A team of
Icheoku bloggers were privileged to meet the
Nostradamus of our time! A Nigerian born Nostradamus that is. This acclaimed man of God and doctor of holistic medicine who can see tomorrow, visited the United States of America recently and found time to meet with
Icheoku.com for a much anticipated interview.
Following Icheoku's interview which were sometimes very invasive, it is our conclusion that he is credible! Our questioning was geared towards finding out if he really possess the power of intuitive cognizance as acclaimed. Whether he does really have power to foretell the future as his fame portrays? What international events he did foretell that came to pass. This man of incredible faith and power provided our team with his past predictions which came to pass - all in his published books of prophesies, predating the events fore-told. The most glaring were the
manner of Israeli Sharon's end; the death of Nigeria's former first lady Stella Obasanjo and Olusegun Obasanjo eventual coming out of prison to become Nigeria's president. His name,
cover pages of two books written by Prophet Marcus Korodele Oluwatomisin Tibetan who started his call early in life, at the very tender age of 11 years old; pred


rain and drought without knowing what he was actually doing. He was born in Ode-Aye, Okitipupa Ondo State Nigeria - the first in a polygamous family of 25 children from two wives. His parents are still alive (father is 77 years old and mother is 74 years old). He strongly believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman period! He is married to one wife Bosede Olagundoye and their marriage is blessed with five children - one girl and four boys. For the prophet, the best gift one can give to his/her children is the gift of very sound education. Most of his prophesies have come to pass - 99%. According to him, if you are lawless you will lose a lot. He sees himself as a Christan and is neither racial nor tribal since there is no discrimination in heaven. He does not believe in miracles because miracle does not happen in a vacuum as the basics must be there first for the supposed "miracle" to happen. According to him,
miracle is the reward for good, hard work. People should not pray for God to destroy their enemy because Go

d does not destroy what he made; instead they should pray that their enemy change their ways. Do not shout for holy ghost fire because it is not the proper way to tell God your afflictions. His church, the
Celestial Church of Christ World-wide with headquarters in Nigeria was founded in 1947 and he presently heads the Elisha Parish. Most of his works are based on intuitive divine revelations and he uses organic herbs, nuts, roots and other plants to cure illness. He performs spiritual healing of the mind and blood-pressure normalisation.
Continuing he said that most churches in Nigeria have deviated from the primary role of a church - salvation. Instead they are seeing it as a business venture to make money hence they propagate whatever message and supposed miracles; just to generate money but cannot and do not deliver the true message of God. This is the cause of the inverse rise crime wave in Nigeria despite the numerous churches in Nigeria.
His church will be opening a
United States of America branch of the church at
6715 - 6711 Walker Mill Road, Capital Heights, Maryland 20743 USA. He has toured more than
thirty-eight (38) states so far in the United States of America taking his brand of spiritual healing to numerous people irrespective of their faith or creed as according to him salvation is for all mankind. He has also visited more than
eighty (80) countries world-wide as ambassador plenipotentiary of the church on a world-wide missionary effort and to cure and heal the afflicted
(Icheoku observed that his international passport has six copies glued together with multiple entry and exit visas)
His advice to Nigerians in America as well as the wider Diaspora is to always remember home. According to him, Nigeria is not a lost cause but it will take concerted effort to move it forward and that someday Nigeria will surely

get its acts together. Continuing Prophet Marcus Tibetan stated that Celestial Church of Christ world-wide is not a cult but is open for everyone. He advised that in order to avoid marital conflicts especially those resulting in spousal homicides, citing
Icheoku's coveted story of
"Nigerian Men Wife-Killers", you should not marry who you do not love - do not marry who you do not know! Marrying a stranger is the primary cause of marital troubles in many homes. "Fedexed" wives are also not recommended as there is never enough time for courtship - to actually know the wife or husband you want to marry.
Courtship is the foundation of every good marriage - it is very important. Love conquers all. Also do not rush into marriage as there is no particular time-table to getting married - just take your time and marry when it is your time to marry. Always be yourself at all times - do not pretend to be what you are not. Concluding, Prophet (Dr) Marcus Korodele Oluwatomisin Tibetan reiterated that heaven and hell is real. That you should either be hot or cold but
do not try to be so many things to so many people, all at the same time.
FYI: Icheoku finds this man believable but suggests you find out yourself if you are damn curious. Also
Icheoku is working out an arrangement whereby this very man and prophet of God will contribute a weekly piece for our publication; all geared at spreading the availability of his wonderful work to our numerous audience and visitors. At present, the title of the Sunday bulletin will be
"YOUR SUNDAY WITH PROPHET M.K.O. TIBETAN"! Now click on this link for some of his other prophesy:-
Third term agenda!
Prophet Marcus Korodele Oluwatomisin Tibetan is currently on a pastoral visit to the United States of America and can be reached via 973 418 4397; so give him a call and find out for yourself if our assessment of this man of power is correct! The test of the pudding is in the eating! Ciao!
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