Today Sunday November 2nd, 2008
Icheoku.com brings to you part three in our new series
on whatever subject he deems topical and
Icheoku will merely publish same seriatim without

any input whatsoever, since we are not all that versed in the ways of God to have an opinion. Today,
Prophet Marcus Korodele Oluwatomisin writes on
"BY THE WORD OF GOD". Please enjoy his perspectives:-
"When we take a look at the creation of the world, the word of God rules supreme. When we look at the book of
Luke 5, the fishermen had toiled for so many days and nights without catching any fish, until the Lord through his word instructed them to re-cast their net wherein they caught caught so many fish and their hope was restored. Going back to the word of God in the book of
Genesis 1 vs. 10, God only spoke the world and creation took place. HE said let there be day called light and the night called darkness, the light shines and the darkness cannot comprehend it. In the book of
Genesis 6 vs. 9-13, The Almighty God was displeased with every creature under the heavens because we have neglected him in our thoughts and deeds.
When we look at things today, many people through the word of their mouth have condemned themselves, family and company instead of waking up in the morning and blessing themselves like the American do say
“God Bless America” and God is really blessing America. These people have both physically and spiritually killed themselves, family and country. It is the spiritual manifestation of the word from our mouth that we see in the physical. Many of my beloved brothers and sisters are here abroad condemning their country as opposed to praying for their country to become a better place, where they can return to when they leave this slavery camp called Diaspora; because we are just here like a fish out of the sea that can do nothing other than swim in the little box called aquarium that we are confined to.
For how long more are we going to keep working to enrich other people’s country? It is time to use the power that God almighty has given us that is the word of our mouth to put us where we belong.
The power in the word of our mouth is sharper than two edged sword, it can kill and can give life, if used properly in the ways of the Lord. The Bible says that it is not what comes into our mouth that makes us sin but the word that comes out of our mouth. In
Acts 9 vs. 23-26 God commanded Peter to kill and eat a particular meat but Peter condemned it by the word of his mouth. In
Acts. 5 Ananias and Sapphira were killed by the word of their mouth. In
Joshua 7 vs.16 -26 Achan by the word of his mouth destroyed himself and his family. Joshua and Caleb by their positive confession possessed the land of Canaan (promise land). In
II Samuel 17 David by the word of his mouth had God deliver Goliath to him.
what is that Goliath in your life today that God through the word of your mouth can not destroy? Is it marital problems, inability to find a wife or husband, house rent or mortgage problem or any other financial problems, or even childlessness? Just challenge God to do it for you - start making positive utterances (confession) today and HE will take you to your own promise land. Take this as your motto for the month of November, read it day and night, make it your Anchor, the word of God written in
Hebrew 13 vs. 6.
Until next week when I shall visit with you again, please remain blessed and have a fruitful week ahead. May the United States of America's presidential election go on without a hitch and let the outcome be as anticipated, in Jesus name we pray, AMEN! Please note that I am still on assignment overseas through the end of November 2008 and should you want to reach me before my return to the United States, you can try any of my international numbers in Ireland: 353861033987; London 07903093637 and Nigeria 8054853828. I will be shuttling through Europe and Africa and hopefully you will be able to reach me at one of these numbers. As always, I am always available for your spiritual needs and prayers. God bless!
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