That Susan was the pillar of support to her husband Morgan, throughout their marital life and especially during these last years of great struggle to free Zimbabwe from the death-grip of Robert Mugabe, was of general knowledge. As we write this obituary, our mind is racing to one conclusion, that this death has all the trappings of an assassination? Robert Mugabe and his security agencies cannot share power and will not share power; hence would go to the ends of the earth to stop the Tsvangirais' meddlesome interloping in their power-hold. Unfortunately, it is now one down with one more to go.
Icheoku says, Morgan should run to the mountains of safety for his dear life and immediately; as another truck will be crashing into him in due course if he is not poisoned before then. The ways and means of African despots is nefarious and they sometimes even kill their mothers just to maintain a hold on power.
Icheoku says this is not an ordinary accident that took this affable lady's young life, no as we are fully aware of the tactics, atypical of African despots. To understand our position, please follow our trend of thought here. First, all African leaders travel to places in a protective convoy of gun-totting stern looking security kill-joys, who will not blink at squashing a life of any intruder. Second, the security agents usually close and condone-ff every intersection on the road to be travelled by the leader and sometimes such stretch of road remains closed-off until

after such a visit. If these are given and accepted as informed premise, how then did this driver of the truck make contact with the vehicle carrying the Tsvangirais? Also how did the driver of the truck know exactly when to start his vehicle, drive it from a distance to timely impact and plow into the Tsvangirai's vehicle? Why was it the exact vehicle carrying the Tsvangirais that was specifically impacted amongst the convoy if they were not specifically targeted? All the corresponding coincidences are rather too many for it to be just an accidental contact of a rogue truck that took the life of Lady Tsvangirai.
Icheoku says, based on what is obtainable in Africa and the road so far travelled in this analysis, Susan Tsvangirai was a victim of a state's assassination and her husband, the prime minister Morgan was also targeted, but was lucky to escape with his lif

Looking at the damage on the SUV carrying the Tsvangirais, it does not appear it was an unsurvivable accident. The pictured accident-vehicle does not look as if there was a tire-burst? Could it be that Susan was possibly not wearing her seat-belt, and was ejected from the rolled-over vehicle, crushing her skull in the process?
Icheoku calls on Morgan Tsvangirai to institute a powerful probe to determine how his pillar of strength was taken away from him and so suddenly?
Our fear is that Morgan is merely a "ceremonial" prime minister without any real power, none of which Robert Mugabe has yielded. Morgan could not even secure the release of his deputy minister for agriculture
Roy Bennett, who is in detention, despite a court's bail order, being tried for treason. Also currently available information has it that the magistrate who granted Mr. Bennett bail,
Livingstone Chipadze has himself been arrested for not kow-towing Robert Mugabe's wishes that Bennett does not see the day-light again. The only meaningful advise from
Icheoku to Morgan Tsvangirai, is to resign his office in protest against the illegitimate government of Robert Mugabe; then he can reboot his opposition for a more forceful agitation from outside the government for security purposes. Be

ing so close to the government as a prime minister will only bring him too close for the hatchet men of Mugabe to chop off his head. Morgan Tsvangirai, please do not be a seating duck for Robert Mugabe's enforcers, as nothing in Zimbabwe as presently constituted, is worth making your kids orphans. They have already lost their mother and losing their father also might be too haranguing a trauma from which they may never fully recover from? Robert Mugabe has already killed your wife and must be regretting the shoddy job done by his henchmen in not also getting you in their flaky accident?
Susan Tsvangirai, died Friday March 6, 2009 afternoon in a "road accident" that also injured her husband Morgan. The collision occurred about 30 miles south of Harare, between 1600 hours [1400 GMT] and 1700 (about 2.00PM), on the Harare-Masvingo Road. Morgan Tsvangirai and his wife Susan were headed to their hometown of Buhera, south of the capital, from the capital Harare. As their vehicle
collided head-on with a heavy truck, Susan succumbed to her injuries and died soon afterwards at the scene.

Morgan was conscious and in a stable condition in a local hospital.
To complete the "mafia-like hit" drama, the first visitor Morgan Tsvangirai had at his hospital bed was none other than Robert Mugabe himself? And we are talking about "The Godfather movie"! Icheoku asks, how can the trailer of a large truck suddenly and precisely swing out from nowhere, in front of the Tsvangirai's moving vehicle, sideswiped their vehicle with such a great speed that it rolled-over leaving Susan dead with her husband in hospital? It is the stuff, Hollywood movies are made of, especially if that Hollywood movie was out of Sicily-Italy? It requires the total and complete suspension of disbelief to accept such a mirage of a coincidence?
Icheoku says, it does not help speculations when several "enemies" of Mugabe's Zanu-PF party have been killed in the past in such orchestrated and staged accidents?

