Just in case you have been wondering who in America is continuously fanning the embers of hatred and racism, look no further as
Icheoku has unravelled the mystery. Take a good look at these munchkins hereunder following; they are the protagonists of racism in America!
They talk hate; they breathe hate; they advocate hate and Icheoku wonders how do they go to sleep knowing that their words have festered more divisions in America!Their names are
Sean Hannity,
Bill O'Reilly and
Lou Dobbs! Many will be won

dering why
Icheoku left
Rush Limbaugh out of the list - the answer is that Rush stands several miles apart from these other mongrels. Rush is at least entertaining and sometimes educational that I have been listening to his program these past four ears. Although I am not a DIDO-HEAD but I admire how he always manages to wriggle himself out of some tight corners with disagreeable callers to his radio talk-show program. Rush also researches his subject area and comes on air well prepared to navigate his sometimes very touchy subjects. But if only Rush is as influential as his talk-show pretends to be - in 2006, all his preferred candidates lost elections; in 2007 the same thing happened; and in 2008 Republican Primaries his preferred candidate for the presidential nomination Mitt Romney equally lost. I remember he vilified John McCain but surprisingly is today campaigning for him and castigating Barack Obama.
Icheoku is still waiting to confirm whether his vituperation is a racially induced bigotry or he honestly believes John McCain is a better candidate.

The other talk show mad dog,
Micheal Savage is as savage as his name suggests on his gig at AM910 between 3-7PM and will not be dignified with further mention here.
Sean Hannity 
is a vermin I have tried to listen to several times but could not stand his hate filled rantings; more-so as he pretends to be half smart. A Rush Limbaugh wanna-be, this imbecile need to be taken off the airwaves immediately and consigned to an airless windowless office somewhere in Siberia. He is not the Great American he clams to be as many Great American are much more tolerant and accommodating. AM560 should find something better to fill their 3-5PM weekday slot.
Bill O'Reilly is someone I used to admire and listen to regularly especially his

No Spin Factor Fox tV program. However he has morphed into a hypocritical racist and
Icheoku heretofore condemn his antics. His fight against Pepsi Cola to withdraw an ad by Ludacris because of his bad moral impact on the society while at the same time not say a thing when Ozzy was chosen as his replacement rubbed
Icheoku on a wrong side. Also he settled a sexual harassment charge and yet pretends to be a moral compass for America. This is not fair and balanced and must be condemned. AM910 should find a replacement program for his 12-3PM slot. Bill O'Reilly is manifesting his racist's tendencies with his recent comments attacking Barack Obama and for no justifiable reason whatsoever.
As for d

Lou Dobbs, everyone in America has baptised him the arrowhead of all that is wrong with America. CNN's Lou Dobbs represents the face of bigotry in America and he appears to be love-deprived. He can never say a word or two without manifesting his red-neck hatred of all immigrants in America which he tries to sometimes justify by saying that they are talking about illegal immigrants. To Lou Dobbs,
Icheoku says,
which native American Indian authority gave your Mayflower pilgrims' forebears, visa to come to America? Lou Dobbs, please get a life and tone down your rabid hatred for people of color especially the Mexicans. May be you can use some love!
These talkers are maligning the American people and may one day create some serious trouble egging people on. Although they may deny that is what they are set out to do but any person with some grey matter listening to these talk-shows will understand the subliminal message of hate therein continuously expressed. Only a meaningful avenue for rebuttals will counter-balance the effect of these warped minds radio talk-shows. A level playing field is necessary for expression of different viewpoints! Federal Communications Commission, please do something to save America from these hate-filled talkers on the airwaves!
When Hilary Clinton and Mike Huckabee talked about assassinations relative to Senator Obama, they knew what the subsequent actions could be from several nuts who share their desire. This is one of the reasons why Senator Obama should not pick Clinton as his VP. Hilary Clinton wants to be President at all cost.
ReplyDeleteAs for Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Copter, and Rush Linbaugh, they do not have the clout they thought they have. They opposed John McCain in the Primary, but McCain won. They are now opposing Sen Obama, and Obama is ahead in the polls.