Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


ICHEOKU says it is the unspoken tragedy of a military destroyed by successive governments, many of which, intentionally and purposefully, undermined the military to make it impossible for them to overthrow their governments and thus put an end to military incursions into politics through coup de tats. It did not start today and it will not be fixed overnight; and gradually, an under equipped, under trained and highly demoralized and nearly factionalized Nigerian army cannot be the best fighting force it was used to be in Africa or which anyone could expect them to be. It is rather unfortunate as it is regrettable that the clueless Nigerian politicians, like Emperor Nero, are partying while the only thing that is still holding the glue of Nigeria together and in place, is burning and unraveling like a candle; and you wonder which country will these thieving politicians prey on once the military falls victim to their ineptitude and wicked deprivation of the army what they needed to do their job precisely and professionally. 

Any number of soldiers lost in a battle field is a number too many and these brave men and women ought not to die, especially not in the hands of ragtag terrorists urchins, who are hellbent on decimating and destroying Nigeria. So, ask yourselves, what becomes of Nigeria should this last hope and last bastion of Nigeria's general defense falls. This is the reason every Nigerian should see the tragedy that befell those brave and courageous soldiers in their fight against Boko Haram Islamist terrorists, as a personal tragedy, because in them does our collective safety as a people and as a county rests. They need to be supported, prayed for and encouraged but not derided because Nigeria will cease to exist the day there is no Nigerian military to defend and protect the sovereign entity called Nigeria. Also is it possible that the same foreign interests who engineered the Jonathan loss of the last election are once again behind the latest insurgency in their attempt to once again influence the coming election outcome?

ICHEOKU's heart bleeds and ICHEOKU's mind broods and moans for the tragedy that took place in Bornu State, which saw nearly a company wiped out, alongside their commanding officer. ICHEOKU calls on the authorities in Abuja to set up a commission of inquiry over the tragic incident, to find out what exactly actually happened and how to prevent a repeat occurrence in the future. It is indeed mind boggling how a professional army of one, trained and equipped to overwhelm enemies of Nigeria, could sustain such a high number of loss of its soldiers, and without any counter action against the terrorists.  ICHEOKU says whether their mission was compromised and sabotaged by some insider informants, who knew about the planned mission and tipped off the Boko Haramites, who waylaid the advancing soldiers and killed them all off, nobody knows and hopefully such a commission will be able to make a determination about this. 

ICHEOKU respects anyone who could be so selfless as to put his or her life on the line and in defense of others; and hereby urges the Nigerian government to provide the Nigeria military with all and whatever they need but currently lacks to help them do the job at hand. They must be supported by all means to help them mission accomplish their current mission to root out those Boko Haram terrorists and solve the insurgency problem militating against Nigeria, particularly the Northwestern Nigeria Bornu State, once and for all. Imagine, if they could face such a huge challenge now pitied against an ordinary terrorist group, what will become of them should a well trained and equipped foreign country's military invade Nigeria. It is sad and it is lamentable the level of unpreparedness being exhibited by the Nigerian military in the fight against Boko Haram terrorists and their command and control cadre seems oblivious of the damage to their reputation which this non abating and never ending Boko Haram insurgency is causing to it. 

ICHEOKU says is not here to apportion blame or to hold anyone in particular responsible for what happened or to lay the blame for the latest loss of so many soldiers on anyone's footsteps, because the problem proceeded the current government and also the one before it. 

Ibrahim Babangida is the person responsible for messing up the once fierce fighting force called the Nigeria military, in his failed attempt to perpetuate himself in office. Three times did he wipe off a crop of Nigerian military officers under the guise of quelling military coup detats. Also 365 Nigerian Army Majors were killed through a plane crash in Ejigbo, all in his attempt to keep a lid on the military. One of the victims of that plane crash, a captain who was just promoted to a Major few weeks to that crash, was someone known to ICHEOKU. May the soul of Major Mba and his 364 other colleagues and course mates continue to rest in peace, however difficult that may be; because a soul so violently taken cannot really find peace as long as their killer still breathes. First there was the Mamman Vasta alleged coup that swept away so many military officers and personnels. Then come the Gideon Orka coup which saw many more officers and personnels once again wasted by the same evil genius resident of Minna Hilltop. The list of his victims went on, including individual soldiers who were prematurely retired and thrown out of the military for no just cause, thus rendering their training and beneficial use to the country useless. 

Then Olusegun Obasanjo happened on the stage and continued the fallowing in the military that the military was nearly completely hollowed out, as he compulsorily retired so many young military officers and corp who were the backbone of the military and still had a lot to offer to the country, under what some Northerners termed ethnic cleansing of the military of Northern military officers and personnels. These soldiers were laid off despite their youth and training and of course their courage, which is needed and necessarily required of anyone whose job is facing bullets and enemy's fire. It was probably politically expedient for Obasanjo to do what he did then as his admirers might argue, because he feared military coups. But today, Nigeria is now paying the hefty price for lack of real seasoned officers directing affairs of the military and preparing younger soldiers on how to professional charge into battle with caution, swiftness to overwhelm the enemy and of course preceded with recognizance. 

While other countries allow their fighting officers to remain in their military for as long as they can still hold their own; in Nigeria, an officer on who millions was spent training and seasoning for battles, can so easily be swept out of the military and for no just tangent cause, but due to tribal and religious nonsensical and fear of military coup. ICHEOKU still recalls like it was yesterday, the fate which Victor Malu suffered in the hands of Olusegun Obasanjo and his Minister of Defense TY Danjuma, just for no reason other than their being vindictive and petty. How do you expect a serving army chief to still be loyal when you burn down his country home. Anyway, Nigerians must try not to lose the only thing they still have and could call their own - their military as morals are very low and some of the soldiers feel like they are not being appreciated and they are dying for nothing. 

That Goodluck Jonathan caved in to undue pressure of Muritala Nyako's cries of genocide and removed COAS Ihejirika was yet another tragedy that befell the military.  The guy was in the process of fully repositioning and stabilizing the army, into becoming its former fighting force of reckon in Africa, a military which liberated Liberia, Senegal, Gambia,  using ECOMOG, as well as so many other flash-points globally, that the Nigerian army was feared and respected, when he was unceremoniously removed from office. But today, many are wondering what happened to that fearsome awesome Nigerian fighting army of yore which other African nations admired but feared. What became of the army that once chased out the French military supported Cameroonian Gendarmes out of the Bakassi Peninsular. How has the mighty fallen? ICHEOKU says the military must be placed above and beyond politicization, because if not, the country known as Nigeria will cease to exists. Therefore such unpalatable balkanized thinking of the Nigerian Army of One, as an army of Fulani or army of Yoruba or army of Igbo must be avoided like leprosy, regardless of who is in Aso Rock. 

