Friday, March 26, 2021
There was no fireworks, he was dower and nothing came out of it that moved the news trajectory or even made the news. It was flat at best and less informative to say the least; and for a man who continuously preaches unity of American people, the fact that he refused to call on any conservative reporter to field a question says it all about the seriousness of his professed unity. No journalist from Fox News, OAN or Newmax was called up to ask a question and you wonder how the millions on the right side of American politics will see this open disdainful behavior.
Joe Biden also confirmed to the world that he is a Methuselah and was in the United States Senate for 120 years before he became a Vice President and then eventually installed in the White House by the Deep State. He called on specific reporters from his notebook who most probably submitted their questions ahead of time to enable his minders prepare answers for them. But he still struggled remembering the answers and had to directly read them as written for him in his handbook. It was heartrending watching the labored read and you wonder why his minders did not also correctly write for him the number of years he was in the senate since they went to the length of providing him the answers to other questions. How did he know the right flashcards to bring if the questions were not provided to him ahead of time and answers to them also made available.
So many questions which many people had expected to see were not asked; instead the journalists were busy asking a 78 year man who barely made it through the last election and who is less than 60 days in his term whether he will run again in 2024. Meanwhile there was no questions on January 6th Capitol riot; on the economy; joblessness and why he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline project and whether he regrets the jobs that were lost as a result. Nobody asked him if he had continued with the border wall and not canceled it, whether it would not have helped to stem the southern border immigration crisis. Even when he said he has no apologies for canceling all the measures put in place by President Donald John Trump which checkmated the immigration crisis, none of the reporters pushed back to explain that the measures were indeed working. Also he was not challenged to renounce his messaging which is encouraging the migration.
He read the answers to the questions which were very noticeable with the questions on the expected withdrawal date of American soldiers from Afghanistan and North Korea missiles firing provocations. It is also instructive that no journalist deemed it fit to ask Joe Biden whether his administration is purposely preventing journalists from going to the holding facilities until they straighten things out so that they will not see the appalling state of affairs there now. They also failed to challenge him on the cancel culture epidemic which is infesting the country and whether such is not autocratic and anti democratic. There was also no questions on why Prince Mohamed Bin Salaman was not punished for killing journalist Jamal Khashoggi; the Kenyan government slaughter of Tigrans and of course the Myanmar ongoing military attack on democracy.
It was such a pitiful event and it is obvious that a lot of cover up was involved in staging the press conference, especially by the journalists who were themselves a far cry from their adversarial self during President Donald John Trump time in the White House. The journalists were not driven by fact finding and information gathering; they merely willfully participated in a ruse orchestrated to satisfy anxious Americans who were steadily getting worried that the man occupying their White House has not addressed a press conference for over 50 days since he was installed in office. It is a shame.
Anyway, it is good that he survived the press conference, did not faint or collapse and did not sip any water throughout the slightly over one hour press meet, if ICHEOKU could call it that. Let us hope that he will going forward make himself more readily available to the media and also learn to take questions and answer them off cuff. But whatever happens, the practice of leaking questions ahead of time to our leaders which was started by Donna Brasile with Hillary Clinton must stop. It somewhat questions the intelligence of our leaders and the world is laughing at America on how Hollywood has corrupted everything in America with everything being literary scripted just for show. It questions America's seriousness and challenges its place as a leader of the world if they could allow such a mentally and physically debilitated man to be leading them.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
A week ago a gunman in Atlanta went into three massage parlors and shot eight people to death six of who are Asians and they told us he did it because of his hatred for Asians; that he is a white supremacist who does not like Asian people. This was despite the fact that the gunman had said it was not racially motivated and that he was only trying to cleanse his sexual addiction demons which those massage parlors were facilitating. Even the FBI backed him up, stating that the shootings was not racially motivated, but it was still not enough to persuade the race baiters of America to back off from their Asian hate narrative. Is it just because the gunman in Atlanta is white, thus begging the question is it only when a gunman is a white person that such killing arises to a racially motivated shooting.
