Our job is done! We are happy! American are happy! The whole world is happy that America got it right this time!
President-elect Barack Obama is now the president in the waiting of the United States of America!
Icheoku will now pivot to other issues of political and social concern to us and which matters to world. We are not saying that we shall no longer comment on
President Barack Obama or the American elections and/or his future government; no, all that we are saying is that we are making room for other issues and will no longer spend the greater part of our coverage on the United States of America elections!
As we write our final
epilogue of the historical election,
Icheoku will take a look at what produced the outcome.
Senator John McCain was gracious in defeat and had since indicated that he will do whatever is asked of him to assist Barack Obama govern. It is a widely accepted premise that
Senator John McCain's loss was primarily because of the
'wild-eyed Alaskan Moose-hunter' Sarah 'the' Palin he chose as his running mate. A beauty and no brain hockey-mom who can see Russia from Alaska as her only foreign policy experience. The same blood-hound who said that Africa is a country with South Africa as the capital! The same eye-winking 'whore of Alask

a' who believed that the great flood took place in Grand Canyon! The same
Sarah 'Jezebel' Palin who said under no circumstance should a woman get medical procedure for her pregnancy even where she was raped or made pregnant by her father! Needless to say that her seventeen year old teenage daughter is pregnant out of wedlock under her watch? Anyway, Senator John McCain brought it upon himself by choosing such an
air-head as his vice presidential candidate.
Icheoku had earlier commented that her choice was an insult on American women for in the midst of the many so highly qualified women of America, it was such an ordinary low-level intelligentsia,
Sarah Palin that Senator John McCain decided upon!
Also contributory to
Senator John McCain's loss were those
racist right-wing talk-radio jerks Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reily and Lou Dobbs whose inflammatory bigotry over-reached themselves during this election cycle. They painted their candidate
Senator John McCain, in the eyes of decent Americans, as an extreme right-winger, having not disassociated himself from their full-throttle all cylinders support. By keeping silent in the face of their vituperation, Senator John McCain tacitly approved of this their discredited, divisive and corrosive campaign antics hence was perceived as a corroborator by the American people. Having lost his credibility, honor and candour, his
straight-talk express acquired a new acronym, crooked-talk express and that was the final boom to descend on his moribund campaign.
Senator John McCain's also sold his soul to the devil when he failed to coral his campaign away from giving false information on then Senator Barack Obama's very limited contacts with Bill Ayers.
The rest is now history and
Icheoku wishes our dear
Grandpa Senator John McCain the best of luck in his future endeavors. As for the future plans of
Alaskan Moose-killer Sarah 'the' Palin, she need to consult her
Kenyan 'marabout' pastor who foretold her governorship of Alaska to once again, foretell her future! But until then, she should stay in the wild Alaska and not bother the lower forty-eight until she is fully 'refined' in the ways of a civilized modern society. Sarah hunter Palin views are too scary and fundamentalistic that she is been designated an
American Taliban!As for
President-elect Barack Obama, all that could be said in his honor has been said and any other attempt will be to belabor the obvious.
Icheoku now wishes the newly elected president of America, God's guidance and protection as he now prepares to tackle the gargantuan task of governing America and by extension, the world.
Grandpa Senator John McCain and his
alien-looking wife,
Cindy McCain should now look for another hobby to pursue, while nursing their pain at the denial by the good people of America, of their application for the
eighth mansion, the White-house!
Icheoku says to the
McCains, seven mansions are more than enough!
Icheoku now officially conclude our very special and extended coverage of the United States of America 2008 elections, particularly that of our endorsed presidential candidate, now president-elect Senator Barack Obama. However we shall keep an eye on his governance to ensure that he follows through with his campaign promises and will report to you accordingly. So remain a loyal visitor as we now tackle other issues affecting our collective social and political challenges of our time. Thank you for being there for us!
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