ICHEOKU is saddened beyond belief at the massacre that took place and prays that both the families of the fallen soldiers, as well as their armed colleagues in uniforms, their fellow uncompromising patriots, should find the fortitude to bear such a heavy loss. ICHEOKU says will remember them in prayers and urges Nigerians to please cease and desist from the blame game. At least, respect their memories and for once mourn their loss together as a country of one, whose service men sacrificed their lives for their general well-being and well fair. Enough of the bastardization of the memories of the fallen with all those ill commentaries and gory videos and pictures. These are fellow country men, sons, brothers, boyfriends, lovers, husbands, fathers, uncles and relatives of fellow Nigerians. 

It is so petty to diminish their ultimate sacrifices by relaying their bloodied bodies the way some of you have been doing. It is callous and it is hurtful; and portrays you as an unfeeling cur. Please show some respect for the dead; be circumspect and exercise your discretion more reasonably and more rationally, putting yourself in the shoes of the bereaved, whose wards are being so displayed like road kills and pieces of macabre artworks in a gory exhibition. ICHEOKU says may God welcome their souls and bless their bereaved ones, both family and the military and give them the strength to cope facing such adversity. They answered the ultimate call while bravely facing the danger of Boko Haram terrorists and for this, Nigerians should remain eternally grateful. It shall be well IJN. May God heal their loved ones. 

Friday, November 23, 2018


ICHEOKU says but for this guy's crass, clueless ineptitude, as well as his Tin-man/Scarecrow's level of pitiable, wimpy cowardice, he would be completing his second term in office by now and also, Nigerians would have been spared and saved from the unmitigated disaster that is the bloody skeletal effigy in Aso Rock. But his linguine spine got the better part of him and he surrendered the PDP's presidency to a man who has been three times severally defeated in the past and who had taken a retirement from politics, but was urged on by some political and economic vultures to come out of his retirement and they used him to get hold of the Nigeria's treasury as well as the political structure. 

President Muhammadu Buhari was three times in the past rejected by the Nigerian people in three failed presidential bids, until a cowering and whimpering spineless Goodluck Jonathan surrendered the keys of Aso Rock to him and without even mounting a fight, not even a perfunctory one. That action of surrender reverberated throughout Nigeria and it's fallout is still being felt today. Nigerians are still regretting that single act of betrayal by a man who promised them a breathe of fresh air, but ended up suffocating them with trachea-singeing, putrid carbon monoxide, instead. That displayed cowardice by the coward of Otuoke, bequeathed Nigerians with the unwanted deadly cargo in Aso Rock, the government of President Muhammadu Buhari. 

Therefore ICHEOKU does not need to read any book, particularly one written or rather made up by the same person, who is now trying to become a revisionist, by giving a self effacing and burnishing, different account of what everybody witnessed happen. ICHEOKU says not this time, as every right thinking Nigerian have refused to be led by the nose, bamboozled and flabbergasted and also flummoxed, by a tepid account of what happened through the eyes of Jonathan Goodluck. These thinking Nigerians, therefore resolutely rejects the self righteous tales by the moonlight aka "My Transition Hours" by former president Jonathan Goodluck as a pure work of fiction of his imagination which has no intersection with what indeed truly happened. ICHEOKU paraphrasing Zainab Duke Abiola, reiterates that "My Transition Hours" by Jonathan Goodluck is a mere work of fiction and in her own words, "a pseudologia fantastica; a monumental manipulation of historical facts and figures."

ICHEOKU says the worst part of what Jonathan did, preceding to that presidential election 2015, was that he denied and deprived other highly qualified and more courageous and capable PDP potential presidential candidates, the opportunity of a primaries to vie for the presidential ticket; only for him to later surrender the presidency to the other party, and you wonder what was he thinking or rather drinking or even smoking? Why such a great betrayal of party's interest, knowing fully well that he does not possess the mojo needed to confront Buhari or his heavily propagandizing APC. If he knows that he was not equal to the task and could not handle Buhari  successfully, why did he seize the presidential ticket of the PDP, only to later pony it up to the other side. 

Actually, Goodluck Jonathan ought to be investigated by the PDP for his role in bringing about Muhammadu Buhari's presidency; because the opportunity which he denied other more competent and more capable PDP honchos, he surrendered without a fight to the clueless and certificate-less, old and tired, Muhammadu Buhari. 

ICHEOKU says cunningly enough and in the manner of all cowards, Goodluck Jonathan has blamed everyone else but himself, including the Americans and the Brits, for his losing the 2015 presidential election. ICHEOKU says does not think that the Americans and the Brits cost him the election, as the election was lost a long time ago even before the election held and strictly due to Jonathan and nobody else. ICHEOKU says emphatically that Goodluck Jonathan lost his reelection bid long before the March 29, 2015 when election was held. How could any reasonable and rational person, going to war with someone, choose that other person's kinsmen as his fighting force. How did Jonathan convince himself that his Fulani appointees in high places were going to loyally fight on his behalf, against their own Fulani brother, when the publicly stated goal-objective of the entire North is that power moved back to the North. 

Unthinkingness has never been so brazenly, better defined, as what Goodluck did to himself preparatory to that election 2015. He was going to battle a Fulani man for the presidency of Nigeria and his first order of business was to fire an Igbo INEC chairman Maurice Iwu and replaced him with a Fulani Attahiru Muhammdu Jega, from Buhari's nearby Kebbi State? Jonathan also fired an Igbo IG of Police Ogbonna Onovo and replaced him with three successive Fulani, Hafiz Ringim, Mohammed Dahiru Abubakar and Suleiman Abba, from Buhari's neighboring Jigawa State, who supervised the election security. as if that was not enough handicap already, Jonathan fired an Igbo COAS Ihejirika and replaced him with MInimah and so close to the election. As if possessed by a demon of loss, Jonathan again appointed another Northern Fulani Bello Haliru Mohammed from Buhari's neighboring Kebbi State as his campaign chairman. Jonathan also named another Northerner Ahmadu Ali his campaign director general. 