Imagine how ironical it is that two identical cases of the literally the same fact pattern could be so differently branded and you wonder why. Only five days apart from each other and the narrative rapidly changed just because of who is being scapegoated, white people. Two gun violences in America are being interpreted differently just because of the skin colors of those who were killed and the persons who did the killings. They blamed anti Asian hatred for one and then easy availability of guns in America on the other despite that both men took guns into business premises and murdered their victims respectively. Yet one of them is branded a white supremacist and the other we are forbidden to say that he is a white people hating Syrian American Muslim who hates President Donald John Trump with passion. He also propounds the Islamophobia gospel and hates homosexuals which he blames on white people's pervasion.
How can a nation live with itself in such a lie and still expects to survive and thrive? Are these people saying that the white race cannot be racially targeted, singled out and attacked because of their skin color? Why was Atlanta massage parlors shooting anti Asians bias but Boulder supermarket shooting is not anti Whites bias? Suddenly Joe Biden would not speculate on the motive of the Boulder shooter but he did not waste time in speculating the motive of the Atlanta shooter, even when the shooter himself denied any racial motivation as well as the FBI which said there was no racial animus in the shooting. Joe Biden has also not announced when he and Kamala Harris will be visiting Boulder as they did with Atlanta to go and commiserate with the bereaving white families who lost their family members.
Why are white people being this shafted in America and treated differently just because they are white? A Syrian Arab Muslim American takes a gun into a supermarket in a largely white city and in a predominately white neighborhood and killed 10 white people and there is no anti white animus in him that motivated his action. Really? He is a democrat and he is a devout Muslim who professed severally his hatred for white people. But unfortunately, Facebook have scrubbed his page in their effort to cover up his anti white people storied history, thus making it difficult to get a full insight into his demented mind. They do not want us to go there, discuss the fact that the Boulder supermarket killer is an Arab Muslim because it does not fit the accepted racial parody in America. It is reprehensible and condemnable what America has become, openly supporting bias against white people and treating hate crimes against them as non existent.
The Boulder supermarket killer, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, is a Syrian Arab American Muslim who migrated to America when he was a child but who was still schooled by his family into an Islamist with an acute anti white Americans bias. He did not hide his hatred for white people and he even called President Trump names including being a dick. He carefully planned and executed the murder of ten white Americans but they are telling us it was not a racially motivated hate crime. But the Atlanta shooter is a white guy and so his own shooting is automatically an anti Asians racist killing simply because some Asians were among his victims. That two of his victims were white people did not matter to these people as they dismissed their death as merely their being at the wrong place at the wrong time. ICHEOKU says how about the Boulder victims, were they also at the wrong place at the wrong time or were they minding their own business when a white hating Islamist specifically targeted them for elimination. It boggles the mind trying to understand the rationale for this absurd distinctions as it is either both killings are gun violences or they were racially motivated.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
A rally where more than one million people attended and it is just the words of a few Ohio State soccer moms that are now being weighted against the president. ICHEOKU says really? What percentage of the people who attended the rally are these soccer moms from Ohio anyway or are they so dumb that they cannot distinguish their left from their right. Are they so harebrained that they lack basic understanding of the English language and their judgment so poor that they believed that they were asked to invade the Capitol. They said "We did it because our president said we have to take back out house", but they failed to mention whether the president also told them to do it violently, assuming their interpretation of what the president said holds any water.
Is it everything these soccer moms were ever asked to do that they did? If somebody had asked them to jump off the cliff or fall into a volcano, would they have obliged? These are fully grown adults, women and mothers; but they want us to believe that they have no functioning thinking faculties of their own to independently rationalize things and you wonder how good mothers they are anyway and how well they are raising their children. But they acted because the president "commanded" it. Very interesting really.
How about the militia members who had their own version and interpretation of what transpired that day that led to the riot. They said that they had to act because because President Donald John Trump was all talk and no action. According to them, "We did what he (Trump) wouldn't do". But this fella did not find their own account of what happened good enough to exculpate the president but finds the Ohio soccer moms' irrational understanding necessarily boding culpability for the president. It is also instructive that 800 people made it inside the Capitol, 400 of which were arrested and charged with 100 more still being investigated.
