Socks adopted parent, Betty Currie, former Bill Clinton's personal secretary confirmed the death today in Hollywood, Maryland, USA.
According to a statement released by the Clintons on the death of the former First Cat, "Socks brought much happiness to Chelsea and us over the years, and enjoyment to kids and cat lovers everywhere. We're grateful for those memories, and we especially want to thank our good friend, Betty Currie, for taking such loving care of Socks for so many years."
Socks was fondly called the tuxedo cat, a derivative from his mostly black with white down the front and belly and on his feet, suggestive of a fashionable dandy in a black evening jacket with a white shirt peeping out?
While alive, Socks enjoyed sun-bathing and his most favorite food of choice was chicken dinners. He had no apparent survivors as he was, most likely was spayed. Icheoku says, sleep on Mr. First Cat!
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