Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 that is! Are you going to cast your vote as a rational voter or a parochial partisan? Whatever you do, ask yourself which of the two candidates do America need now at our present cross-road?
Is it an uninspiring old grandpa who does not have the demeanor, style or substance or the ebullient, indefatigable, awe-inspiring young blood? Ask yourself which of the two men you would rather have as your best man in your wedding - in other words which of the men is more personable and presidential? Only one answer is the correct answer and if you answered
Barack Obama, you scored correctly.
Senator Barack Obama is what America needs at this time and the world is the teacher waiting to score us!
With your vote, tell the world that America is not a co-traveller in the George Bush eight years of misguided voyage to no reasonable destination! Can you as an intelligent voter, make the right change which this time calls for, with that your precious vote? Do it for our collective place in the eyes of the world! Do it for all the 'Joe the Plumbers' of America who need some helping hand! Do it for our economy! Do it for our international standing

and image! Do it for the ill-advised policies that misled us into Iraq and Afghanistan! Do it for Wall Street as well as Main Street! Do it for all the closed plants in the Midwest! "
This McSick is not what America needs at this time!" Do it for our energy policies which has made filling our tanks a nightmare! Do it for the sake of your children! Do it for your children's future! Do it for all that is good in you!
On November 4th, 2008, Vote for Senator Barack Obama! Be part of that historical, political earthquake that will make the world to once again be proud of us as the light of the world! Collectively we can slap our backs, joyfully pump the air and scream
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