Friday, March 20, 2009
The Bishop of Rome and the Pope of the entire world Catholic church, Pope Benedict XVI is a man who means so many things to so many different people, depending on who you ask. To Icheoku, he is a man who braves the odds to speak his mind! When he delivered a speech in September 2006 in Germany quoting the Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Paleologus who had said that the Islamic religion is intrinsically violent, hell was let loose throughout the Muslim world? In the pope's own words, "He said, and I quote, 'Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." He was pressured to explain his statement and he threw additional light thereto. But for an apology, those protesters did not get any from the pope? Again, the pope readmitted a hitherto ex-communicated bishop of the church, Bishop Richard Williamson who debunked the claim that six (6) million Jews were killed during the holocaust. According to the bishop, such a tale is a baloney as only less than 300,000 Jews were killed in the holocaust. In the bishop's own words, "I believe there were no gas chambers... I think that two to three hundred thousand Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps but none of them by gas chambers." The holocaust-denying bishop maintained that the claim of gas chambers was a ruse as the existence of gas chamber in the then Germany, is yet to be conclusively determined. The Jews were hellish mad and demanded a retraction. But what did the bishop of Rome do, he deftly managed the crisis and Icheoku did not remember him, or the said bishop claiming a mistake or apologising for the incident. However, the Jewish power-bloc pressured the Argentine government to refuse the renewal the bishop's work authorisation and he has since returned to his native England. Instead of apologising for a statement founded on his deep-rooted conviction, Bishop Williamson wrote, "Amidst this tremendous media storm stirred up by imprudent remarks of mine on Swedish television, I beg of you to accept, ........., my sincere regrets for having caused to yourself and to the Holy Father so much unnecessary distress and problems." In response, Papal spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said he had "nothing to say about this letter; everyone can evaluate it as they see fit." The Vatican has asked nothing of Monsignor Williamson, who is not an 'ordinary bishop' of the Catholic Church."

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What Does The Pope Know About Condom?
ReplyDeleteThursday, 19 March 2009 13:14 By Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo
Pope Benedict XVI just gave his sermon on the condom. I’m sure you did not miss it. But if you did, you can find it on youtube. You watch the Pope demonstrate how to put the banana on a condom.
What does the Pope know about condom? Scratch that! What does the Pope Know about marriage? What does the Pope know about sex?
One hundred years from now, the people who will inhabit this earth will read our stories of today and laugh at our stupidity. They will wonder how millions of people with brain cells in their heads chose to listen to a man who never married and never had sex teach them about marriage and sex. They will wonder, “What the hell was wrong with our foreparents?”
Watch the latest videos on YouTube.comHas the Pope ever seen a condom? What does the Pope know about condoms? And when did he know it?
Does the Pope read scientific studies? Does he see statistics of societies that have successfully fought AIDS epidemics with all the weapons available, including needle distribution for addicts and condom distribution for vulnerable populations?
Who will tell the Pope that being faithfully to one’s partner will not protect a man or20a woman from being infected with HIV through sex? What if the other partner is not faithful? Marital fidelity is not in vogue anymore. It is superstitious to believe in marital fidelity. But how will the Pope know? He has never been married.
This is especially important in Africa where a woman may know that her husband is not faithful but cannot say no to sex when asked without being beaten up.
There must be a catholic out there who contacted AIDS because he followed Pope Benedict’s sermon on the condom. In Africa, there are over 22 million people infected with HIV. That infected catholic should sue the Pope and the Catholic Church for misleading him or her. Such lawsuits will finally bankrupt the Catholic Church that had been sucked dry by sex abuse cases against its priests.
It is enough that the Pope and his catholic church condemn the use of contraception. They do so without accepting any responsibility for the poor children born by poor couples who followed the Pope’s order to count the menstrual cycle instead of wearing the condom. They end up filling their little homes with children they cannot care for.
The Pope is against abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. The Pope is against divorce, even in the case of physical and sexual abuse. The Pope is against condom, even when it saves life. The Pope is in effect sentencing a lot of his followers to their untimely deaths.
The Pope is irresponsible, many now say in the wake of this new controversy. But I think the Pope’s stance on many social issues is criminal. It is about time the Pope keeps his religion so that indoctrinated men and women shall live.
