Today January 20th, 2009 is the inauguration day of the 44th
President of the United States of America,
Barack Hussein Obama! Icheoku says, thank you America for being very reasonable with your votes last November 4th, 2008; as you voted with your head and not the other end. We believe that all our valued votes will be justified in the sacred trust mandate which we overwhelmingly gave to President Barack Obama.
To our 44th President,
Icheoku says,
Congratulation on your historic date with destiny, which catapulted you into the White House as the first ever minority to occupy the America seat of power. It was historic as it was miraculous. Your performance during the electioneering campaign was spectacular and you were handsomely rewarded; now is time for you to prove the nay-sayers wrong and show to the enthusiastic voters that they voted right. Also the whole world is waiting for America' rebirth and with your soon to be confirmed Secretary of State Senator Hillary Clinton, you must make haste to tell the world that
we are back!
eing the first minority president of America, many people are expecting you to fail just to say "I told you so!" Will you let them beat their chests in triumph? Icheoku says "we don't think so"! We have keenly followed you since your introduction to America by Senator John Kerry in Boston 2004; throughout the Democratic party's primaries and the presidential campaign proper, our eyes were fixated on you. We were encouraged by the way you frontally shot down Reverend Jeremiah Wright's and such other controversies and with dignified grace. We were encouraged also by the way you carried yourself throughout the period under reference, even when you were down and when you were up. Also we are satisfied with the cabinet you have so far put together, admitted we would have preferred a less of the Clintons in it, but we are trusting that your judgment once again, is a right one. So if you preside with the same dexterity you have so far displayed, Icheoku says, your presidency will be one heck of a presidency! Govern, you must, from day one as anything short of it, will be unacceptable to us, the American people! As you already know, there is no second chance for minorities in America, so be our trail-brazing accomplisher!
You must also know that temptations will be abundant, some of them simply to discredit you. They will come in all sizes, all manners, all shapes and all forms, from every direction and subtleties; BUT we shall not accept any excuses from you for succumbing, because you have been warned! Women, drugs, money, favors, bribe, blackmail, etc will all be used to bait you. If in doubt, ask Marion Barry the former Washington DC mayor who was nabbed in a drug-sting operation. If in doubt, ask Governor Blagojevich of your home State of Illinois of his trying to sell your former senate seat! If in doubt, ask Bill Clinton about Monica's blue dress! If in doubt, by clairvoyance ask Richard Nixon about Watergate! If in doubt, by the same means, ask Ronald Reagan about Iran-Contra gate scandal! And the list goes on and on, ad infinitum!
Our consolation is that you have in Michelle a very strong wife and a friend and we pray you keep her closer during your presidency. You cannot afford to fail us as failure is not an option in your presidency. It is totally unimaginable and will not be acceptable to the millions of us, fans and supporters of Barack Obama! Now that we have come out at your urging, our greatest fear is to be forced to recoil back in our shells due to disappointment, so you must provide us with an enduring leadership we can all be proud of. Lead, you must. Your contract with America is fully bonded with an implied undertaking by you to perform, period!
What today means, as well as Americans' and the world's expectation of you cannot be over-emphasised. But at this juncture, Icheoku must pause to thank the following people for their effort at helping you make this day, possible. First is Senator John Kerry for introducing you to America at Boston 2004; your now Vice President Joe Biden for giving that singular testimonial about your character and candor; our Lady Queen of Talk-show Oprah Winfrey for mentioning you on Larry King Live as her preferred candidate of choice to run for the office coupled with her unbridled support throughout your campaign; your lovely wife our First Lady Michelle Obama for her unquenchable support; your campaign’s chief strategist David Axelrod and campaign manager David Plough for the yeo-man's job they did, sailing you through the shark-infested waters of American politics into the White House - both of them were superlative; your soon to be confirmed Secretary of State Hilary Clinton for ironically toughing you up for the success which you achieved. She was your crucible and out of it, you came out the stronger, more solid, battle-tested Barack Obama; and lastly the American people whose audacity to look through the veil of your color to see that you are what the doctor prescribed for America at this time, brought about the reason d'etre of today's celebration! Icheoku says thank you! thank you! thank you! to all of you and adds that B.O.was also a good saleable product! However, like many people around the world, Icheoku is particularly concerned about your safety, but we take solace in the word of the Lord as ensconced in the book of Psalm 127:1 - that he watches over you! It is the Lord's to protect his loved ones! Icheoku firmly believes that there is a divine hand in what you have accomplished today, all things considered! We pray that HE, the good Lord, will envelope your presidency with his armoured protection. Also we have confidence in our Secret Service who have been protecting our presidents as well as visiting foreign dignitaries all these years and we expect the same for you. Icheoku prays that you will successfully complete your term/s in office to enable you deliver on your campaign promises. You are here to take us to the next level, President Barack Hussein Obama and we cannot wait much longer for your deliverance!
To a leader-president of America, Icheoku says, God's speed! President Barack Hussein Obama, the work ahead is laden but succeed, you shall! Every man and woman of goodwill should please, attend a party today to mark a very important milestone in American history - a black-man is the PRESIDENT! Hail to the chief! Long live the Obamas and may the Almighty God protect your presidency in Jesus name, Amen! God bless America!
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