Senator John Sidney McCain is an insider and member of the exclusive George Bush family. Pictures do not tell lies!
Senator John McCain is more of the same George Walker Bush! So if you are not yet tired of these past eight years, John McCain is your man but if you like millions other Americans waiting for a pivot from the sordid mess of these past years, then join the Obama+Biden freedom and hope train to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Do not be left behind! Now please welcome to the Bush family happy moments caught in pictures. As you watch these pictures of George Walker Bush's family reunion, notice how gleeful Senator John McCain is, enjoying every bit of the family rendezvous! If only these pictures did not exist, may be Senator John McCain would have been able to lie to the American people that he does not have any serious affinity with George Bush. But at last, Senator John McCain enjoys the revered membership of this exclusive family so much so that he forgot that the baggage of these past eight years will follow him like a tortoise shell into this election.
More of the same is not what the Ame
rican people want now. Electing Senator John McCain will be a tacit approval of the one
"heck" of a job George Bush did these past eight years which has resulted in the emergency in the financial industry. We cannot afford to taunt the world now with a catch me if you can attitude. John McCain may be a good man, a war hero etc but such a man is not the palliative balm America and the world need at this trying times. We need a complete separation from the past eight years and anything short of total severance will not suffice. Senator John McCain is at

tached to the hip with George Bush and his face is a mask for George Bush. It is an untouchable ticket and like an outcast, must not be touched but rejected!
Anyone reading this piece who has any reason why Senator John McCain should be voted for, please let us know that we may share same with our world-wide audience. But as for
Icheoku and family, there is no reason whatsoever to cast away such a precious vote for a man whose actions and deeds these past years shows a man in tandem with George W. Bush! So why throw

away your vote only to get the same George Bush's four more years of want, bad economy. failed foreign policy, hatred, despair and heightened apprehension and hopelessness.
Senator John McCain is more of the same!
Senator John McCain is in bed with George Bush!
Senator John McCain does not care for you!

Senator John McCain is an opportunist!
Senator John McCain is a wife deserter!
Senator John McCain does not have character! Senator John McCain embellished his
war efforts!
Senator John McCain was not shot down in Vietnam but crashed his fighter plane and was cap
America, Senator John McCain is a sleek and contriving fellow; he will do and say anything to be elected thereafter, he will abandon Americans to their fate. His first wife, Carol McCain is a living testament that he is only a jolly-good fella who will abandon ship once it starts to take in water. Carol was involved in an accident, and Senator John McCain abandoned her for Cindy Hensley McCain. Only a good-weather

friend will do such a thing and
Icheoku says that Senator John

McCain so qualifies! How can someone who left his wife because she was was involved in an auto-accident be allowed to be president of this great compassionate country?
Icheoku says such act should not be rewarded but rejected as not only is it reprehensible but is very despicable as it is condemnable! Senator John McCain does not deserve your votes; especially all those mistreated women and ladies of this great country. It is about time e

nough becomes enough!
Send a message to Senator John McCain that marriage is for good and bad and not merely when the wife is a trophy swim-suit model wife. What character does this show?
Senator John McCain does not get it! Senator John McCain is part of the "oligarchs" that are growing within the America polity and we must collectively resist it as it is evil and does not bode well for the future of this country!

These two guys have so many things in common that their governments will be complimentary of each other! Above all both were party fraternity boys who never cared about studies. the result is that both came bottom of their class and one of them can hardly speak good phonetic English while the other stammers though sentences and sometimes could not correctly pronounce even names of people. How can this George Bush mirror-image govern if not by replicating all the failed policies of George Walker Bush. Eight horrible ye

ars is enough and the world cannot c=stand another four or more years of just the same!

Senator John McCain is a member of the Bush country club and should you elect him, he will abandon you like his wife Carol McCain and take care of his country-club members!
Do not do it! Senator John McCain is not what the doctor ordered! Senator John McCain is more of the same!
Icheoku says
pictures do not lie! Senator John McCain is a fully integrated member of George Walker Bush family

and he is more of the same. So America, please do not be fooled with the
hands of Esau and voice of Jacob! Senator John McCain and George Bush are the same person, same blood and ain't good for America.
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me! Do not be hoodwinked into reelecting George Bush under the guise of Senator John McCain! America, whatever you do, please do not vote for Senator John McCain. He is too toxic for America!

We do not have a future with such an old outdated man who abandoned his first wife for a bimbo! Please America, do the world proud, tell the world that we are rational voters and not just crazed-out plebeians. America please
show these duo the way out of the White-house, they do not belong there anymore. The
EXIT is all that is desirable of these evil-twins because
John McCain and George Bush are just the sa
me!Once again,
Icheoku repeats Senator Hillary Clinton's war cry,
No Way! No HOw! No McCain! No Palin!
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