ICHEOKU says how any intelligent person could make such choices, fully aware of the determination of the North to wrestle power back, is simply beyond ICHEOKU's comprehension. Goodluck Jonathan was aware of the publicly stated goal of the North that power move back to the North, and by extension that these Northerners are fully vested in the Northern agenda that power returned to the North and will therefore not work their hearts out to achieve victory for Goodluck Jonathan, but he went strong headed anyway. The result was obvious as these fellas did not put their 100% effort in the reelection campaign effort and some of them looked the other way as elections were rigged for the benefit of their Northern brother and of course millions of underage almajiri voters, who publicly queued up and voted. Probably Jonathan was under the influence of some clear liquid when he decided as he decided; or possibly too under a great spell that separated his decisions from logic thinking.

Therefore, Goodluck Jonathan has not told Nigerians just yet, how and why he lost the election or what indeed forced his hands to concede the election so soon and immediately, even before INEC has finished their collation of results. ICHEOKU is emphatic that the real story of that election has never been told, convinced that Jonathan is hiding some pivotal information from the Nigerian pubic. There are so many things the book did not contain nor addressed or answered; and it was a deliberate decision by Jonathan to omit them because they are indeed rather damaging. For instance, why did the book not tell Nigerians why Goodluck Jonathan did not win the MO Ibrahim leadership award for Africa. A $5 million award with a $200,000 yearly allowance for life to former African leaders who showed exemplary, corruption-free leadership. 

This is the real reason Goodluck Jonathan ponied up the presidency, so quickly and so fast and more than Usain Bolt could do his 9seconds 100 meters dash, because America threatened to go public with his level of corruption and publicly announce measures to hold Jonathan accountable. That Jonathan stashed close to a $1 billion for himself, part of which came from his $431 million share of the Malabo oil scandal, is a highly sourced information. It was for this reason that President Muhammadu Buhari repeatedly assured him that he will be protected and that nothing will happen to him, either extradition or prosecution, under his watch. But Nigerians did not care to find out from where Dame Patience got all the millions of dollars floating about including the "seized" $15 million which she first claimed was her mother's, later maid's, before finally going to court to have the money released to her as her "earned" money. This is a woman who was selling road side food in a bukateria before she married Jonathan and suddenly worth millions of dollars. 

So, the boy who once had no shoes from the creeks of Otuoke, was as corrupt as it gets; and he also handsomely helped himself from the Nigeria's treasury. This is the sword of Damocles that was hanging over his head, which forced him to concede the election immediately and unconditionally, as a condition to save his butt from it being kicked around by the Americans and their anti corruption buzzards. Why has the supposed alter-boy and Eagle Scout Goodluck Jonathan not been invited or feted by any world leader ever since he was forced out of Aso Rock? His security dossier is filled with stinking stench of corruption and people who are plugged knows this and Jonathan knows this, the reason he has cleverly been avoiding certain countries ever since he was literary hounded out of Aso Rock. 

Anyway, without much further ado or continuing adumbration of a book which is as hollow as hollow can get, ICHEOKU will like Goodluck Jonathan to throw more light on the following and explain why they did not make it into his book of transition or transmission or transfiguration or whatever trans that suits him. If he explains them satisfactorily or may be writes another book of the real things that forced him out of Aso Rock, ICHEOKU promises to buy 1000 copies of his edited Transition book or the the subsequent one of explanation which he will write and distribute them to libraries and colleges/universities for free. Until then, the composition in his "My Transition Hours" is not worth the white papers they are written on; just a balderdash of complete hogwash bunkum by a lily livered fellow who has no balls and who turned tail and flee away from Aso Rock just because another man challenged him to a fight for the right of occupation of Aso Rock. ICHEOKU says please not in our name, Oh Jonathan. 

Now the questions which did not find themselves answered in the Transition book:

1. Why Jonathan fired all Ndigbo heads of Police IGP Ogbonna Onovo, Army COAS Ihejirika, Immigration Rosemary Uzoma, National Population Commission chairman Festus Odimegwu, INEC's Maurice Iwu, PDP chairmen Vincent Ogbulafor and Okwy Nwodo and in their places, appointed Fulani men as their replacements. 

2. Why Jonathan refused to construct the 2nd River Niger Bridge?

3. Why Jonathan refused to appoint Dora Akunyili a Minister and watched as they poisoned her, for daring to facilitate Jonathan's presidency. Dora Akunyili moved that the same Jonathan be allowed to replace the incapacitated President Umaru Yar'Adua as president, yet Jonathan threw her away and under the bus. So, why was there no explanation in the book of Transition? 

4. Why Jonathan called a man who made him president, Olusegun Obasanjo, a motor park tout and after accepting the benefit of Nigeria's president from the same man he later insulted before a delegation of some Fulani nomads at Aso Rock? 

5. Why Jonathan prevented the entire Ndigbo from occupying any of the headship of the three branches of government, the first time in the recorded history of Nigeria that Ndigbo were completely excluded and marginalized from the government at the center in Nigeria. Not the presidency, not the vice presidency, not the Chief Justice, not the Appellate Court president, not the speaker of the House or President of the Senate. None, zilch and nada and for such a large component of the Nigerian State with over 80 million people? 

6. Why Jonathan did not avenge the deaths of the 161 DSS officers slaughtered by the Eggon Ombatse Cult in Nasarawa State, but chose to leave it in the hands of "God", according to his then Director General of DSS, Ota Ekpenyong?

7. Why Jonathan watched as former NSA Patrick Aziza and Kaduna State Governor Patrick Dakowa were blown up in a staged helicopter crash in Bayelsa State?

8, Why Jonathan did not allow the NSA Patrick Aziza to arrest Muhammadu Buhari when he was inciting riots and threatening Nigeria's peace with his many terrorist utterances and pronouncements? But failed to protect the same Aziza from the same people he was trying to protect Jonathan from, who later had him killed for daring to protect Jonathan through a security condone around the then president?

8. Why Jonathan did not allow COAS Ihejirika to raid Daura Emirate to confiscate many caches of weapons that were imported into the country for bad intentions and stashed in Daura by the same people; just because the Emir of Daura kicked against it threatening that he will not allow any soldier to search his emirate? 

