This hate-filled "teacher" Gregory Howard, who's been teaching in the district for 17 years, wrote on his classroom's black-board (chalk-board) his warped understanding of the meaning of the campaign slogan of Senator Barack Obama, CHANGE! According to this nincompoop CHANGE means "come help a nigger get elected'! The school authority gave him a slap on the wrist by suspending him for merely ten days. This action is highly suggestive that the board is populated by like-minded individuals as Gregory Howard otherwise why just a cautionary penalty? It would appear that this board membership share the same sentiment as expressed by this evil urchin, Gregory Howard. Could it be this widely-spread type of mindset that is accelerating racism in the south? Could it be the reason why racism still thrives very much in the deep south to this date? These are the type of people Senator John McCain hopes on, to get into the White-house despite being more of the same as George Bush. Some zealots whose only hope of surviving is to race-bait. To these munchkins, Icheoku says, is it all that matters to your sorry asses that you are white-skinned and hence has earned the right to preach and indoctrinate hate in our children, our future? These are the same brand of "bastards" who would rather sink with a race-themed boat than to stay afloat safely in a boat being paddled by a person of color. If this is not the lowest denominator of crass hatred, nothing else so qualifies. Why this monster was not fired is beyond our comprehension at Icheoku, but sure it does leave some questions unanswered as where Florida is today regarding race relations in the country. However, hate it or love it, the wind of change is real and those literate enough to understand it are firm believers that the White-house will have a different occupant this time around.
The incident happened last Friday September 26, 2008 at Marianna Middle School. The Jackson County School Board which has authority over this school, said Thursday that Racist Gregory Howard has been suspended without pay for 10 days and will be transferred to the Jackson County Adult Education program. He is also required to submit a letter of apology to his students and attend diversity and sensitivity training. Marianna is near Florida's border both with Alabama and Georgia. Icheoku condemns in term most strongest, the misbehavior of this petty white supremacist red-neck, Monster Gregory Howard. His likes are not deserving of this modern day America and all the progress recorded over the years especially in the area of race relations. Further, Monster Gregory Howard deserves a place in the infamous Hall of Shame! The school district in Jackson County Florida, which has jurisdiction over the Marianna school which was used as a platform for this hate speech, appears to be an accomplice to this hateful propagation of an idea whose time has since gone. By not out-rightly firing this mind corrupter, whose acidity is poisoning our greater tomorrows - the future of this country, this school district has shown bias. There is no explanation for this racist misbehavior and Jackson county must disassociate itself from this affront by severing whatever ties that may be still left between them and this racist monster!