Icheoku says give it up to America, the land of women power where a man is literally forced against his will, to labor in vain just for the benefit of a gold-digging wife who knows that the law is so skewered against men and in their favor. Anyway, what can Icheoku say or tell you, except to be smart about it or simply and more bluntly put, DON"T DO IT.
What a sad day it is for Kobe that all he worked for all these years have gone in one fell swoop; but that is exactly what a kiss and tell does to diarrhea-mouth people. The rule of the thumb is, if you must cheat on your wife do not let any ear hear it as words travel and always be guided by the Mafia law of Omerta that two can only keep a secret when one has assumed room temperature.
Just some pieces of advise:- Kobe Bryant should consider moving to Kobe Japan where so many girl-fans still die for him and take one of them for a wife. Icheoku is optimistic they will not take him to the cleaners just for sharing his body with other women of easy virtue, who cared less if he was married or not? Further, Icheoku would like to know why Kobe did not consult Republican Newt Gingrich to advise him on "Open Marriage" or better still, had a present state of mind then during his marriage to have signed a pre-nuptial agreement with his then jobless high-school heart, now ex-wife, Vanessa? What a world we live in and what a good day it is to be a divorcing Bryant Kobe's wife in America!