Since the 80s when AIDS was first diagnosed, 25 million people have died. Many more were saved due to prevention methods like the promotion of condom use. If the Pope will not keep his religion, he should be ready to have the blood of these brainwashed followers on his head
i think that pope has gone too far .how can someone who has not seen woman in his life tell us how to have sex?: these shows that africans are still under colo. this is agood news. the pope is right when allthe so called african presidents are after money and careless about the citizen then someone has the right to teacher their job. this is another way easy to kill african people.
ReplyDeleteVatican decries reaction to pope's condom remarks
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Play Video Video:Pope struggling to get his message across AP Play Video Video:Pope Rallies African Faithful ABC News AP – FILE - In this Saturday, March 21, 2009 file photo, Pope Benedict XVI greets the faithful upon his arrival … By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 19 mins ago
VATICAN CITY – Critics of the Catholic Church's social teachings are trying to intimidate Pope Benedict XVI into silence, the Vatican charged Friday in responding to attacks on the pontiff's remarks about AIDS and condom use.
In a strongly worded statement, the Vatican defended the pope's view that condoms aren't the answer to Africa's AIDS epidemic and could make it worse. On his way to Africa last month, he said the best strategy is the church's effort to promote sexual responsibility through abstinence and monogamy.
France, Germany, the United Nations' AIDS-fighting agency and the British medical journal The Lancet called the remarks irresponsible and dangerous. The Belgian parliament passed a resolution calling them "unacceptable" and demanded Belgium's government officially protest.
Belgium's ambassador to the Holy See lodged the formal protest Wednesday, prompting the Vatican Secretariat to issue its tough statement denouncing the Belgian vote.
The Vatican deplored "the fact that a parliamentary assembly should have thought it appropriate to criticize the Holy Father on the basis of an isolated extract from an interview, separated from its context."
It said Benedict's remarks to reporters had been "used by some groups with a clear intent to intimidate, as if to dissuade the pope from expressing himself on certain themes of obvious moral relevance and from teaching the church's doctrine."
The Vatican said the criticism of the pontiff was followed by an "unprecedented media campaign" in Europe extolling the value of condoms in fighting AIDS while ignoring Benedict's message about the need for responsible sexuality and to care for those suffering from AIDS.
The statement was the latest sign of the Vatican's increasing defensiveness and frustration as it tries to get Benedict's message out. It follows a maelstrom of criticism — including from within the church itself — after the pope lifted the excommunication of a bishop who denied the Holocaust.
Vatican officials said they acted so forcefully this time because the Belgian criticism required a formal, diplomatic response.
"The Vatican is responding to this protest in a measured and balanced way, but also firmly and clearly," said a Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi. "We are making it clear that the pope and the church won't be intimidated by these criticisms or by media campaigns and will continue to staunchly support Catholic positions on moral issues."
The Belgian resolution, which passed April 2, said Benedict's comments ran against numerous international declarations and actions taken by the U.N. and groups fighting AIDS and other transmittable diseases. It called the remarks "unacceptable" and said the Belgian government didn't share them.
The Rev. John Wauck, professor of literature at the Pontifical Santa Croce University in Rome, said the Vatican's response was diplomatically appropriate and was actually restrained in that it didn't highlight the enormous work that the Catholic Church undertakes in caring for AIDS sufferers.
"Sending a package of prophylactics signifies a lot less in terms of self-giving in comparison to someone who has left their country and dedicates their lives to caring for people sick with AIDS," Wauck said.
He noted much of the criticism came not from Africa but from the West. Africans "weren't up in arms about what the pope was saying. The people who were up in arms are in Brussels," he said.
The Roman Catholic Church opposes the use of condoms as part of its overall teaching against contraception. It advocates sexual abstinence and sexual faithfulness between husband and wife as the best ways to combat the spread of HIV.
While some churchmen have said condoms are a "lesser evil" in combatting the spread of AIDS, others say condoms can increase the scourge by providing a false sense of security.
The Vatican said it was consoled that Africans and some members of the scientific community had appreciated the pontiff's remarks.
The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, ran an article Friday summarizing reports in mainstream Western newspapers quoting experts who have questioned the efficacy of condoms alone in fighting AIDS.
Wauck cited those reports in saying the criticism of the pope was scientifically uninformed.
"I don't think it necessarily comes from hostility, but what you got was very instinctive reactions based on presuppositions that turn out not to be the case," he said.
Associated Press writer Constant Brand in Brussels contributed to this report.