He was a Brigadier General in the Nigerian Army! He was a Nigerian Defence Adviser in the United Nations in New York! He was the spokesman of the Nigerian Army! He was the Director of Nigerian Army Public Relations Corp! He was most recently the former ADC of then Olusegun Obasanjo! He was a devoted husband! He was a father! He was a brother! He was an uncle and he was a Nigerian! Today, Solomon Giwa Amu is no more! Killed in circumstance, highly suggestive of a hit-job carried out by a higher authority. He was after-all, a Brigadier General in the Nigerian Army and having served as ADC to Olusegun Obasanjo, is not just any other ordinary Joe in Nigeria; so the death that took him was sent from the high! Why do we say that? What are our grounds for such assertion, note that we did not say allegation? What are the evidence? In response, Icheokudotcom says that the test of the pudding is in the eating. Follow us now on this excursion, as we establish reasonable basis for re-introducing the subject of state-murder of a serving Nigerian Army Brigadier General Solomom Giwa Amu.
Was it possible that the Late Army spokesman was hacked to death? If affirmative, why and by whom?
Did someone kill Brigadier General Solomon Giwa Amu to keep him silent or get back at him for some
old score? WHO DUNN IT? According to
Gabriel Giwa-Amu, a lawyer, human rights activist and the immediate younger brother of the late
Brigadier General Solomon Giwa-Amu, his late brother
was possibly clubbed to death! According to Attorney Gabriel Giwa-Amu, apart from the
deep (gash) wound in the head, sustained by his brother during the purported
fatal auto accident which resulted in his death, there was
no other physical wound of any kind on the body of the deceased-victim; who
the Army authorities said, have been in
a car which had somersaulted several times! Continuing the lawyer said that although there is no conclusive evidence that the killing of his brother was out-rightly ordered by the Army, there are however other circumstantial evidence that he may have been clubbed to death by those who wanted him out of the way or who may have felt threatened by his still being alive. His contention is that the army's story that his brother was flung out of the small window of the accident-vehicle on impact does not check out in view of what is known. He contradicts the army by saying that there was no way his brother, with his size, height and weight coupled to his military training could have been flung out of a window of a vehicle that was travelling at a high speed, without sustaining other bodily injuries, apart from the deep cut on his head. Further, the window of the vehicle from which his brother was allegedly flung out was rather too small to allow easy passage of a man of his brother's size. Also the alleged somersaulted vehicle in which his brother allegedly died, was for most part substantially very much intact for a vehicle which allegedly somersaulted several times. Looking at the wholesomeness of the vehicle, it is difficult to conclude that some one died therefrom . Above all, it was only his brother that died out of the eighteen (18) officers and privates travelling with him in the severally somersaulted vehicle. 
The late Brigadier General Solomon Giwa-Amu allegedly died in a motor accident on Monday, February 18, 2008, while on his way, in company of others, to the Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Jaji, Kaduna to deliver a lecture as result of a vehicle tire-burst. Brigadier General Giwa Amu hails from Sabon-Gida Ora in Edo State, Nigeria and was a Regular 27 officer of the Nigerian Defence Academy. Brigadier General Solomon Giwa-Amu had previously escaped from another "near-fatal accident" before the last one that ultimately took his life.
Commiserating on the death of his erstwhile aide-de-camp Brigadier General Solomon Giwa-Amu, Olusegun Obasanjo said "it is an untimely elimination of a bright star, an officer and a gentleman who had exhibited all the attributes of an officer who would make it to the top’’.
Icheokudotcom thought that politically motivated murder and murder sanctioned by the state is a thing of the past in Nigeria - gone with the monstrous government of Olusegun Obasanjo
but we may be wrong, after-all! Brigadier General Solomon Giwa Amu (widow pictured right being consoled by a Nigerian army officer, ADC to Umaru Yar'Adua) was killed on February 18, 2008 and Umaru Yar'Adua has already assumed the stewardship of Nigeria then. Umaru Yar'Adua has been in charge in Nigeria since May 2007 and SGA was not just an ordinary citizen to just die except someone, somewhere very high-up approved. Does this now graduate Umaru Yar'Adua into the ignoble class of Nigerian leaders whose hands are stained with Nigerian citizens' blood? Remember Buhari and Bartholomew Owo and two others retroactive death decree episode, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida and the Dele Giwa parcel-bomb murder; Sani Abacha and Ken Saro-Wiwa's judicial murder and a host of many others as well as Olusegun Obasanjo and Bola Ige, Odi and Zaki Ibiam massacres, Marshal, Dikkibo etc?
Icheokudotcom makes this claim as nothing else made any sense! The circumstance and manner of this Brigadier General Solomon Giwa Amu's death - the only who died among eighteen occupants of a vehicle, which allegedly somersaulted several times and without any ostensible body damage to the vehicle, with only one deep cut in his head for a person flung out of a small window of an accident vehicle going at top speed? There were no bruises, no broken bone and the clothing he wore during the accident were very much intact according to the story? Additionally no thorough investigation has commenced or is ongoing into the death of this man? The inaction by the authorities in Nigeria to investigate resoundingly and conclusively, the death of this Brigadier General smells of a cover-up. Anybody saying that his death was a result of mere accident under these circumstance as espoused here and other forums, must be speaking to a bunch of dullards who he believes can neither discern nor add one and one together. As for Icheokudotcom, such an army-story is a bull-crap and we are not buying it even at a discount. The death of this Brigadier General Solomon Giwa Amu is a testament to the hopeless condition still pervading present day Nigeria, where one state-death begets another! What a country? What a wasted generation? Who knows for whom the bell tolls next and for whom the conspirators are at this moment, plotting his/her story-line? God help Nigeria!
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