The whore of Alaska Sarah "the killer" Palin has opened her filthy mouth again rehashing a time-worn out unfounded allegations of the fundamentalist lunatics fringe of the right wingers, the
Talibans of the Republican Party. These raving madmen and women are desperately trying to change the subject by distraction - just throwing out bones out there hoping that the American lap-dogs will be distracted into chasing it instead of earnestly trying to figure out, how to right all that George Bush made wrong! Instead of addressing issues very important to the American people like the tanking economy, they are shamelessly trying to link a then
eight (8) years third grader,
Senator Barack Obama to an alleged activism of a hippy-era front-man! But nobody knows who Senator John McCain ever met in his life that was doing one thing or the other when he (McCain) was merely eight years old? Or what he was doing at eight years old - may be at first grade being not the brightest bulb in a chandlier or whether he was even in school at all or playing hooky-pooky. Nobody ever mentions that
Senator John McCain was too callous that he walked out on his fateful wife Carol McCain because she was involved in an auto-accident? (Icheoku says ask Ross Perot) According to Senator John McCain, Carol McCain was not the wife he married! (Carol was a swim-suit model before she married John McCain and then the accident). If this latest antic is not a cliff-hanger desperation at the highest echelon of the Grandpa Senator John McCain's campaign,
eoku says, nothing else could so qualify.
The good news however is that these desperadoes are running on empty as Americans cannot be fooled again by fear-mongering air-heads whose only qualifications for wanting the presidency is that they feel entitled by a supposed heritage. To these munchkins, Icheoku says, NOT THIS TIME! A septuagenarian John McCain and beauty queen "stripper" animal killer Sarah Palin thought that their present Houdini-tactics will yield them the White-house when they are offering America more of the same as the last eight disastrous years of George Walker Bush! A beauty queen air-head who is so idiotic that she cannot even remember the name of any magazine or newspaper she has ever read. The emptiness of this Alaskan Jezebel makes George Bush's mediocrity pale in comparison, after-all she can see Russia from Alaska. This Alaskan wildlife 'decimator' Sarah "air-head" Palin would have been better turning tricks in the streets of Las Vegas as she is so pedantic that she talks street. But America if you want doom and gloom to envelope this our beloved nation like a San Francisco summer fog, then continue George Bush's government in McCain+Palin!
Investigation by a team of Icheoku researchers has revealed that the National Republican Trust Political Action Committee (PAC) in a May-day all systems go meeting agreed that their septuagenarian and beauty queen ticket is loosing the contest as fast as a whirlwind going through California wilderness and decided that the bleeding must stop! They sent out an SOS order to pull all the stops and if it means belabouring the American people with what they already knew or been inundated with, so be it! Since they do not have anything to run with they decided to run with the only thing they think they have - S M E A R ! The Republican Party are throwing the mud hoping something sticks but they have short memory otherwise they would have realized that the Clintons threw even slabs of concrete but teflon Obama brushed it off. This election is a referendum on America and her people for objectivity and not pettiness of skin pigmentation. If America passes this test, Barack Obama is the next president, if not then welcome the worst despair, frustration, doom and gloom ever witnessed in this our great nation! Whatever happens, Barrack Obama will be fine! Joe Biden will be fine! Most of their donors will be fine but the American people will not and so will not the world if the result did not reflect the trends. America will further be isolated as a country of lunatics who cannot get their act together to enthrone a vision for the future! So America ask yourself, do you want doom and gloom or do you want hope and change. Whatever you do, please do not be a participant or an accomplice to murder of hope and change we can belivev in; so be smart with your vote! Enough of these distraction! This campaign should be about selling your strong-points and let American people know why you think you should be their candidate, why they should vote for you and not why they should not vote for the other guy or coercing them through lies and intimidation into running to your corner.
