Not too long ago in Nigeria they swore to dip their Koran into the Atlantic ocean and till today, that effort is still full steam! Simply stated, they plan to overrun the entire country from their base in the Sahara desert northern Nigeria to the South and into the Niger Delta's Atlantic ocean? This was one of the underlying reasons why the Nigeria-Biafra war was fought from 1967 through 1970?
Today, Africa has virtually fallen under their crusading jackboots, thanks mainly to the intrusive support of Riyadh in form of money and aids? Same goes with parts of Asia and Europe with some of the biggest Mosques in the world now bestriding Europe like a colossus? With majority of Africa, some parts of Asia and Europe now completely Islamized, their focus has shifted to the United States of America, which is their covet prize. But is the United States fully aware of this Islamic agenda forcefully being propagated across the land like a tornado; and through the proxy of some fanatically crazed-out Muslims like the murderer of Fort Hood, Major Nidal Malik Hasan? Icheoku says we do not think that America gets the danger we are all in; and that someday we might wake up a little too late only to regret our persisting pacifist attitude towards these preachers of hate and a religion which seems to support violence or appear indifferent to it? It is our conclusion and firm belief that Islam is on a mission here to conquer America and not just to thrive side by side with other religions as envisaged under the First Amendment!
The western world or civilization, however you chose to address it, must rise up together and confront head-on and now, the cancer that is Islamism; especially its rabid expansion westward, masked as fanaticism of a few! These people are being financed and managed by their various Islamic home governments which is bent on humbling the west by imposing their Islamic religious theocracy on America. Anybody in doubt, should ask him or herself a simple question, who is financing all the multi-million dollar mosques sprouting throughout the western world including in Rome, the homestead of Catholicism? Who is picking the tab for all those turrets and marbled floors of the encased open spaces where faithfuls congregate to answer the call for prayers? They are not those expatriate Arabs with low paying jobs? Icheoku asks, how many western type of religion has any feasible presence in the Middle East, which have all made their countries, Islamic republics? But will hell boil over if the United States of America morphs into United Christian States of America? If there becomes a United Christians Kingdom in place of UK, will the sky fall? A France Christian state doesn't sound bad either and the assumed conversion goes on ad infinitum; but would the political correctness and tolerance of an accommodating west allow such a compromised position to see the light of the day? Doubtful! But while the west is playing the good neighbor who is usually taken advantage of and sometimes used and abused; the Islamists are busy pushing their agenda with ceaseless unwavering zeal. Ordinarily, this will not constitute a subject for discussion on, but watching the effrontery of these fanatical lunatics publicly displaying banners with inscriptions such as "Islam will rule the world"; "Our objective is to convert everybody to Islam" and such other unspoken unprintable but sure true intentions of these jackals, makes many sane westerners to shudder! The possibility that someday and at the rate these killers are going, that the west might also fall under their spell makes the hairs on the body to stand up in trepidation? But may God Almighty forbid such a day of infamy from ever coming to fruition, in Jesus name, Amen!
Like investigators use to say, follow the money trail and you will land the culprits? Icheoku advises that the unseen deep-pockets behind the scene of this Islamic crusade, those in many capital cities in the Islamic world, who are financing all these grandiose mosques and Islamic insurgency throughout the western world should be traced and held accountable. They are ruthless; they are vicious; they are mean; they are very calculating and are prepared to lay down in wait, however long it takes, until their planned Islamization of the western world comes 360 degrees. It is a mission they have sworn to their Allah to undertake, and accomplish it they will; except the west rises up to meet the challenge before it is too late!
The surprising thing is that the western world is rather pretending that it is no big deal and/or that these Muslims do not constitute any imminent danger? But how does one explain a PhD holder in Psychology and an army major, opening fire on unarmed American soldiers in their homeland base at Fort Hood Texas, killing thirteen in the process? The necessary concomitant question therefrom is that if an educated Muslim could be that wickedly explosive, then how about the Muslim Joe Blow, the man on the street Muslim with little or no capacity for reasoning? If a well educated man could literally desire to be martyred to be with his proverbial fifty virgins; imagine then the speed to cause violence of an illiterate zealot?
