot of coal mining plants and forced thousands of miners into unemployment. Trump opened them up, absorbing miners and creating thousands of new mining jobs, which are all adding impetus to the economy; yet Obama wants Americans to believe that he did what again? Obama allowed China, Canada, Mexico and Europe to take American jobs, Trump said no more, and those jobs are coming back into America, yet Obama claimed credit for a booming economy?
Obama allowed steel and aluminum dumping by other countries into America which forced America Steel plants to shutter down, with thousands of jobs lost; bleeding the economy. Trump opened the Steel Mills back up with more plants being rolled out, creating thousands of jobs which is adding to the economy; so how did Obama do what he said he did again? Obama did not have sanctions on countries of the world which led to flooding of America with cheap inferior goods from China and third world countries, causing unemployment in America as American companies and factories that make those goods shuttered down. Trump imposed sanctions, thus protecting American manufacturing base and people are working and contributing to the economy; yet Obama said he did what? Also do not forget who canceled the TPP, brought back the Canada pipeline back and is renegotiating NAFTA and other trade relationships, which all are adding to the economy, but Obama wants America to forget his ineptitude. ICHEOKU says not so fast.
With more people now working and producing, the economy is booming. But under Obama, nearly 90 million Americans were on food stamps, jobless; but Trump has so far created jobs for many of these former government handouts collectors and the toll on the government has gone down and they are all producing for the economy. Put in another way, Barack Obama was an economic depressant and a prophet of doom about America’s greatness; and he made so many American people to stop bothering about finding a job. Trump is a champion and cheer leading chief of America, and is encouraging everybody to believe again in America's greatness and the people are listening to him and doing their best as they contribute to the booming economy.
Barack Obama said that raising taxes is better than cutting taxes, but is now shamelessly claiming that an economy which is booming in part because of tax cut, was his making, when he is an anti tax cut president. It is also on record that Apple brought back $135 billion it had stashed overseas back into America's economy following the Trump's tax cut; that Foxcom is investing $10 billion into the United States of America economy building a new plant in Wisconsin; likewise Softbanks which is investing $50 billion and you wonder what role Obama played in attracting any of these businesses; including Ford and Chrysler which are building new manufacturing plants in America as a result of Trump's re-engineered economic policies and massive tax cuts. Anyway, Obama's reemergence will be a gift for President Donald John Trump and the Republican Party going into the midterm, so a very welcome development.