ICHEOKU says like they say in America, don't mess with Texas. The whole world is now seeing yet another evidence why messing with America is not usually advised nor is it a good act. Such a bonehead move is as good as signing your death warrant; but unfortunately these animals never gets it until it is too late, that nobody messes with America and expects to get away with it. This is the derivative lesson here, as another human debris, who caused so much pain to so many people with his brand of terrorism, has now been permanently removed from humanity.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was smoked out from his underground hiding location, cornered and forced to take his own life with American special forces closing in to capture or kill him. Like the coward, which many of these terrorists are, he did not want to be taken alive to face the justice, which he denied thousands of his victims, as well as for other many bad things which he did, including burning people alive in cages and of course the usual gory public beheadings of thousands of people. Now, he can go cavort with his 70 virgins in hell, because there is no paradise for such a jackal who wasted so many lives and destroyed so much properties and rendered communities and societies hopelessly despondent.
Like with many other henchmen before him who struck fear in the people, including Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Hamza Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler, his end came when he least expected it; and it was with the same extreme violence which he inflicted on other people. Like Saddam Hussein, he too was hiding inside the ground; but unlike Saddam Hussein who was inside a manhole in an old farm house, Abu Baker al Baghadadi was in a tunnel, where he scurried into following a hot pursuit by American Special Forces, from a house where he has been in hiding following the destruction of his caliphate by American Armed Forces. Not wanting to be captured alive, he blew himself up and died a gruesome death just like the thousands he caused their deaths when he reigned supreme as the Caliph of the ISIS Caliphate.
These murderous thugs usually put up a facade of bravado, but when stuff hits the ceiling, they cowardly scurry into hiding. They are ideological perverts who lead others to their deaths but run away into hiding when it is time for them to back up their words with action. Wimpy cowards and bullies who hide behind brute force and extreme violence to push their idiotic warped agenda. But luckily enough, they are finding out, albeit belatedly, that there is no hole deep enough or house so discreet or a mountainous region too impenetrable or a tunnel long enough to keep them safe when the hour of reckoning comes.
The killing of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is also another lesson in decapitation. It always works: you cut off the snakes’s head and the body can only twitch for a few times more before finally surrendering to death. Al Queida has never recovered since Osama Bin Laden was killed and so will ISIS, with the killing of al Baghdadi. Good job. What all these vile men have in common is that they all died cowering and begging for their lives; unlike the feckless show of bravado which they exhibited while carrying out their terrorism, before they were hunted down like the cowards they are.
With the killing of ISIS leader al Baghdadi, President Donald John Trump has further burnished his national security credentials and is mightily keeping Americans safe from terrorists. How can anybody not vote to continue the run in safety and security of Americans come November 3rd, 2020. A good riddance. Congratulations to President Donald John Trump and the United States Armed Forces, particularly the Special Forces which delivered justice to Abu Baker al Baghdadi, the infamous ISIS leader, a coward who died like a dog, cowering inside a tunnel. Good job fellas.