9. Why Jonathan allowed Sanuis Lamido Sanusi to be turbaned as Emir of Kano after the running ins he had with him, especially when Sanusi distributed Nigeria's money in the CBN as if they were his personal money and spent them on his Islamic causes, giving Kano State N500 million, just like that. Sanusi also accused Jonathan and his government of stealing $21 billion NNPC money without a proof, yet Jonathan chickened away when he could have exerted his pound of flesh, including wasting him if it gets to that.

10. Why Jonathan tolerated 5 other pseudo-presidents of Nigeria and in Nigeria,  concurrently holding presidential forte alongside him. Jonathan allowed them to have a free range during his presidency and they did much harm to and in fact damaged his presidential authority. It is a public knowledge that Olusegun Obasanjo, Edwin Clark, Friday Tompolo, Asari Dokubo  and of course the Sultan of Sokoto, each had a field day either attacking Jonathan or countering his policies and declarations, yet they were allowed to sleep with their two eyes closed in Nigeria. Something nobody could have dared under Obasanjo or even Yar'Adua nor could any try it were ICHEOKU president, but they did it anyway, knowing that the coward of Otuoke has no liver. 

11. Why Jonathan did not walk away when he was left abandoned by the Oba of Benin who refused to see him when he visited his palace; and left him sitting there alone like an unwanted leprechaun.

12. Why Jonathan, so disgracefully knelt down before those Yar'Adua women in Katsina?

13. Why Jonathan gave that defeatist speech at the onset of his government where he said that he was not a retired army general nor a despot and cannot tell Nigerians how to behave or order them around? The worst speech ever given by a leader and it came back to haunt him down and eventually succeeded in evicting him out of Aso Rock. 

14. Why Jonathan so belittled the presidency that he was attending nearly every weddings, funerals, birthday parties as well as anniversaries and naming ceremonies, etc. He became the proverbial "iyolu mu, mu ju" type; just ask and Jonathan will be there, smiling like he has nothing else better to do or any place better to be, except among levelers and drunks, floating in debauchery and licentiousness; and this is a president of a country, right?

15. Why Jonathan tolerated the 7 renegade PDP governors without moving the earth to have them defanged. All he needed to do was issue the order and if not carried out, replace and fire the chief of the service and/or agency responsible and let the heavens fall. 

16. Why Jonathan built those Fulani herdsmen almajiri schools without building equivalent fishing and farming kids schools, both in the Ijaw riverine Niger Delta and the faming communities of the Middle Belt and the Southeast. 

17. Why Jonathan released Sani Abacha's enforcer Mustapha from prison and without extracting concessions from the North especially Kano State Kwankwaso. And what he said to the families who lost their loved ones in that monster's blood thirsty hands, including Pa Rewane, Kudirat Abiola and others?

18. Why Jonathan did not insist that Enoch Adeobye publicly laid hands on him as he did previously and confront him on his support of Buhari because his pastor Osibanjo was his running mate? 

19. Why Jonathan did not lead effectively and with square shoulders, but led from the behind, deferring to any tom, dick and harry in Nigeria, especially among the elites when he is the CNC and at his disposal were all manners of unleashing terror, if needed. 

20. Why Jonathan did not go to the Russians to checkmate Obama and procured weapons needed to fight Boko Haram and fought them decisively despite the Muritala Nyako;s of Nigeria and their charge of genocide. 

21. Why did Jonathan, the man who once said that he does not give a crappy damn and was prepared to die for Nigeria suddenly morphed into something else and became morbidly afraid of dying and started giving a damn about what Obama had to say or what Muritala Nyako said. 

In short, Goodluck Jonathan was over his head in the inept manner in which he ran his presidency and which was the catalyst that quickened his ouster. He was clueless as he was timid and he inspired no one. His sense of fashion was tardy and not sharp; admitted he is from the Niger Delta; but as president of Nigeria should have mixed his fashion a little more to make it more cosmopolitan. What stopped him from wearing Ijaw attire on Monday, Itsekiri's on Tuesday, Fulani/Hausa's on Wednesday, Igbo on Thursday, Yoruba on Friday, Western the next week's Monday and just keep on rotating it and that way look more inclusive than the perpetual Ijaw stuff. Not impressed. 

It is also on record that the same time he was commander in chief of the Nigeria military, he also had the police, the DSS as well as other militias including OPC, MEND and MASSOB who were readily at his disposal and would have protected and defended his presidency to death, had he but showed some steely resolve. ICHEOKU prayed that he had some balls to dare the Fulani to strike him dead as that would have unraveled Nigeria as the people were prepared for a showdown with those bullying mallams, but Jonathan chickened out, leaving millions fallen crested. 

Weakness, weakness and weakness only, did Jonathan in and cost him the presidency, his second term that is. ICHEOKU gave him the moniker "COWARD OF OTUOKE" for this reason; it was rightly earned, and that is exactly what he is. How any man would allow a fellow man to chase him out of Aso Rock without a fight is simply mind boggling and mind bending. Put in another way, Jonathan made himself a rat and the cats had him for lunch, case closed. This is a man who he defeated before and before that, was defeated by Umaru Yar'Adua and before Umaru, Obasanjo defeated him too. 

But a whimpering Jonathan just gave it up to save himself from his imaginary enemies, including for fear of an American war ship, stationed off the coast of Ghana. But what he failed to understand is that American Naval forces are always patrolling the seas and oceans; and possibly was merely waiting to evacuate American citizens in Nigeria should law and order break down; but he did as all cowards normally do, passed out before even the first shot was fired. What a man indeed he is, thanks to Dame Patience who castrated him a long time ago and turned him into the apology he became. Any leadership requires either respect or fear to succeed; but with Jonathan, he was neither respected nor feared and that spelt his Waterloo. SAD. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


ICHEOKU says whatever happened to the "severe consequences" threat should investigation conclude that the Prince of Beelzebub was involved in the macabre murder of Jamal Khashoggy? When has President Donald John Trump stopped following through with his threats; afterall he told the world that America no longer makes empty promises and that once he makes one, he intends to and will keep it. What happened to the mantra of promises made, promises kept or is Prince Mohammed Bin Salman above his reach. 