According to one observer who raised similar doubt on the accident,
"I'm skeptical about any motor vehicle accident in Zimbabwe involving an opposition figure. Robert Mugabe has a history of strange car accidents when someone lo and behold dies; -- it's sort of his modus operandi of how they get rid of people they don't like."It is instructive to note that "car accidents" took the lives of the estranged Defense Minister
Moven Mahachi in 2001, the former Employment Minister
Border Gezi's in 1999 and former minister and regional governor
Elliot Manyika, last year December 2008? And car accidents never saw these men while they were still in the good books of Robert Mugabe until they became "renegades"?
Icheoku says,
it is such a big coincidence that each of these three deemed "disagreeable" men and now Susan Tsvangirai all died in car crashes?
A full independent investigation is what is needed to get to the root of this one murder too many! Despite all the present Zimbabwe's government-kites being flown to the world as to the possible cause of the accident, from the driver of the semi-truck possibly sleeping on the wheels, to a possible tire-burst of the Tsvangirai's vehicle etc ,
Icheoku says, only Robert Mugabe's exit from power in Harare can solve this riddle. Until then, and as the world joins Morgan Tsvangirai to mourn the loss of his wife, Susan Tsvangirai,
Icheoku wishes the Prime Minister God's protection as the vermin of Harare will surely make another attempt to stop his crusade to better the lot of the Zimbabwean people. Please accept our condolences, Mr Prime Minister and may your wife's soul find peace with the Lord! Adieu Susan Tsvangirai!
Rumours fly after Tsvangirai crash
ReplyDeleteBrian Hungwe visits the scene of Friday's car crash near Harare in which Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was injured and his wife Susan killed.
Mr Tsvangirai's car reportedly rolled three times after the collision
A land cruiser lies on its back 24 hours after the car crash, drawing the attention of motorists.
Inside the mangled remains of the vehicle, a continuous warning sound has been hinting all day that doors are open.
Yet the keys are still in the ignition. A shattered windscreen and broken car windows tell an ugly story, as the Toyota Land cruiser rests on its roof besides the road.
Two policemen are on constant guard. Strangers are not allowed up close.
But vehicles are slowing down around the fatal scene. Curious onlookers disembark, say little, and some weep, as they catch a glimpse of the lonely miserable vehicle.
It is difficult to imagine how Mr Tsvangirai escaped relatively unscathed as the heavy vehicle rolled three times after the collision with an oncoming lorry.
One immediately feels pity for his wife Susan, his pillar of strength and mother to the couple's six children.
Questions asked
The Masvingo-Harare road is a two lane route. The place where the crash occurred is on a kilometre-long (0.6 miles) stretch of clear road, sandwiched between two commercial farmlands.
People don't want to believe it was an ordinary accident... They wanted to kill him
Harare's taxi driver
The road evidently requires rehabilitation, but calls for such repairs have fallen on deaf ears over the past years, despite horrifying fatalities involving haulage lorries, buses and ordinary cars.
As the nation ponders on the latest tragedy, many questions are being asked - and concerns are being raised over the security of government officials.
How a convoy of three vehicles, with one in the middle carrying the second most important person in the land, got involved in a car crash, is what has perplexed many people.
The oncoming lorry, which apparently belonged to a partner of the US government aid agency USAID, is thought to have crossed into the prime minister's path, sideswiping the right bumper of Mr Tsvangirai's Land Cruiser, which then rolled off the highway.
Rumours in Harare
"If you look at the circumstances surrounding the accident, they show that there is not as much security as one would have wanted, not that you can prevent an accident, but I'm sure it must give a lot of lessons about the security framework," says Dr Lovemore Madhuku, chairman of a constitutional reform pressure group.
Mr Tsvangirai flew to Botswana on Saturday, his party said
"It's very depressing, I think happening within the first three weeks of the new inclusive government. It's unfortunate that the public will find it unbelievable and that could threaten the whole framework of the new government," Dr Madhuku said.
Already, Harare is awash with rumour and speculation.
"People don't want to believe it was an ordinary accident, even if you tell them President Mugabe visited Tsvangirai in hospital hours after the crash," a taxi driver told me.
"Why did the oncoming vehicle target his vehicle, yet there are hundreds other cars that use the same road every hour, it's a busy road?" he asked. "They wanted to kill him."
At the scene of the crash, Deputy Mines Minister and MDC legislator Murisi Zwizwayi is refusing to buy into the story that the encroaching vehicle hit a pothole or hump before crossing the lane.
"Where are the potholes, even humps, here, do you see one, it's just a clear road," he said, almost throwing his hands in exasperation.
"There was a lot of talk around a pothole that is alleged to have caused the accident. It was only proper that we visit the scene. From my own assessment, there is no pothole to talk about as far as this accident is concerned," Mr Zwizwayi said.
'Huge embarrassment'
At the clinic where Mr Tsvangirai was treated, there was heavy security, state agents and armed police. It appeared like a state expression of loyalty, to avoid giving any credence to conspiracy theories.
Mr Tsvangirai lost his wife of 30 years in the crash
"From now on, security around the prime minister will be tighter, I think they will test whatever he drinks or eat first to make sure he doesn't die. It's in their interest to keep him alive now," said a senior MDC official, barred from entering the clinic after the accident.
The treatment centre was besieged by hosts of politicians across the political divide.
Inside were central bank governor Dr Gideon Gono, Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, head of central intelligence Happyton Bonyongwe, and other party deputy ministers.
"Rarely do prime ministers get involved in car accidents. Plane crashes are more understandable," said a retired army official.
"It shows lack of planning, co-ordination of close security transporting the VIPs in the convoy," he said.
He says when such a situation arises "countless reports are filed, many questions asked, and people tend to lose their jobs".
"This incident," he added, "is no exception."
An MDC insider says what makes this incident more serious, is that it is a "huge political embarrassment to the state, particularly President Mugabe that he is failing to provide adequate to his prime minister in government".
Given Mr Mugabe's demeanour, a very sad depressed face, as he walked out of the clinic, a lot of people "must be running around".
"Logic would have demanded that police escort be provided to warn other traffic... and this tragedy could have been avoided," Finance Minister Tendai Biti said, before breaking down at a party news conference.
"The authorities must understand that omission," Mr Biti added.
His tears hint at the growing level of anger and emotion within the echelons of his party. At his home in Harare, there was weeping and wailing all night, as relatives and friends tried to come to grip with the tragedy.