Why did only this few number of people out of the millions that attended the rally. If President Donald John Trump had asked for the misbehavior and in a rally attended by more than one million people, why was it only them that heard his "call for violence." Mr Sherwin also admitted that some of the rioters were already at the Capitol building while President Trump was still delivering his speech and you ask yourself why did he then say all the things he said during the interview which are self contradictory and which conflicted so much and did not make any rational sense.
According to him, President Trump could be still charged for his role in the riot and you ask yourself what role? Has demented people's wrongful interpretation of another person's words now become the new standard for finding the speaker of the words culpable? What happened to directly assessing the speech to see if there was anything in it that amounts to criminality based on a reasonable rational person's understanding and not a probably distorted soccer moms who are trying desperately to wriggle out of their criminal misbehavior. How low could a man go in a desperate quest to curry favor of retention in office by the new administration that he was ready to input idiocy to a black and white issue which requires no special read.
How could few Ohio soccer moms imbecilic understanding of what the president said now become sufficient to move the needle towards the culpability of the president. Why are the words of the militia group not at the same par in his consideration and conversely be capable of not moving the needle or rather moving it the opposite side towards finding the president fully innocent of all accusations. How could exuberant and possibly inebriated people's ramblings on social media now become the benchmark for finding culpability when it is widely known that so many social media postings are often times exaggerated and are just feel good big talk of some clownish elements who pretend to be what they are not. Is it not possible that they could have talked over their heads in their postings in an attempt to impress their friends with their heroic Washington DC visit of January 6th, 2021. Yet their rantings on Facebook and other social media platform are what this fella now tells the world are the basis for grounding culpability.
Which government did those rioters even attempted to overthrow on that day since Joe Biden was not in power on January 6th 2021. Was it the President Donald John Trump's government and could the president and his supporters have attempted to overthrow his own government. Even if the rioters had successfully overwhelmed the Capitol and technically "overthrown" the Congress, they still could not have overthrown the United States government because Congress is but one third of the government and not the government. So, could the rioters have attempted what even if they had completed would not have amounted to overthrowing the government?
At least they did not dispatch some of their colleagues to the Supreme Court and the White House to simultaneously wrestle the judiciary and executive powers in order to actually overthrow the government. So, it does not matter that President Donald John Trump was the reason (magnet) his MAGA supporters thronged to Washington DC on January 6th, 2021; that was never subject to debate as it was obviously and incontrovertibly true? He was the reason for the season as MAGA nation descended on Washington DC to be with their leader and they showed up strongly, but there was no crime in that.
ICHEOKU says it was ridiculousness to Power 2 as nothing else can sufficiently explain what gushed out of this fellas mouth on that CBS 60 Minutes interview. Whether he was even authorized to discuss the ongoing investigations and weigh on such sensitive matters as he did as a prosecutor is beyond the imagination. How about his words biasing the eventual trier of facts and poisoning some potential jurors mind? Some of them are certainly interpretable as prejudicial. Did any of his bosses at the Department of Justice sanction and approve the interview and to what degree.
It is sad what the effort to belong and be accepted by the Wokeist crowd is doing to America. Many of the conclusions he reached did not make sense and you wonder why he reached them anyway. The only deducible thing is that he purposely said what he said in order to remain in the good books of the leftist anarchists of America who are demanding the heads of everyone who disagrees with their pedantic wokeism ideology. He wanted to be seen as a member of the anti Trump crazed out rancorous nut jobs of America, period. What he said was idiotic, imbecilic and beneath of someone who parades himself as a lawyer and a United States Attorney for that matter. He should not have gone to some of the places he went on the interview. It is a shame.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
ICHEOKU says hopes that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will fly out to Boulder Colorado within the next few days to also console and comfort the white people there over their own race's loss of lives. Failure of the two of them to jointly do so will mean that their Atlanta show was just a mere optical illusion meant to pander to racial entrepreneurs of America. Off to Boulder they must go in the interest of EQUITY and America awaits!