ICHEOKU says not good and it amounts to surrendering to petrol dollars and giving comfort to the enemy of civilized behavior; and it should not be tolerated but strictly followed through. How can such a bloody tyrant be allowed to walk away with such a heinous act or is the human life now that so worthless when placed against the almighty dollars? MBS needs to be held accountable because he has sullied his hand with the blood of the innocent and can no longer be an acceptable partner, especially in the Western world. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018


ICHEOKU says Ndigbo have been through this beaten path before, with several presidential candidates, promising to build the second River Niger bridge, but failed or rather refused to so do. From Olusegun Obasanjo in 1999 to Umaru Yar'Adua to Goodluck Jonathan down to Muhammadu Buhari; all of them, severally, made the 2nd River Niger bridge a campaign sloganeering promise, but they never fulfilled it. They used it to get Ndigbo votes, only to dump both the bridge and Ndigbo soon after securing their votes, following their swearing into office. To date, the bridge is nowhere near completion, admitted some piling work has been completed or rather are still ongoing. But four presidents thus far, yet no 2nd River Niger bridge anywhere to be driven across on between Delta State Asaba and Anambra State Onitsha in Igboland.

Now, another election season is here and the same lying politicians are again mining the emotional sensibilities of a people, to secure election votes. The crafty, crooked and corrupt polygamist, Abubakar Atiku, sensing that restructuring Nigeria has become paramount in many Ndigbo's minds, has decided to milk the cow of their sensibility and peradventure, ride the pony into Aso Rock. Abubakar Atiku has now deployed the old ploy, mastered by many cunning, conniving and contriving politicians, of just tell the people what they want to hear, to use what is dear to a people to whip up their sentiments, in order to persuade them to vote accordingly and in anticipation that their wish will be granted by their newly found messiah. Abubakar Atiku has suddenly presented himself as the now messiah, who has come to redress Ndigbo's long distress about Nigeria as he who will make their forlorn, despondent hearts, whole again and fully reintegrate them back into Nigeria. 

ICHEOKU says expecting or asking Abubakar Atiku to restructure Nigeria is akin to expecting or asking Abubakar Atiku to outlaw polygamy or to abolish corruption; because he cannot shoot himself on the foot or shut off the spigot from which he has been drinking himself fat of free Nigerian milk, and for so long and continuing till this day that is will be extremely very difficult if not impossible to wean himself off it. Therefore the current restructure mantra is dead on arrival, DOA; because the crooked and corrupt polygamist Abubakar Atiku does not have power nor the will to mission accomplish it. Abubakar Atiku and every other enlightened mind in Nigeria, as well as in Igbo land, knows this; but Abubakar Atiku chose to carry on anyway, regardless. Abubakar Atiku is just trying to ride the restructure train, which looks very promising, to sneak into Aso Rock and before Nigerians, especially Ndigbo, can even wake up from their restructure induced stupor. 

Anybody with a scintilla or modicum of knowledge about constitutional provisions, particularly powers vested in the various arms of the government, the three separate but equal branches of government which operate in any constitutional democracy - the executive, legislature and judiciary, knows that powers to make laws rests with the legislature and that it will require a constitutional amendment by the legislature to change the current structure of Nigeria. There is no way around this foundational and fundamental requirement and Abubakar Atiku knows this or should at least know about it or is expected to at least know about it. ICHEOKU says every reasonably sensible adult Nigerian, with even a simplistic knowledge of the constitution, understands that making laws is a legislative affair and the process is often cumbersome and tiresome. 

Such vested powers in the legislature, the House of Representatives and the Senate, is none negotiable; neither could a president usurp or appropriate it to himself, period. The Congress  will have to first pass such an enabling bill to do such a lasting havoc to the foundational structure of Nigeria, before any president can append his signature on the enabling parchment, to bring about such a change. Then there will be various commissions put in place and set up, to actually prosecute the implementation of such devolution, which will take a life of its own, due to all the nuts and bolts which will be unscrewed before Nigeria can finally fully devolve. It is a long, arduous process; and it is not always very easy an assignment, and Atiku knows this. But the ever calculating conman chose to continue with his deceitful promise of a thing which he knows that he cannot do, just because it is a good campaign soundbite.

It is also instructive that the North which Abubakar Atiku is a bona fides member of, has strong aversion to anything that will in anyway threaten or attenuate their stranglehold on Nigeria. Abubakar Atiku is part of this fully resolved North and Abubakar Atiku is a beneficiary of the skewed Nigeria, which saw him rise to the Assistant Directorship in the Board of Customs & Excise without any qualification nor certificate whatsoever. That he is still riding this Northerners-only on-board, Nigeria groovy train, till today, is a fact of incontrovertible truism. Nigeria, as it is presently constituted is a cash cow for Northern Nigerians and those mallams are not yet ready to let it go and will not let it go so easily, without a bloody fight for their survival; because without milking Nigeria, they cannot survive as a people. Like his millions of other Northerners, Atiku knows this consequential fact, but decided because of political convenience, to pretend otherwise. Atiku is willfully riding the current pony of restructuring Nigeria, hoping that it will convey him right into Aso Rock, the reason he is adamantly sticking to the talking point. But Atiku and his Northern brothers has been riding Nigeria and milking it for so long to just dismount now; and will not willingly give it up, unless they are forcibly removed from their predatory perch. 

Therefore, anyone believing that Abubakar Atiku is sincere with his promise to restructure Nigeria and will indeed restructure Nigeria if elected, and that his Northern Nigerian people will so willingly loose their stranglehold on Nigeria, has a milkshake for a brain. Abubakar Atiku will not restructure Nigeria, first, because restructuring Nigeria is against Northern Nigerians' interest and second, he does not have the power to do it even if he wants. Such restructure power lies with the Congress, a Nigerian Congress, which is dominated by anti-restructure Northerners who are averse to such idea; and Atiku has nothing on them to make them cave in. The worst part of this con job which Atiku is perpetrating on Ndigbo, is that he has successfully sold this restructure cockamamie to some Ndigbo, who have bought into it and now believes that Atiku will give them a restructured Nigeria. ICHEOKU says just ask yourself, where is Atiku's incentive or motivation to go against his and his Northern people's interest by yielding their power hold in Nigeria.

