However the major
"unknown" is what

"anti-change" Americans might choose to do on November 4th! These
American 'Talibans' fundamentalists might decide not to vote for Barack Obama, even against their own interest, simply because he does not have, according to their warped mind, the "right" skin coloration to occupy
"their" White-house? But the good news however, is that the current
political tornado blowing across the land appears to have enough momentum/force to blow
Senator Barack Obama into the White-house despite the possible drag of these disgruntled far right-wingers. Although
Icheoku would rather these urchins wake up early to smell the coffee and join the throng of meaningful change now; but should they strung it out,
Senator Barack Obama's all inclusive presidency will make a believer out of them; such that regrets will be all they will be left with for not partaking in rushing him through the finish line. Another g

ood news is that these parochial bigots seemingly are in the minority, as for every one of them, there are three children of theirs who have grown above pettiness and is supporting
Senator Barack Obama with every sinew in their body.
Our verdict at
Icheoku is that
it shall be well and that America will get it right this time around! To do otherwise will be too obvious of their racist apron string and no meaningful America will like to be tagged a
"RACIST BIGOT" on the morning of November 5th, 2008 with a shockingly unexpected result. Only a vote for
or Barack Obama on or before November 4th, 2008 will truly secure America's place in the eyes of the world as a genuine country which really lives by its code of land of the free and home of the brave. The generosity of Americans is at stake in this election so also is her fabled fairness!
Senator Barack Obama has worked very hard, convincingly and decisively shown that he deserves and merits the White-house prize shown above right.
Icheoku says a White-house tenancy by
Senator Barack Obama is worth all the stellar effort he has displayed for America throughout this campaign season! America should therefore reward merit and approve
Senator Barack Obama's application to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
Senator Barack Obama has earned the right to its occupancy fairly, squarely and convincingly!
However, please remember that
the last lap of the marathon is usually the toughest and we all must gird our loins to ensure that we help Senator Barack Obama in every way we can, to cross the finish line first. So on November 4th, 2008 please
VOTE for Obama+Biden ticket for the real change that America and the World deserve and need for our collective better tomorrow!
Will you be part of that change or are you planning to become a sore Grinch that will attempt to steal our Christmas? Advise yourself accordingly and
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