ICHEOKU says whether it is a "challenge" or a crisis, the issue is that there is a problem as the southern border with Mexico, period. Therefore, semantics should not be allowed to get in the way in fashioning out a workable solution to the catastrophe unfolding at the southern border. A wise Joe Biden should at least start by reinstating those policies put in place by President Donald John Trump which largely kept the illegality at bay. Remain in Mexico and Building the Wall policies were effective deterrents, so what is Joe Biden waiting for to stop the maddening lawlessness down the souther border. Enough of the tepidity.
Now just five days after the Atlanta shootings another mass killing has taken place inside a groceries supermarket in Boulder Colorado in continuation of the unending blood letting goriness in America. Who knows which racial animus those racial entrepreneurs will now give to the latest mass shootings in America as unfolded in Colorado. Does the white gunman now has a "racial bias" against his own white kind as well? ICHEOKU says seriously wants to know the coloration which will be attached to this latest heinous act, except if the same racial entrepreneurs are now saying that white people are not entitled to the same protective talking point against racial bias like Asians and sometimes Blacks.
A white gunman kills some Asians in Atlanta and it is because they are Asians. Another white gunman kills some white people in Boulder and it is because of what? Unfortunately, they are not going to provide us with an explanation or even have the decency to make a clarification because they have an agenda to continuously pitch Americans against each other by foisting race in everything. But, the fact of the matter is that gun violence is a fact of life in America and it affects everyone regardless of the color of their skin and it should be left there and not pigeonholed as race driven bias. When it happens, people should not read needless ulterior motives into it, but see it purely for what it is, just another crazed out American totting gun who deployed it as a weapon of mass destruction on his fellow Americans.
This is the fifth mass killings in Colorado's recorded history starting with the 1864 Sand Creek shooting that claimed the lives of 163 people; then the 1914 Woodlow massacre that took 29 lives; then the 1999 Columbine High School Littleton massacre that killed 15 students and teachers; then the 2012 Aurora theatre shootings where 12 people lost their lives and now the latest Boulder supermarket shootings that dispatched 10 lives to the great beyond. It is sad the number of American lives continuously being wasted through senseless gun violence and a lot have been killed already and many more will be killed going forward, begging the question is it a problem without a solution?
So far, it has been largely men who perpetrate this heinous acts and this is a commendable plus for the American women. Lets hope the women will not rise up to protest their lack of representation and start carrying out their own mass murders, afterall what a man can do, a woman can do better. Anyway, may the souls of the Colorado dead now rest. It is sad and it is even sadder that the lifting of the coronavirus lockdown seems to have also lifted mass shootings in America as well, a scourge which has largely been under a lid throughout the lockdown period. Two mass shootings within just five days of each other in which 18 people lost their lives are just too many. May God grant their families the fortitude to bear their loss.
Monday, March 22, 2021
But nobody should be killed regardless because neither Chinese people nor other Asian people living in America were responsible for releasing the coronavirus from the laboratory in Wuhan China. If anyone must be held accountable for the scourge, it is President Xi Jinping and his government in Beijing as well as those they placed in charge of the laboratory in Wuhan. Some Asian and Chinese people in America equally lost their lives to the pandemic and nobody should add insult to their injury by singling out the rest of them for yet another victimization. They have enough pain already and killing any of them because of the coronavirus is just an intolerable abominable act. It is a relief indeed that the Asians killed in Atlanta were not killed because of their race as a result of the coronavirus. But for the sake of discussion and playing the devil's advocate, assuming the murders were motivated by hatred of those who caused the coronavirus outbreak, then the killer must have killed the wrong Asians because Koreans are not Chinese.
ICHEOKU is convinced and believes the killer when he said that sexual addiction drove him into killing those people who helped propagate his addiction in an effort to cleanse his demon. It might sound unreasonable to a rational mind but we should judge the situation based on the obviously demented mind of the killer, admitted his rationalization is wrong. He is by every indication a mentally challenged individual who needs physiatrist intervention followed by a long banishment to a mental asylum. He is a sick individual who was addicted to sex and who unreasonably believed that by killing those people who facilitated his addiction that he will beat the habit. The reasonableness of his thinking is the only issue here, but not that some Asians were his victims and thus made it an anti Asian killings.
