Is there any artist like mother nature? Is it when it chooses to make the sky the canvass or the seas or some mountain side. In this story the object of adore of mother nature is a tree which it had sculptured into a very delicate piece of fine art. Can you imagine the intricate weaving that went into this and the beautiful thing about the art is that it was done with a living tree - so it is all organic! Were this piece of art to be in Soethbys', Icheoku bets it will be a collector's item ranging in the millions of dollars but unfortunately a tree grows where-ever it pleases or better still in the yard or farm of whoever plants it. Going back to the first allusion that a tree grows wherever it pleases, this blogger have witnessed a tree-grower who could not grow a tree in a particular location despite the desire to so do. Anyway this piece of art is not in any gallery or private collector's home, so enjoy the sight - Happy viewing!
hidden behind an over-sized tumour without any immediate palliative cure by medical science. Would you jump the bridge or pull the trigger or drink an overdose prescription drugs? What would you do yet you cry everyday because of some economic hardship or love misfortune. My friends, please wake up and count your blessings if only Mr. Jose Mestre of Lisbon Portugal is one tenth lucky to have a face just like you.

Where do you do your privates? Do you have a toilet in your house or do you go the old fashioned way - take it to mother nature in a little shrub coverings or behind a tree? If you have a contraption for a toilet seat is it comfortable? Does it sing, warm up your behind or massage it while you do your business? DO you have a state of the art loo which you proudly show-off to your visitors at the slightest whiff? Now meet what Icheoku would consider the mother of all that sees our private parts unhindered. This is what Icheoku calls, state of the art and if you have one, advertise it!
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