Technically, that is! A beauty contestant second runner-up for Miss Alaska 1984 for vice president? How about that for politics? Grandpa Senator John McCain is evidently manifesting early stages of age-related infirmities of both the mind and the brains. Grandpa's recent actions and words are highly suggestive of his near senility! Where is the republican conservative values when a woman who had "stripped and walked the podium half naked, partly clad in bikini was selected to run for an office as high as the vice presidency? Tell
Icheoku it is a joke! The very ancient Senator John McCain is a free-radical with this choice and we hope the Republican Party gets whacked for this atrocious choice.
Or when was her conversion/repentance from the worldly to the Godly? When did this "Saul" of Palin become a Paul Palin? Why all of a sudden has the high holier than thou pedestal of the Republican Party been lowered just to accommodate Mrs Sarah Palin? All the shouts of inexperience hitherto fanned at
Barack Obama has now been shown to be just an empty war-cry; meant to rally the racist bigoted base of right wing conservative fundamentalists.

Grandpa Senator from Arizona John McCain has by this choice confirmed that his series of double-speak is ingrained in him and that he does not have the sound mind to be entrusted with the fate of over 300 million Americans including the most awesome fighting machine in the world - the United States Armed Forces. Grandpa near-centurion John McCain does not appear to be a person of a sound mind, coupled with his rabid temperament begs the question, are we going to entrust the nuclear ball briefcase in his hands? Americans please this time is too serious for such a folly and let every voting man and woman go behind the closed curtain with a clear head and not just a benumbed racists' ideologue. So all these rantings about longevity in Washington! means nothing to the Republican Party, otherwise why a honky mom from God-forsaken Alaska? And she kills animals for food? Where is PETA and all the animal rights groups?

At 72 plus years very old, the best John McCain could choose as his running mate is a former "stripper" turned evangelical governor of uninhabited former Russian territory of Alaska? Where lies her experience? Where is her economic expertise or who is going to manage the economy since McCain had admitted to his lack of economic knowledge? Where is her gravitas or is pretty face all that is now needed. Something is pathologically awry with the Republican Party and the gods are rallying around to finish them off?
Sarah Who? Sarah no name! In 1984, Sarah Palin was second-place finisher in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant after winning the Miss Wasilla contest earlier that year. In the Wasilla pageant, she played the flute and also won Miss Congeniality. And now she's Grandpa John McCain's running mate? Is it possible that Grandpa is planning to dump wife No2 for Palin? After-all this is a man who dumped his first wife who faithfully waited for him and raising their kids while he was in prison in Vietnam only for him to return and rewarded her by marrying his current alien-looking wife, Cindy.
According to presently available information to
Icheo, Sarah Palin won her governorship election with a gross total votes of just
114,000 and you begin to wonder, if all it takes to win the governorship of Alaska is fewer than a typical city block; is this bimbo then suited for a very tasking and challenging high office as the vice presidency? What if ancient John McCain were to suddenly go to sleep and decides to sleep on, can this Bambie doll effectively command the American Armed Forces? If all her management prowess has been just Alaska, how then will she begin to grasp a 300 million people in America with very extensive bureaucracy? In summation, as
Icheoku continues to dig into this beauty contestant background especially our high-geared effort to secure some lacy pictures as we strongly suspect that some must exists somewhere, knowing what beauty pageants are like, we will keep you posted on the latest political suicide of Grandpa John McCain.
Please whatever you do, do not vote for this
duo as the top ticket is too old and the bottom of the ticket is just a bimbo beauty c
ontestant who brings nothing to the ticket. This shows that John McCain is very unforgiving otherwise why did he not pick the
economic "guru" Mitt Romney or the
exorcist governor of Louisiana
Bobby Jindal - may be because the latter is of Indian extraction amidst a bigoted racist Republican party! What about the pretty
evangelist Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota or the
Taliban fundamentalist Mike Huckabee? Grandpa Senator John McCain owes America

a more solid explanation for his choice of this pretty face!
If Grandpa Senator John McCain wanted a woman vice presidential candidate,
Icheoku would expect him to choose a woman with gravitas and not just a feather weight beauty contestant from remote far away Alaska! If the Republican Party are not hypocrites and the embodiment of biblical Pharisees our lord Jesus warned us against, why did they not strong-arm Grandpa John McCain to pick from the pool of well qualified women of substance bountiful in America? Why did Grandpa John McCain pick a honky mom he barely knew, having met her only once before as his vice president? There are a lot that has not meet the eyes and

the whole America awaits his candid explanation. Did John McCain seek counselling from his lizardly-wife Cindy McCain before choosing a bimbo as a vice pres

idential candidate?
Icheoku hopes Grandpa John McCain will not elope with Miss Alaska runner-up?
Talk of women of substance, what about the likes of
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas who could easily supply all the necessary experience for the administration?
Also since Grandpa Senator John McCain does not know anything about econom

ics - this much he admitted on national television, why did he not pick a seasoned corporate feline like
Carly Fiorina of the Hewlett Packard (HP) fame!

What about the other
compatriot of Fiorian in the
corporate world like the Margret Thatcher of
E-bay woman CEO Meg
Whitman?There is such a trove of highly qualified eves from which Grandpa Senator John McCain would have p

icked a woman vice presidential candidate but instead he chose to once again manifest his fabled maverick streak. If this run-away train syndrome is what a Senator John McCain's administration is going to look like,
please Dear God, spare America and the world this old man's dream. May he not win and if elected may he not be sworn in and if sworn in, may he not serve! Grandpa Senator John McCain is not what Ame

rica needs now especially after the eight years of uninspiring Bush administration. America needs a breath of fresh air and the whole world is waiting to exhale with a fresh dynamic inspiring administration in Washington DC in January 2009.
Away with McBush - it is toxic! A thousand and one questions beg for answers but Grandpa Senator John McCain is too sleepy even to contemplate their answers. How can a 70 years plus old man who has been drawing on social security these past seven years be our president? Something is not right and please help put an end to htis madness -
DO NOT VOTE FOR McCAIN or McBUSH or McPALIN or the REPUBLICAN ticket - it is suicidal!
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