The killer could have gone to China Town or Chinese restaurants, but he did not; which shows that the killing was not the Chinese coronavirus pandemic related. Also if the killer was targeting Asian people in particular, he would have been more random with the killing, but it appears that he specifically targeted just the three massage parlors where he struck; possibly, places where he patronized to satisfy his insatiable sexual proclivities which according to him was a demon which he wanted to exorcise by killing the purveyors of sex. There are other Spa and Massage parlors scattered around the neighborhoods but he struck at three specific ones and he was very methodical and deliberate about his targets. This shows a scheme and deliberation which further buttresses his assertion that it was not a racially based killings.
We are speaking of logical reasoning here. Koreans are not Chinese, admitted both are Asians and they too often make this clarifications themselves. Asians did not give the world the coronavirus disease, the Chinese did; so any fallout arising from the pandemic should have been specifically Chinese targeted and not the entire Asian community. So, Asians should stop linking the killings to the coronavirus because they are not related. Also they should endeavor to redirect their energies to enlightening the world, which is mad at China for what they did, that Chinese people do not represent the entire Asians. That if anyone ought to be punished or held responsible for the coronavirus, that it is the Chinese and not every Asian. That way any would be reaction will be specifically targeted and directed at the Chinese and not just anybody with a particular type of eye and facial contour that look Asian.
Although it is often difficult to distinguish Asians, but Chinese people are known to concentrate among themselves in China Towns and they also run Chinese restaurants for the most part. It is also well known that Koreans mostly run laundry and massage parlors, Vietnamese run mostly nail shops, Indians and Pakistanis run 711, motels and gas stations, while Palestines and Yemenis run corner liquor stores. Therefore it would not have been too difficult to locate any group that is specifically targeted and assuming that the Atlanta violence was due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, the killer would have known better to go for the Chinese at Chhina Town and Chinese restaurants rather than the Koreans at their massage parlors. But his killing was not anti Asian racially motivated; it was a desire to cleanse himself of his sexual demonic addiction and he directed his ire at the people who provided him the easy outlet to satisfy his cravings.
ICHEOKU says Asians should believe the killer when he said that it was sexually motivated and that it had nothing to do with their being Asian. ICHEOKU strongly believes his assertion otherwise he would not have wasted his time driving from one specific massage parlor to the other two when there are so many other such businesses around at the original place where he first struck. Even at the subsequent two places, there were many other massage and spa parlors around but he went into already earmarked ones and thereafter drove away, headed to some other ones in Florida where he supposedly had some dalliances as well. It is important that this distinctions are clearly made as it will help assuage the palpable fear within the Asian community that the Atlanta shootings targeted them because of the coronavirus pandemic. It was sexual pervasion gone wrong and not a reprisal for the China virus, period.
Meanwhile, nobody is even asking why these massage parlors are fronts for illegal sexual activities and whether they should be punished for running illegal brothels under the cover of providing therapeutic massage services. It is something the authorities in Atlanta should take a look into after all the generated hysteria dies down because so many trafficked women are forcibly used in this operations. Recall that New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was once caught in a Florida massage parlor sexually indulging himself and these parlors are spread everywhere throughout the United States of America. They are flourishing without a care in the world about the law they are breaking, operating illegal brothels with trafficked women, many of who are held against their will.
But that subject is for some other day's discussion as this is solely to underline the stated claim of the killer that he only killed to get rid of the women who were prostituting themselves and furthering his sexual addiction. It is sad that they were killed and it is also sad that mental illness foist on this mad dog such a thinking which led him to commit such heinous crimes. However, America must end the general scapegoating which often accompanies certain things such as that the killer is a white supremacist who did what he did because he hated Asians because of the coronavirus. This narrative is wrong and misleading as Koreans are not Chinese and it is also dismissive of the fact that two of the victims were not Asians. The virus came from Wuhan China and thus made it a China virus, correctly speaking and political correctness thrown aside. But nobody deserves to be killed because of it and nobody should be killed because of it and nobody was killed in Atlanta because of it.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
It will be interesting to see a receipt for making Meghan Markle cry and uncomfortable really look like? Who issued Meghan Markle a receipt for not being steeped in royal mannerisms and etiquettes and for not knowing how to role-play a princess? What types of receipts are they anyway that comprise of this her documents? When Archie was refused a prince hood title and/or denied private security was a receipt also issued to Meghan Markle for it?