ICHEOKU is emphatic that what Abubakar Atiku is currently peddling in his campaign for president about restructuring Nigeria is a mere bunkum hogwash, because he neither has the power to do it nor can he muster the Congress to do it and he knows it. Alternatively, Abubakar Atiku should be taken before Alusi Okija to swear or be sworn under oath, that he will keep all the promises he has made and is making, including restructuring Nigeria; and that he is not purposefully deceiving the gullible in order to just get their votes and help usher him into Aso Rock. Thereafter, Atiku should be made to put his hands on papers and sign a solemn pledge that he will keep his promises or at least, try to keep, if elected; otherwise, no deal. 

So, until then, Ndigbo and Nigerians in general should keep their safe distances from the danger man Abubakar Atiku, a man who is more dangerous than a Fashola transformer, when and if powered. Abubakar Atiku is a vulture, waiting to feast on Nigeria's decaying carcass and Nigerians must avoid a festival of vultures on their general commonwealth. Nigerians must run to the hills and at worst, even not vote at all, instead of allowing this guy to sneak into Aso Rock under a subterfuge of restructuring Nigeria. 

ICHEOKU says Abubakar Atiku is an existential threat to Nigeria, as he has perfected his plans to and will sell Nigeria and whatever is in it, including its population, to the Chinese, rather than restructure Nigeria. The Chinese are coming to recolonize Africa and they are already swallowing other parts of Africa, one country at a time. But Nigerians can still avoid the fate which has befallen some Eastern and Southern African countries already, where they are now being forced to speak Mandarin and Cantonese and pledge allegiance to Beijing, with Chinese heading their armies, police, customs, as well as other agencies of their governments, by rejecting the Chinese agent, Abubakar Atiku. Nigerians, do not say that you were not warned. Be afraid, be really afraid of Abubakar Atiku and stay alert and guarded; as only eternal vigilance will ensure that you will still have a country which you can still lay claim to and which is not over run by the Chinese invaders and colonialists. Atiku, NOT GOOD FOR NIGERIA.

Friday, November 16, 2018



ICHEOKU says the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman, has been determined by the CIA, as the person who ordered the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Arabia embassy in Istanbul. Now the world awaits the White House's reaction, since President Donald John Trumo had vowed a severe consequence, once the investigation is concluded. 

ICHEOKU says so SAD that such a young man could be this blood thirsty and at such an early stage of his pupilage into the Kingship of the Kingdom. His immediate removal from office will be in order and even giving him the death sentence treatment will not be out of order; afterall a prince in Saudi Arabia was put to death for murder a few years ago. MBS should also be made to face the music, in the interest of fairness. 

Enough of the barbaric blood letting in that God forsaken enclave of a very primitively minded people; whose human rights record is abysmally irreconcilable with modern living in this 21st century. To Hades with him, dispatch him now; away with him.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


ICHEOKU says suffering the oedipus complex and Napoleon Bonaparte syndrome, the little guy at Elysee Palace, now thinks himself a man; really? ICHEOKU says, just cut him loose. What a punk. 

Monday, November 12, 2018


ICHEOKU says the little French man, who is suffering the usual little people's Napoleon Bonaparte syndrome, has again and without provocation, lashed out at America; chastising an American president for a policy decision and to the extent of calling it treasonous. This is an unacceptable betrayal  of trust, of a burgeoning friendship between President Donald John Trump and Emmanuel Macron; and the earlier it is terminated or put on ice, the better and safer it will be for America. 

If there is something to say against America or President Trump, why must it be Macron who would say it and in fact said it. Why him, afterall he is the only European leader who President Trump trusts most and has increasingly taken him into confidence and always talks effusively very good of him, but now this unwarranted affront? The only thing that now makes sense is to keep the French president at an arm's length distance, in order to avoid giving the French president another opportunity at taking a cheap shot at President Trump. ICHEOKU says therefore, the time has come to cut the little French guy loose; jut turn him loose so that he can go and navigate his French boat however he sees fit. 

The boy who married his mother, French President Emmanuel Macron, overreached himself several times over; and finally tipped his hand when he went further to castigate President Donald John Trump's 'America First' policy direction. First Macron accused America of being a military threat to France and second, he said that 'Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism; that Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. Continuing, the French man said that by saying 'our interest first, who cares about others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what gives it grace and what is essential to its moral values." 

ICHEOKU says a nation is about the nationals and citizens of that nation first, before others. The French maverick is woefully wrong for misinterpreting the duties of a nation or its leader. America owes primary duty and responsibility to Americans; and the President of America is elected by Americans to protect Americans interests, period. Any other benefit conferred on any other nations and/or their people, is therefore purely benevolent and not an entitlement. So an American president, tired of all these handouts to lazy countries, can decide to tweak or even change such goodwill gesture, especially when it is not yielding the necessary desired expectation.

Therefore the French president was wrong in taking up the issue of America First so publicly and in such an international forum as the gathering of world leaders; and thus,  stoking a needless controversy and as if America owes the world anything, because it does not. Rather every nation and country should aspire to emulate America and be like America; self reliant and industrious, and in order not to be as needy always as to always expect some handouts or gratuities from America. That way, every nation will be proudly independent and of equal footing with America, as real co-equals, who can then relate to each other more respectfully; rather than the current one-sided dependent relationship, of a constant giver and a needy taker. 

Such a parasitic relations which has somewhat become a burden on American tax payers, some of who are doing two to three jobs in order to support the lifestyles of other people thousands of miles away in their own countries and possibly enjoying more opulent lifestyle than many average Americans themselves, cannot be sustained. So time for a different approach to solving the problem has come and it couldn't have come at a more auspicious time as this, with a truly patriotic and nationalistic America First president of America. The better approach is for these countries, including France, to also become their own countries First, like France First; and try to do what is best for their people, such as the French people and let Americans worry about their own America First. 

ICHEOKU says the French man is beginning to abuse the privilege of his welcome into the bosom of and by American President Donald John Trump, who had adopted him as his best leader-friend in Europe. May be his friendship is not worth it afterall as the French are always up to no good, hounded by their dog in the manger attitude and always lashing out at the any slightest given opportunity. This guy Emmanuel Macron is particularly weird, first he married his mother and then he looks strangely funny and phony; and cannot be trusted to reciprocate love and affection, which was unconditionally extended to him by President Donald John Trump. 