The gist of the matter is that there is a rife competition between both religions; and just as communism yielded way for capitalism during the cold war; one of these religion must conclusively make way for the other; in order for there to be any lasting peace on earth. It is either one of them physically destroy the other through the instrumentality of their government and armed forces or better still through a superior logical evangelisation. But would the Muslims allow christian missionaries in their neck of the wood without saying, they are being unmindful of their religious sensibilities? Anyone in doubt about the boding war of superiority between these faiths should acquaint himself with history or better still, ask yourself about childhood rivalry and how such is usually resolved? One must give way to make a way, period!
Who is sponsoring the restiveness throughout the Muslim world if not Muslim countries eager to keep America and the rest of the western world on its toes, quelling and trying to appease the warring parties while the Islamic governments take the back seat, staying under the radar and discreetly pursuing their warped agenda. Also such infighting enables the government there to stay despotic in perpetuity with their citizens at each other's neck and not having enough time to ask tough questions concerning their governance or lack of basic essentials in their countries? How does the Talibans finance its insurgency and who procures the weaponry being used to main and kill both Americans and their indigenous population? Who bankrolls Hezbollah's madness and its intermittent wars with Israel? Who pays for the Gaza occupying forces of Hamas? And whose idea is it that a Palestine divided is a stronger Palestine for purposes of wresting from Israel their own state? What about the lunatics blowing people and things up in Pakistan? What about Abu Sayaf in Philippines? Yemen is boiling over and so also is Somalia which is now a completely failed state. All Muslims? So tell Icheoku, who pays for the bullets, bombs and artillery being expended in all these Islamic war theaters principally aimed at slowly bleeding the west to death through peace keeping? But why are Muslim countries not participating or leading this effort to keep peace in their Muslim brother countries? They are simply not serious but uses Islam just as a rallying war cry for their selfish objectives of remaining and maintaining their strangle hold on power and in perpetuity!
The Islamic governments in Riyadh, Tehran, Cairo, Damascus, Tripoli and Jakarta cannot be completely absolved from the insanity going on in the Muslim world? Who sponsored 9/11; London bombing; Madrid train bombing etc? Who supplied the logistics and the several hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in cost and expenses for the execution of all these terrorists acts? Like the West's CIA, MI5 etc, the Islamic world with a fused government and religion, have similar agencies which propagate their Islamic ideological agenda in the same token? But because they are no march for a direct confrontation, with the west's deathly military might, they decided to go rogue and surreptitiously, through the agencies of surrogates, in the form of Islamic religious fanatics, decide to fight a hit and run slow proxy war against the west. It is against this background that Icheoku welcomes the recent move against Alavi Foundation by the United States authorities seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in their 'so called foundation's assets? It is our primary position that Alavi Foundation is a front for Islamic propagation in the west particularly the United States of America; and may as well also be sponsoring terrorist acts? But should America be forced to ask the question, how does China contain their own Islamic dissidents? Just kill them off! It is probably about time a line is drawn on the sand where these militant religion must not cross at the pain of a vicious counter-offensive. How far are we going to take it, with our backs on the wall, before we can return their 'favor' in their own coins? Enough!
