Icheoku also learnt that GDP Ayurvedic Univer-s

Unfortunately Nigeria has not learnt how to effectively represent her citizenry's interest in world affairs; that at the signing ceremony on February 3, 2009, it sent just a junior minister of health Dr. Aliyu Idi Hong to represent her government? Even the Senate President David Mark had to send a mere representative, the Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Senator Gyang Dantong to attend the signing ceremony? Icheoku wonders, does Nigeria really know the potential of what is at stake here? A potential cure for one of the killer-diseases which has plagued the world, defied western research and medicine; with the only known palliative being a daily needle-poking of the body to deliver a dose of insulin, and which afflicts over 180 million people world-wide? Does Nigeria realize that this drug has the potential to give her oil-revenue a run for its money, if properly managed? Ask Pfizer about their golden goose, Viagra! Instead of throwing the full weight and might of the Federal government, Nigeria is treating this discovery in a cavalier manner with which so many uplifting events has been met with since independence? Why couldn't the Minister of Health be there at the signing ceremony? A country really serious, would have sent even the vice president, himself a medical doctor, to this signing agreement, to project full support of the government.
The other good news here is that this PhD in chemistry, have obtained a US patent No. 6,531,461 B1 of March 11, 2003 for his finding. Icheoku asks, were there patent lawyers engaged by this scientist to adequately tie the parties' hands to ensure adequate future returns on his finding? How much involved is the Nigerian government and particularly Akwa Ibom government which financed the research? Icheoku believes that they were properly provided for in future returns on the findings too? Our effort is to ensure that this scientist is properly rewarded and not be short-changed on a finding whose potential is indeterminate. Also all future references to this chemist should incorporate his full names, and not just the present "Louis Nelson"which sounds "alien" and "foreign" and which does not properly identify him with his indigenous Nigerian names! Nigeria, please stand up in a thundering ovation for the great scientist, Louis Obyo Obyo Nelson, Ph.D; who has brought to Nigeria, a bountiful of good tidings with his discovery. Icheoku prays that before too long, his discovery will start to put smiles on millions of diabetics all over the world. Once again, Congratulations Louis Obyo Obyo Nelson, PhD!
Louis Obyo Obyo Nelson, PhD can be contacted via his Email: mailto:?@yahoo.com
To find out more about the other party with interest, click:- American Academy of Ayurvedic Medicine, Inc. (AAAM).... Founding ...
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