America does not need France more than France needs America; ditto can America and President Donald John Trump be alright with or without the French President Emmanuel Macron. But this sniping attacks must stop and stop immediately as nothing is worth such unprovoked attacks. If the French is comfortable with losing their country's identity, so be it; but they must keep it to themselves and enjoy the bountiful harvest by themselves and not to try to force the globalist French agenda on the rest of the world, including America. The last time ICHEOKU checked, the French has not allowed all Algerians or Senegalese or Côte d'Ivoire and the other French former colonial nationalities to relocate permanently to France and settle down there. 

So until, Emmanuel Macron, admits all former French colonial residents into France and make them citizens of France, his latest vituperation might as well be seen as pandering to his globalists minders, including the Rothschild family, as well as the George Soros of this world, who are trying to established a one global order and one empire for them to control. After 9/11, Americans boycotted the French fries as well as French cheese and French wines and it may be about time, the French is once again boycotted. Who the heck are these Frenchies and their president, with his mouse ears and funny mongoose face, now feeling so audacious, as to publicly criticize an American president. The time to drop the payload of isolation on Emmanuel Macron has come and actually came since yesterday. Enough of the impetuosity of this little guy in Elysee Palace. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018


ICHEOKU says the reason nobody takes the odd couple, Barack and Michelle Obama, seriously is because they are not believable. There is something about them that spells phoniness and they both look weird too. This is a woman who once mouthed off that "when they go low, we go high"; yet she can never forgive President Donald John Trump for a comment he made several years ago. How about her husband several taunts of then citizen Donald John Trump, including once during a diner event in Washington DC when he made Trump the butt of his joke, claiming that he can only end up as a reality television personality, but never the president of the United States of America. 

So what if there was a birther movement championed by the president? So what if people said what they said, whether in the heat of the moment or not. So what, but this is the example this woman wants to set for her two young daughters that being mean and hateful is acceptable. ICHEOKU says really? But who is Michelle Obama to say that she cannot forgive somebody or did President Donald John Trump ever ask or sought her forgiveness; or is she offering a rejection of something which was never offered in the first place. ICHEOKU says to hell with Michelle Obama and her hateful and vengeful heart of unforgiven. Possibly, this could be the reason she rejected the gift presented to her by now First Lady Melanie Trump during their final departure; or was she not aware that a civilized guest usually brings along a gift to her host and as was in that case, a departing gift to say so long Michelle. 

Anyway, to hell with the book "Becoming Michelle Obama", as nobody wants to read what being her is about. First she admits to being an ugly woman, the reason for the airbrushed  cover picture, as the Michelle Obama which everybody knows is not as sight friendly as the Michelle Obama which was airbrushed into the cover of her book "Becoming Michelle Obama." ICHEOKU says if the ever sad and angry Michelle Obama, who once said that she only became proud of America when her husband was elected president, and has reset to being angry again because her husband was termed out of office, and now back to her old ways of being hateful, hurtful and vengeful, why would anyone care about "Becoming such a person? Whatever it is that is eating this woman from the inside out is nothing to worry any American, as they have been permanently and forever flushed out from the White House; so that America may become and made whole again. 

ICHEOKU will not read the trashy book by a trashy woman who harbors hate in her heart and favors hate over love; and will advise other real Americans not to waste their money on a book filled with vile hatefulness and vengefulness. It is not worth it as the only thing in the book is her hatred for President Donald John Trump and there is nothing more to find out, hence no need reading the book. ICHEOKU predicts that the book will also bum out like all the other preceding petty books, which were all written just to disparage and demean and attack President Donald John Trump just for defeating all of them and moving into the White House. These books are not of substance and they will all end up in the pile of history, as drivels of the wicked, the mean and the demented. What a pitiful woman and her hate knows no bound. Please Americans, don't buy nor read the book "Becoming Michelle Obama" as nobody wants to become such a Michelle Obama. She is not a good person and she is mean and wicked. Just another Jezebel.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


ICHEOKU says nearly everything in life is based on relativism and yes, a president who successfully defended one of the two Houses of the Congress, especially the upper chamber, could be said to have had a very wonderful night with the Midterm election. Historically, Midterm elections are not friendly to the incumbent president's political party and usually results to about between 27 and 31 seat losses across the two chambers of Congress; and in some cases even more. 

The statistical data supports this; and it has been an on going trend for nearly 100 years now, particularly since Democratic Party President Theodore Roosevelt record in 1934. The party of the president nearly always loses some Congressional and Senate seats to the opposition party. This affects both parties nearly equally, as more people usually vote during presidential election and by coincidence, normally vote for all the candidates running alongside their chosen presidential candidate. This coattail effect usually brings candidates, who ordinarily would not have gotten elected on their own strength, alongside the finish line. These 'Chicken Littles" paper weights, as a result of either waning popularity of their mentor president or other variables, including the other party fielding a more acceptable candidate, are usually easily swept away during Midterm elections. 

It is the same easy come, easy go, way in which they were brought along, that they are also swept away during Midterm elections. They are like cotton seeds that stuck on velcro, which are later brushed away or picked out. Also there is usually some degree of apathy, especially among those presidential elections-only voters, who do not care much about other elections except the presidential election. One third of the Senate (33) and the entire House of Representatives members seats are usually up for grabs during Midterm elections, as senators serve for six years while Representatives serve for two years. It is also on record and worth noting that since 1934, a sitting president's party has gained seats in both chambers only twice and we are talking about close to 19 presidents. First was Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first Midterm election in 1934 when he picked 9 seats in the House of Representatives and 9 seats in the senate. Then Republican President George W. Bush during his first term Midterm election in 2001, picked up 8 seats in the House and 2 in the Senate. 

Therefore when ICHEOKU emphatically says that it was a good election night for Team MAGA, the context is both nuanced and reasonably well founded. In 1974, Republican President Gerald Ford lost 63 seats in the House of Representatives and 5 in the Senate. In 1994, Democratic President Bill Clinton lost 60 seats in the House of Representatives and 8 in the senate, which the then president called "I got the message." In 2006, Republican President George W. Bush lost 36 seats in the House of Representatives and 6 in the Senate, which the then president called "thumping." In 2010 Democratic President Barack Obama lost 69 seats in the House of Representatives and 6 in the Senate, which the then president also termed "shellacking." Reconcile this to President Donald John Trump who merely lost 29 House seats but gained 4 Senate seats.