But no, as the new spokesperson for Meghan Markle and her renegade prodigal Prince Harry husband, Gayle King, wants the world to know that Meghan Markle did not lie in her interview, is a sweet innocent victim of the British royal palace intrigues and have documents to back her assertions up that she naively married into a royal family that mistreated her because she is black.
ICHEOKU says it will be nice to see those Meghan Markle's alleged receipts or documents produced and made public so that the whole world may see what such receipts really look like and thereafter bear witness to the mistreatment which the palace meted to her. But unfortunately such a moment may never come because those documents do not exist. It is just another version of her claim that Archie's skin color was questioned by someone within the palace but she failed to name who in the palace is the culprit. It is sad to see what the rascality of Prince Harry brought upon the British royal family and now threatening to cause it an irreparable harm.
It is about time Meghan Markle put up or shut up; she has to name the person who questioned Archie's skin color and also produce the Gayle King's alleged documents. If she fails to do so, her name will be permanently etched in infamy as the Lying Duchess who no longer deserves to bear Duchess of Sussex title, not that she ever did anyway. What a woman and her instigators are legion.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
But to God be the glory that only an Saturday Night Live's joke came out of it, assuming those liberal nut jobs who write the SNL skits would ever summon the courage to start poking fun at Joe Biden. It is also noteworthy and commendable that he was able to get back up entirely on his own strength, especially after falling down three times. ICHEOKU also admired that he soldiered on with a straight poker face and completed the rest of the stairs and then still turned back to give a salute. That was courage in full display there and he had no shame about it, which portrayed him as human. Nicely weathered.
ICHEOKU says imagine if it was President Donald John Trump that took such tumbling down, what the fake news media hogs would have made of him, including making non stop jokes about him and even questioning if it was not past time 25th Amendment is invoked to save America from such disaster, with some of them wishing he had hit his head on the railing and fallen into coma as a result. Anyway, it is Joe Biden that fell down severally and that is what this article is all about.
Luckily for his dogs too, none of them was with him during his falls to take the blame for tripping him this time and of course, he was not coming out of the shower but was just ascending the steps to Air-Force One. The falls were captured on video and it showed that Joe Biden was entirely on his own, unaccompanied and unencumbered as he made his way up. A matter made worse because it came barely one day after Russia Vladimir Putin challenged Joe Biden to a live conference and you wonder how Joe Biden would have fared with a debate if he cannot safely climb ordinary steps without tripping and three times.
Going forward, the Air Force should consider modifying the stairway by converting it to an escalator or even start using a mobile lift to easily take him up and down Air-Force One. They should totally dispense with the need for such a mentally fatigued and physically feeble old man laboring up and down the nearly two stories high stairs on his own very weak strength and cognitive impairment. Hopefully too, White House will not ban reporters and photographers from covering Joe Biden's future climb of Air-Force One and make it impossible to ever capture such a horrifying moment as played out before the eyes of the world, especially American people who must be wondering by now what could come next or eventually become of the fella who is occupying their White House.
It was not a good sight to behold seeing an American leader and supposed leader of the free world take such tumbling down right to his knees. It is a harbinger of things to come and diminishes America's standing and perception in the world. The calculation must be if their leader could not climb ordinary steps, what else must be ailing America including acute cancel culture Wokesim which is eating deeply into its body fabric. But instead of addressing his underlying age problems, they are busy once again making excuses for him, including that he is not the only person to fall down on Air-Force One stairs; and that Gerald Ford and Barack Obama did.