How did this foundation source its funds to acquire all the properties it has, including bank accounts; Islamic centers consisting of schools and four mosques in New York City, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres of land in Virginia; and a 36-story Fifth Avenue glass skyscraper Piaget Building office tower in Manhattan, New York? Who endowed this foundation and for how much? What are their objectives and where and what do they spend their endowment fund on? So many pertinent questions needing another answer other than what Icheoku agrees, is a front and forwarding operating base for the planned Muslim overrun of the United States of America! Why should the west continue to tolerate these munchkins spreading their hateful religion in the west whereas in some Islamic countries, it is heretical to preach of practice any other 'strange' religion? In northern Nigeria for example, so many Christians including pastors and reverend fathers have been killed over the years in religious riots, just for being in the Muslims own words, "non-believers?" In Pakistan the Muslim lunatics there are blowing fellow Muslims up simply because there have no Christians, their usual suspects, there to suffer their daggers' pointed edges? In Somalia two different sects are slaughtering themselves? In Afghanistan, the story is not different? In Iraq, it is an internecine war between Sunnis and Shiites, and they are both Muslims? By the last check, there are more wars, crisis and blowing up of people and properties going on in the Islamic world than in all the Christian west put together; and yet Islam is a religion of 'peace?' Anyone in doubt about the peacefulness of this religion should wait until the living nightmare of an Iran with an atomic bomb becomes a reality; and watch them use it. Fanatical suicides are what these people are and anything to the contrary is merely a wishful thinking of a pacifist minded westerner.
Icheoku says, what the First Amendment right to freedom of religion provides is a co-existence of peaceful religions; and not a religion that will kill us all off? Also when our founding fathers were crafting the constitution, they never contemplated an Islamic religion as being part of the protected religions within the envisaged freedom. Therefore it does not make sense that overwhelmed by the intolerance of the Islamic religion that the United States of America should continue to treat it on par with other more peaceful tolerant religions. The solution is to either ban it or they should be forced to moderate; but the present extremism should not be tolerated any longer. ENOUGH! Tired of political religious correctness, Icheoku says, let the backlash begin that a clear demarcation be made between true religions and sects of death masquerading as a religion. Let these Muslim nations know that if there religion must be allowed to flourish here in the United States of America, that they should reciprocate by allowing western missionaries to flourish in their countries and freely propagate their own religion. It is quid pro quo. But a situation where such Christian missionaries are arrested, harassed, persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, and sometimes even killed while on their missionary journeys to these Muslim nations leaves much to be desired. If we must accommodate them in the west, they should also reciprocate our kind gesture of tolerance; but it is illogical for them to say that the West ignores the sensibilities of their religion while they stand in our Times Square or Trafalgar Square yelling curses to our way of life or intimidatingly telling the Western Christianity how Islam will conquer and rule their world? Icheoku says, if this is not an affront to our belief, then nothing fits that definition or must there be a total breakdown of order before these mallams know that freedom of speech does not include shouting fire in a crowded theater? What an irony of relationship between the west and the Muslim world that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander? The pope will say something and they will gang up and riot until a mel culpa is made? An artist will paint something and a Fatwa is placed on him and so also is a writer, Salman Rushdie? A film maker was stabbed to death in the middle of his country's city by a crazed-out Muslim fanatic, yet we are still accommodating these madness in the spirit of 70x70? When shall enough be ENOUGH?
If the Muslim excesses is not checked now, one day the western world will wake up not to have a Christian faith they can profess anymore? With a base in the entire Middle East, Asia is being bombarded, Africa is almost three quarters completely Islamized, Europe is under a barrage of their affliction, South America is also suffering the blunt, inclusive Canada. Now their major offensive is against the United States of America and let no one be deluded as to this peoples tenacity and resilience. A people who are not afraid to die or have any scruples to kill, just to make a stupid statement? It has happened before in so many other countries where Christians were entirely wiped out and/or those of them left behind, so isolated and marginalized that they are merely living dead politically? The solution is simple, - a firm resolve by the west to take a position that our magnanimity should no longer be flagrantly abused by these Muslims; whether their fanatical arrow-heads or their sponsoring home governments. Enough should be enough and let all the Nidal Malik Hasans of the US army call it quit with their service or be dismissed therefrom but to continue to kill us or our soldiers in our homeland is completely unacceptable. Icheoku says, now is the time to checkmate these excesses.