In a letter addressed to his fellow dumb-Republicans, the Executive Director of the PAC, one Scott Wheeler commenced with this acerbic lines, "Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United States". Continuing he wrote, "He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that — but in ways you may not like. Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate. If you look at Obama’s record, you will understand just how dangerous this man is. He even has terrorist friends he won’t denounce. One such man is William Ayers, a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground. Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan. No one can deny hearing about Obama’s relationship with the America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright. There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama — because he is one of them. In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without “preconditions” even though Ahmadinejad has promised to “wipe Israel off the map” and “destroy” America. Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him. saying through one leader Ahmed Yousef that “we like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election”! (To which Icheoku says, but who doesn't?)
"And then there are Obama’s dangerous economic plans for America". (To which Icheoku says no economic plan can ever be more dangerous than the failed George Bush eight years economic catastrophy and that Senator John McCain promises more of the same if not worst economic doldrums and that the Alaskan wild-eyed Sarah will facilitate America's dive into this economic tundra! The raving lunatic Sarah Palin is so empty that it took her six trials just to obtain a bachelors degree, going through six colleges in the process!
"He wants to increase taxes. He is so radical he even backed driver’s licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States. (Icheoku says every voting Mexicans should be queuing up en-masse to vote smart and reject such calamitous branding since they are usually the target). He is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns. Never forget that Obama is a Harvard educated elitist". (To this Icheoku asks when has excelling in life become an albatross? When did being dumb make a person more qualified for the presidency or is George Bush not enough embarrassment already? )
"Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked". (In rebuttal Icheoku says that this allusion was simply a race-baiting strategy which failed and is again being tried by a campaign fast sinking in a quick-sand.)
"But in large contested states Clinton won almost every time. Why? Because when Democrats heard what Obama really stood for, they turned on him" (To which Icheoku says, not really - what happened was that people's worst part were invoked by some of the tacticians of the Hillary Clinton's campaign but at last where is that campaign today but in the land of also ran? It is called racism!)
"Make no mistake about it: If we let Americans know the truth about Obama, John McCain can win this election! (Gladly Icheoku says it is a respite that these racist bunch are the ones who are fighting for their dear political life and deploying all the dumb-bombs already tried by the failed Clintons without honing into any meaningful target because of faulty coordinates. These racists mongrels should understand that America is not stagnant but very dynamic and that we as a people has since moved so much into the future and not stuck foolishly where they thought we were and that we are prepared to accept a meaningful change we can believe in even from a person of color!
Lastly, Scott Wheeler concluded his letter with "this is why the National Republican Trust Political Action Committee is moving to implement a "shock and awe” strategy against Obama"
Icheoku says these buffoons are war-mongering urchins who like very much to indulge their hate-filled rantings with relish; these are the same set of bastards who led George Bush into the mess of Iraq and now they are deploying the bimbo of Alaska to lead their
phantom "shock and awe strategy. Shameless Bastards! It shall not be well with these very few remaining bigots in a country that has since moved on. These are the myopic imbeciles who would rather
a dying septuagenarian mediocre with no meaningful personal accomplishment other than a war-hero pretender who crashed his fighter plane in Vietnam and was taken into custody, be the next in rather than to tolerate a first rate bright scholar in. The good news, however is that telegraphing certain hilly-billies in the Appalachian mountain range that he is not one of us is no longer enough; the real American people have grown weary of these monstrosity known as George Bush eight years and have concluded that a McCain+Palin is not the option of the present times?
Senator John McCain is MORE OF THE SAME! America needs a complete break from her George Bush sordid past and Senator John McCain will be an endorsement of the Bush eight years. This morphing George Bush, John McCain will not work for America and we shall resist this attempt at more of the same. America, please do some introspecting and soul-searching before you go to the polls this November 4th; seriously consider where the cesspool where the maladministration of George Bush

has driven this country into and ask yourself will McCain be any different? In answer
Icheoku says, NO!
Senator John McCain is more of the same as George Bush! In this election, your vote means
change we can believe in. Do not be an accomplice to elongating the bitterness and rancour that has enveloped this country during the George Bush presidency. This time around, ask yourself do you want to engage in a gear to move forward or idle it on a reverse?
This November election is about the FUTURE! The past is gone and so is Senator John McCain being part of the past. WARNING:
Senator John McCain is so yesterday and you do not belong there, America!
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