Showing posts with label Joe Biden making it up.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden making it up.. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Hillary Clinton went up against America's democratic process of electing president when she changed her mind about the winner of the election after she had conceded the election result and called and congratulated the winner. Her action caused a lot of damage to the trust and confidence in America's electoral process which lingers on till today and will accompany the November 3rd election and every other election subsequently. The violence she caused continued with the Russia Collusion charade as well as the bogus impeachment for a Ukrainian perfect telephone call.
Congresswoman Maxine Watters asked Democratic Party supporters to confront Republicans wherever they rear their heads. Cory Booker did the same; ditto Kamala Harris and Ayanna Preston who threatened that as long as President Donald John Trump remained in office, there will not be peace in America. Even as recently as a few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton urged Joe Biden not to concede the election, no matter what; and you wonder why this is not a call for a complete mayhem a day after November 3rd when President Donald John Trump would have conveniently won a reelection for a second term.
The story went on and the attack on the president never ceased with Nancy Pelosi going as far as saying that an impostor is in the White House and that President Donald John Trump is not her president. Then George Floyd happened and with a wink, wink; nod. nod; the thugs of the Democratic Party were unleashed on American streets where they have been wrecking havoc for nearly five months now. Meanwhile, none of the Democratic Party's leaders ever condemned the violence nor checked their rhetoric which in fact led to the violence.
The violence is the child of their three years plus long running attacks on President Donald John Trump and they savored it, hoping that it will usher them back into power. Even their media acolytes tagged along, calling the violent protests peaceful demonstration. CNN was caught pants down changing their Chiron from "violent" protest to a mere protest.
Joe Biden did not say a word and neither did other Democratic Party leaders including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton. When Chicago was going up in flames, looting and killing, the Democratic Mayor Lightfoot threatened a showdown should the president send in Federal enforcement to the city. Minneapolis went up in flames and the same Democratic Party officials in charge refused help from the Federal government. Even the one sent into Portland was protested until they were withdrawn.
Joe Biden kept silent, did not condemn the violence nor urged his Democratic Party Mayors to accept the Federal help. He also did not denounce and renounce the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA domestic terrorists and asked them to cut it off. Instead, they endorsed his candidacy and that was sufficient bargain for his silence. Lives were lost and shops were looted, vehicles were burnt, historical statues were pulled down and set on fire, churches were vandalized and the mayhem continued. But Joe Biden kept mum. The conventions took place and his ticket with Kamala Harris did not get any bounce because American people are dissatisfied with their tacit support of the disorder ravaging the country and failure to call their Democratic Party supporters to heel.
Suddenly, Joe Biden woke up from his slumber of nearly six months silence while the mayhem was going on, to now claim that he condemn the violence and that he is against riots. He also said that he supports the police and law enforcement when he attacked them in his convention speech during the last week's Democratic Party Convention. He said that he is against violence but he failed to say a word in condemnation during the four day Convention including in his acceptance speech. He now praises America but forgot the pall of doom and gloom which he cast upon America in his convention speech. He quoted the Pope and you would think as a Catholic, but he supports infanticides and abortions on demand which are against catholicism.
Joe Biden admits that things could sometimes get worse before they get better, but he failed to accord the same privilege to the president over the coronavirus pandemic. Did Joe Biden tell the truth when he said that he condemned the violent riots and that he is against violence when he refused to say a word against them much earlier when it would have mattered most and would have snuffed them out.
Joe Biden was quick to point accusing finger at white right wing militias, but was coy in condemning violence but without mentioning the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA domestic terrorists who are behind it. Joe Biden said that the president is weak because of his failure to call his militias to order, but did not tell American people how many times he had called his Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA supporters to order.
Was Joe Biden's 1994 Crime Bill his brand of justice for all when he punished white people differently from black people for possession of different classes of cocaine.
ICHEOKU says why is Joe Biden not risking his own life campaigning and visiting American people to sell his candidacy to them, but is comfortably sequestrated inside his basement bunker from where he periodically emerges as he did with his visit to Pittsburg. Yet he pretends that he has all the solutions including for COVID and you wonder, from his ensconced basement hide out. He has lost the right to speak about people risking their lives to keep America going. If Joe Biden loves America, why does he value his life more than other people who are risking their lives to keep America's light on.
If indeed Joe Biden wants a safe America, what is hard in his picking up the phone and calling his Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA thugs to order and demanding that those Democrat Governors and Mayors in those violence plagued places put an end to the violence in their States and Cities. Just a phone call would do the magic but not Joe Biden as he is too scared to make them mad, especially the Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wing of the Democratic Party, whose tepid support he does not want to risk losing completely.
Joe Biden finally admitted that he is afraid of getting COVID, falling sick and dying, the reason he hardly ventures out of his basement hideaway. It is so easy for Joe Biden to reel out that he will fix this and fix that: deal with the virus, deal with the economic crisis, bring quality and opportunity to everyone but without telling American people how he will do them. A destination without a roadmap for the journey.
ICHEOKU says Joe Biden demonized black people when he called their teenage offenders super predators. That is exactly what treating people horribly looks like and simply because of the color of their skin and of course, as only a racist would do. ICHEOKU says if anyone is seeking to remake America in their image, it is the Joe Biden's far left radicals who have publicly threatened to teardown the "motherfucker" and rebuild it in their image. Their objective is no longer hidden and they are all inside Joe Biden's Trojan horse hiding until it makes it to the White House before unleashing the worse nightmarish mayhem on America.
So Joe Biden can read his teleprompter speech as written for him by the dark forces lying in wait as well as his depreciated mind can allow him, but American people know better and they know that Joe Biden is not down with keeping America safe and will not Make America Great Again. Only one candidate is possessed of great love for America. His name is President Donald John Trump and he has unequivocally shown where his heart is. He loves America so much that he gave up all his pleasurable lifestyle to help fulfill his agenda America First. On November 3rd, vote to Keep America Great and SAFE, vote for President Donald John Trump. #4MoreYears.
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