The whole world of politics were taken aback when it was revealed that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol was knocked-up and was expecting an illegitimate child; not being married? It was during the governor's vice presidential run with team Senator John McCain, and holly macro something must be done to attenuate the damage from such a revelation. Hurriedly, a boy was extracted from the middle of nowhere, Wassila-Alaska, and made the poster-boy of teenage fathers; he was introduced to a benumbed world as the hard-charging virile Bristol Palin's boyfriend? His name, Levi Johnston.
Many people smelt an "arranged" presentation but decided to give the teenage "couple" the benefit of the doubt. Subsequently, the vice presidential ambition of mother Sarah Palin petered-off when Americans discovered that the beautiful Alaskan governor was just an air-head and soon accelerated to an end. Bristol carried her pregnancy to full term and delivered a baby-boy named Tripp? What a name for a child, following a family name-trend of xxx? Maybe she was "tripping" when she was impregnated? Icheoku remembers that Sarah Palin explained that she named her daughter Bristol because of her love for a city named Bristol in Connecticut, United States of America?
Many body-language experts who watched Bristol and Levi together felt there was some disconnect between them; something was definitely not right as the duo did not share any chemistry whatsoever. This doubt became increasingly manifest when it was revealed that Levi's mother is a crack-head and was arrested for possession of large quantities of methamphetamine? And this is a prospective in-law to the Alaskan governor, Sarah Palin? There is no correlation between apples and oranges but the world decided to wait them out. Today, March 11, 2009 in a well choreographed presentation, the two announced that they have mutually decided to call off their engagement; to which Icheoku says, was there ever an engagement in the first place? Possibly all the world has so far watched, was a Hollywood-like presentation to mask a torpedoing event in the political life of Sarah Palin? What happened to all the protestations of love and intention to marry which the world was inundated with during the hey days of the vice presidential run? How could an engagement of the Alaskan governor's daughter be suddenly called off and why would Levi whose future is not that bright, decide to blow-out a light of hope as represented in marrying a governor's daughter? It is an impossible scenario and hopefully, the details will make the talk-show rounds soon.
The story coming out of Alaska has it that Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin, the teenage daughter of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, have broken off their engagement; barely three months after the "couple" had a baby. According to Levi Johnston 19, he and Bristol Palin 18 "mutually" decided "a while ago" to end their relationship. According to Bristol's family statement, "Unfortunately, my family has seen many people say and do many things to `cash in' on the Palin name, sometimes that greed clouds good judgment and the truth." Icheoku asks, what happened to the Sarah Palin's affirmation that "her daughter and Johnston are committed to accomplish what millions of other young parents have accomplished, to provide a loving and secure environment for their child."
No matter what happens, Icheoku sympathises with the little angel named Tripp, whose opinion was not first sought before bringing him to this earth? As for Bristol, she will be just fine, after-all she is the daughter of a governor and highly libidous. At worst she can always become another Nadya Suleman? Levi might not find it as easy but hopefully he will collect himself together and pursue a future, which only he can determine. Icheoku wishes Bristol Palin, goodluck and happy life as a single teenage mother!
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