But hey, ICHEOKU is watching alongside millions of other eagle-eyed enthusiasts who are keenly observing what is unfolding before our eyes as it appertains to the occupant of the White House. Hopefully it is not a prelude to his finally deciding to move back to be with his dogs in Delaware after determining that he can no longer continue with the job. Whatever happens going forward, at least America momentarily dodged the bullet for now and prays that nothing disastrous will be forced on it during the pendency of this administration. It was so sad to watch.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Russian President Vladimir Putin dares Joe Biden to a LIVE session to publicly do the job which American's in-bed mainstream media will not do, prove the senility of Joe Biden. But will Joe Biden's minders and guardians take the bait and allow the sheep go to slaughter. ICHEOKU says does not think so as they will move mountains to protect Joe Biden from disgracing himself and America before the world. His mental fatigue is getting worse and being stared down by Putin will do him no good either as it will add to his woes. It might trigger bouts of brain freeze in Joe Biden and could also make his fabled stuttering even worse. But give it up to him, Putin is very clever to have thought up this idea. Like Hunter, where is Joe? What a shame it will be if Joe Biden declines this offer and refuses to take Putin up on it. It will mark the first time an American leader rejected an opportunity of conferencing with a Russian Tsar. It is sad already, just thinking about such development. Joe Biden must endeavor to save face by accepting the Putin Challenge even if he conditions it on Putin first releasing Russian dissident Alexei Navally from prison. Clever, right?
When Omar Mateen, a Muslim, murdered 49 homosexuals inside Pulse night club in Orlando Florida, nobody blamed it on an Islamist hatred of gay people. When Muslim Army Major Nidal Malik Hassan opened fire at Fort Hood and killed 13 white people, 12 of who were soldiers, nobody said it was a Muslim hatred of white soldiers. But a mentally challenged gunman Robert Aaron Long kills 8 people including one white women, one white man, one Hispanic woman, four Korean Asian women and one yet to be racially properly identified woman in various Atlanta massage parlors and the narrative becomes that he did it because of his white supremacist hatred for Asians.
ICHEOKU says how about the two white women and one Hispanic woman co-victims of his murderous spree? What is the explanation for their killings or did all of them look Asian to him and for a man who "specifically" targeted Asians? If the killings were anti Asian people motivated, why then did he not spare the lives of the three none Asian women who he also murdered. But his explanation that he is a sex addict and wanted to cleanse his sexual addiction demons by killing the people, sex workers, who facilitated his addiction was not well received by the race baiters of America. It did not fit their narrative that he targeted his victims specifically because they were Asians and they are livid about it.
ICHEOKU says this purposely targeted maligning of white people in America must stop. It comes in all dimensions and it is going too far. The hatchet men and women doing this dirty deed want to alienate white people particularly white men and they are going to undeserving lengths to mission accomplish this their dastardly objective, including by blanket brushing of almost every white person in America as a racist and white supremacist. It is not fair. Why must everything be seen through the racial lens and every incident intentionally skewed to foist and maintain a racial coloration to it, even where none exists as with the Atlanta sex holes shootings. It does no one any good and it will only exacerbate further the simmering distrust within the American society. Enough of the agenda driven woke narratives. May the souls of those victims now rest as the law takes its course to bring the perpetrator to justice. It is sad.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
ICHEOKU says why wasn't the same standard applied in the claim of Ms Tara Reade against Joe Biden. Why was her own allegation not investigated or didn't she show "a lot of courage" in her coming forward to warrant it? Believe every woman is their operating guiding philosophical standard. Tara Reade is a woman, so, why was she not believed. How is her case any different than those hound dogs currently baying at Cuomo's feet? Why was she not believed then and now the same people are asking American people to believe the women who are now going after Governor Cuomo. Where is the equity or are American people no longer supposed to be treated fairly and judged with the same standard. Why give Cuomo what Biden was not given?
ICHEOKU says is not by this holding any brief for Governor Cuomo but is only curious as to why it is not a one cap fits all standard of general application to every claim of any unwanted sexual assault by any woman. But Democrats are afraid of Governor Andrew Cuomo 2024 presidential run and want to destroy him now by yoking him down with a sexual allegation which his resignation will only further cement as true. Their calculation is that no American voter will want to see a pervert in the White House and with it they will foreclose whatever chances Governor Cuomo might have at not only securing the Democratic Party's presidential ticket in the primaries but also winning the White House in the fall of 2024. It is 2024, stupid!