The Rush Limbaugh's led racist hateful bigots have stolen the rug from under the feet of the septuagenarian Grandpa Senator John McCain and today, their gift of Sarah Palin to Senator John McCain has totally derailed his otherwise beautiful campaign effort. Why Senator John McCain fell for this Trojan Horse of a Sarah Palin gift was a rude shock to many reasonable Americans; judging from their now vicissitude and the then invectives which they poured on Senator John McCain when he was running a spirited primaries campaign against their anointed ones - the adulterer Rudy Giuliani (remember his wimpy 'I am waiting for Florida' primaries campaign strategy) and the other money-bag statue-like personality from Massachusetts, Mitt Romney. There is no name under the sky which th

These bunch of no-gooders, discredited rednecks have forced an Alaskan wild boobs unto Senator John McCain as his vice presidential candidate despite his otherwise sound preference for someone who brings something to the table. They deceived him that this air-head Alaskan beauty queen is the shot in the arm his campaign desperately needed; but regrettably this woman whose foreign policy experience is solely based on her ability to see Russia from Alaska has once again proved that the extreme right wing of the Republican party are all not very bright people - they are a pool of mediocrities who fan the ember of hatred, zealotry and fundamentalism. These bunch of loonies do not mean well for this country's decency and when the requiem/nunc-dimitis of Senator John McCain's campaign is sang, their grave will be covered for the final time. These buffoons are stinking corpses waiting to be permanently interred and Senator John McCain's campaign demise might be the undertaker to do this job. Enough of the Rush Limbaugh's hateful debauchery - he is a college drop-out whose analytical prowess is highly questionable and being also a drug-addict who could be over-medicated and possibly in a continuous state of hallucination or perpetual stupor to make any sound judgment, makes the matter worse. Rush Limbaugh basically speaking is just MENTAL! Rush is a vagabond and Limbaugh is a raving lunatic!
Senator John McCain, by conceding his campaign to these racist bigots shows another example of his lack of leadership which failed to coral these mongrels or better still completely excise them from his campaign. If this is not another faulty judgment of this seeming Alzheimer's case, then who knows what so qualifies. These people are the cancer which has metathesised in the campaign of Senator John McCain and is now incurable which will herald its demise. Some of their statements are rather very inflammatory and sometimes suggestive of their intolerance and/or call to arms. Have you observed how angry they have made all those nut-cases that appear robotically at Senator John McCain's campaign rallies? Recently, they have permanently boxed themselves into a corner and now finds it extremely difficult to be any objective - it is very hard for them to appreciate the great strides America has made over the years regarding objectivity devoid of skin-color.

However, Icheoku prays that this election be a land-slide to show that America is the land of very objective and fair minded people who would always go for the gold; and also as a statement that the Rush Limbaughs of this world now constitute a dying species whose days are numbered. They all belong to the lonely cemetery as their hatred for all that is good about America is very incendiary. As for the other members of this group, Icheoku will not waste its time acknowledging them as they are that sewage, but suffice it to admit that we listen to Rush Limbaugh sometimes and his mouth deserves to be soap-washed!
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