Like father like son and so goes all despots! From Iraq's Saddam Hussein and his sons Uday and Quasi to Liberia's Charles Taylor and his son Chuck; it is the same despotic blood flowing in their veins. Luckily the American justice system has once again risen to the occasion and stopped this despicable low-lifer, mad son of Liberia's madman, cold in his tracks and die he will in the big house.
Charles "Chuckie" MacArthur Emmanuel "Terror" Taylor, 31, bastard son of the former executioner-in-chief of Liberia, Charles Ghanskay Taylor was put away for good and for a very very long time, where he can no longer cause grief to the good people of Liberia! Chuck has been de-plumed and will forever not be able to do any harm again to the good people of Liberia.

In short, Chuckie will only know freedom again stretched out cold. Only in the land beyond, as he can only leave prison on a gurney - dead as a door knob! When, after staying 97 years behind bars! He is 29 now and by the end of his 97 years term should be 126 years if lucky enough to wear the toga of the world's oldest living person then.
Kudos to the American fearless judiciary whose justice system is no respecter of criminals and criminal master minds! Chuck Taylor's offense includes torture, maiming, rape, mutilation, murder, summary executions without trial of innocent Liberian citizens. Chuck was simply speaking, a clone of the other once lived, mad son of Saddam Hussein,

According to presiding
Judge Cecilia Altonaga,
it is hard to conceive of any more serious offences against the dignity and life of human beings than what Chuckie visited on the Liberian people. While handing him the sentence, Judge Altonaga said,
"1,164 months in prison" is the appropriate sentence for crimes of a universally condemned torture that was witnessed in Liberia under the watch, supervision and sometimes execution of Charles "Chuckie" Emmanuel Taylor".
As head of Liberia's "elite" paramilitary unit that doubles as anti-terrorist services unit during his father's 1997-2003 despotic rule, Chuckie was solely responsible for keeping his father in power by viciously cutting down every opposition, both imaginary and real. Before sentencing, Chuckie fearfully pleaded for forgiveness, saying "Sorry to my brothers for what happened during the 1

4 years of war in Liberia. My sympathies go out to all the people who suffered in the conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone. I will meet my obligation no matter what it would be".
Icheoku says, Chuckie failed to take responsibility for the mayhem he wrought on Liberians but

merely mouthed a shallow apology without any contrite heart; which apology was borne out of fear and a ploy to mitigate his sentence. Here was a man who gleefully
hacked off children's limbs with their parents forced to watch the gory macabre with their own very own eyes and for 14 long years, now pretending to be sorry for his crimes?
Icheoku says this beast has no heart at all and if any, is made of cold steel!

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Chuck Taylor was taken into custody in Miami Florida on March 30, 2006, while trying to enter the United States illegally from Trinidad. He was initially charged with passport fraud and pleaded guilty. On the day before his sentencing in December 2006, he was indicted on torture charges based on the agitation of some Liberian victims representatives, living in the United States. That indictment included graphic detail of brutal killings and tortures Taylor allegedly ordered, supervised and in some cases personally carried out himself between April 1999 and July 2003.
One of his victim was placed naked in a pit as stinging fire-ants were shoveled over his body and later buried alive. He also tormented his victims with molten plastic, electric shocks, spear, lit cigarettes, hot clothes-irons, bayonets, fire-ants, scalding water, sharp metal-rods and water-filled holes topped by iron bars and barbed wire. He personally shot several men and ordered one man to be castrated before being beheaded. Prosecutors initially sought a 147-year prison term but the Judge was lenient enough to give this marauding beast of Monrovia, just 97 years prison sentence.
And who is his daddy but the petty dictator pictured left, now cowering before the court of justice at the Hague for crimes against humanity. His name, Charles Taylor! The notorious former Liberian dictator Charles Taylor, is on trial at The Hague, Netherlands before a UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, where he is facing 11 count charges for war crimes and crimes against humanity. A verdict is expected in the case, this year 2009.
Icheoku says if only Nigerians will learn to cash in on available provisions of law in America, hounds like
Olusegun Obasanjo could be arrested and tried in America, for his crimes against the
Odi and Zaki Ibiam people of Nigeria! The people of Liberia made this 97 years behind bars outcome possible. A
Liberian Human Rights and Refugee Welfare Organization (LIHRRWO) based in the United States petitioned for Chuck Taylor's indictment and launched a campaign that planted his feet deeper into the quicksand of law; after his initial arrest for passport violation. LIHRRWO, based in Minnesota, earlier notified the then US Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales through a letter asking the Justice Department to hold Chuckie for more investigation unrelated to the passport fraud for which he was arrested and detained.
In a subsequent press release the group revealed that it has dispatched letters to the Director of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Emilo Gonzales, and Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Justice Assistance through Secretary Michael Chertoff reques

ting the prolonged detention of Chuckie Taylor. According to the group, Charles Taylor, Jr. needed to be kept in detention so that he would be questioned about his role in the abuse of human rights when he served as commander of the Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU) in Liberia between 1998 and 2003. LIHRRWO said it would use the
United States Tort Act to bring a lawsuit against Chuckie Taylor in the US for his involvement in the death of Liberians when he served as “head of his father killing squad, the so-called Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU).”
Icheoku says, if Liberians can do this why not the Odi and Zaki Ibiam people against Olusegun Obasanjo or don't they have representatives in the United States?
Icheoku says, this beast of Monrovia is a deplorable and abhorable animal who deserves to serve every second of the 1164 months behind bars prison sentence. This animal was born in America and having grown up in the United States of America, one would have expected him to know better; respect the rules of law but never, instead he was bit by the same bug which generally bite every African man of power; he became afflicted and immediately morphed into a ravenous killing mad-dog which he became. If I were the judge in the case, a big needle in his vein while strapped down, would have been my preferred instrument of punishment but 97 years is no picnic either.

Thank you American judiciary, for holding this animal accountable for all the atrocities he committed in Liberia.
Icheoku wants to let you know that there are still hundreds of Chuck Emmanuel Taylor in Africa and such fate as was handed out today should be their awaiting portion! God bless America!
am a liberian and lived through the horrors of the taylors. chuckie desrves all the years behind bars and more. he was just a tyrant like his dad. many dictators are cowards who try to suppress the people by viciousness. look who laughs last, the people of liberia, as papa taylor has lost his wife senator jewel howard taylor to a young businessman her junior, named melee kerme; the senior taylor being tried with the junior taylor headed for 97 years out of circulation. glory be to god and icheoku keep commenting - from monrovia with love, williams.