There is also the other thing referred to as presidential penalty where people who are angry at the president either for what he did wrong or failed to do, usually troop out to the polls to register their displeasure and disaffection; added to more newbie first time voters who just came of voting age. It is also a time to correct a president and force him to a more centered place, where majority of Americans usually want their government to be. But it appears that the American people still loves their president dearly as they voted out 27 Never Trump Republicans Congress members; voted out 4 Democratic Senators who refused to vote for the president's then Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh; and rallied round the president to retain a comfortable hold in the Senate. 

The results of Florida, Georgia and Arizona are looking promising with Republicans leading in both States, admitted the losing Democrats are clawing and pulling hair, following in the footsteps of Queen Crooked Hilary Clinton, who is still RESISTING the presidential election result two years down the road. It is also instructive that out of the 11 senate seats which the president campaigned for, 9 or them won their seats and all of them are newbie senate candidates. Lastly, 44 seasoned Republican Congress members retired in one fell swoop this year, including House Speaker Paul Ryan; and this compounded the chances even more, as the president was stretched thin, fighting all the battles in all fronts and all by himself. 

A battle which pitched him against his fellow Republicans who are Never Trumpers, including Paul Ryan; the Democratic Party; Globalists billionaires as well as Silicon Valley billionaires and other interests who poured millions to defeat the president. These rabid curs invested so much money into winning both chambers, hoping to use the Congress to hogtie the president and his MAGA agenda, but failed. They spent nearly $100 million just to unseat Senator Ted Cruz, but with the president's help, Ted Cruz held his Texas Senate seat. The senate seat in Tennessee was also one such highly coveted seat, where the Democrats and their globalist billionaires had hoped to cash in and pumped in a lot of money to win, but again it was won by the president. 

The best news of the night is that the president won three very important States that usually determine the outcome of presidential elections in America. He won Ohio, Iowa and Florida; thus shoring up his electoral chances for his second term run, come 2020, with Republican Governors and Senators on the ground to do the real leg walking. ICHEOKU says emphatically, that President Donald John Trump will WIN his second term bid reelection overwhelmingly and might run the clock throughout the 50 States. 

ICHEOKU says congratulations to the leader of Team MAGA, President Donald John Trump for successfully leading the MAGA troops to a tremendously successful beautiful Midterm Election victory; effectively turning the Republican Party into a Trumpublican Party. Also to all those MAGA candidates who won their various election seats, ICHEOKU salutes you; including those on the other side. Now, the presidential election 2020 campaign starts loading. 



ICHEOKU says congratulations to President Donald John Trump and all those who won; you are all champions. Kudos for a job well done!

Sunday, November 4, 2018


ICHEOKU says two years into his four year term, Americans are completely satisfied with the direction of the country, both its economy and foreign policy. There is no need derailing a train which has since picked up speed and only supporting the train engineer is the right thing to do right now. Therefore, on Tuesday November 6th, 2018, vote straight down Republicans, to shore up President Donald John Trump powers and to help him accomplish his mission objective. VOTE ALL RED. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018


ICHEOKU says whether it is former President Bill Clinton or his campaign strategist James Carville, the economy always says a lot in how Midterm elections goes. So, with the economy roaring, why would anyone derail it now? On Tuesday, November 6th 2018, vote to sustain the booming economy, as any other thing will torpedo the progress and momentum. VOTE STRAIGHT DOWN REPUBLICANS, top to bottom, and equip the president with all the ammo he needs to continue doing the good job which he is doing for the country. Remember to inoculate yourself from all the crazies on the left, VOTE ALL RED.

Friday, November 2, 2018


ICHEOKU says in 1 Samuel 17:49-50, "David reached his hand into the bag and took out a stone. He slung it, striking the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank deeply into his forehead, and he fell down with his face to the ground. David prevailed over the Philistine with just the sling and the stone. He struck down the Philistine and killed him." Icheoku say the slaying of Goliath by David is an incontrovertible evidence that stones are indeed weapons and anyone deploying them is in fact inviting unto himself or themselves a reprisal action. 

Also, President Donald John Trump said that the American military deployed in the Southern border, will treat any stone throwing at them by those army of invading illegal migrants, as effectively attacking the United States of America military with firearms; and it will attract a deadly response. ICHEOKU says PDJT was indeed right and probably adverted his mind to what David did to Goliath, showing the fearsome power of stone projectiles. 

Therefore, a Shiites militant Islamists terrorists group, in continuing the Iranian attempt to destabilize so many countries including Nigeria, by throwing stones at Nigerian soldiers, indeed have effectively begun their quest to cause anarchy and mayhem in Nigeria and should therefore be summarily suppressed. They provoked the soldiers by their aggressive behavior and therefore, invited the reprisal attack by the Nigerian soldiers who were merely defending themselves and their country from these Iranian proxy invaders. Those terrorists Shiites, should not be heard to now complain or cry victim-hood for merely being dealt with in the best manner and fashion they desired and deserved. 

If they didn't want the wrath of the soldiers, they should not have provoked their retaliatory action in the first place. They should not have invaded Abuja and terrorized every Abuja resident with fear of what might happen, in addition to all the inconveniences and added tension in the land. They were even lucky that ICHEOKU was not leading the soldiers, otherwise out of the 5 million of them that invaded Abuja, at least 3 million of them would have been wasted, period. They are up to no good and the earlier they are dealt with the better for every one, including Nigerians and non Nigerians living in Nigeria.

Iran, their backers and sponsors, is a very dangerous terrorists sponsoring country and they have their eyes set on destabilizing Nigeria; just like they are going around destabilizing so many other countries, be it Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc. The other day, a ship load of firearms and weapons shipped into Nigeria from Iran was captured and seized at the port of entry and you ask yourself for who were these weapons meant if not the Shiites terrorists militant Islamists in Nigeria, readying for the eventual confrontation with the Nigeria State. 

So, any Nigerian supporting those Shiite terrorists militant Islamists, should better have their heads examined for sanity. Or better still read up on the literature and security reports about Shiites Islamists terrorists, backed militarily by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and their destabilizing activities spread throughout the world. Also, these Shiites apologists and sympathizers, should reflect back on the Maitatsine Islamists invaders that nearly overran Kano back in the day, between 1980 to 1985, just because they hated Nigeria so much, that they wanted to destabilize it, according to its leader, Muhammadu Marwa's confession, before he was dispatched to his maker. 

ICHEOKU says the world is a very dangerous place and some of these killer Islamists groups are out and about to ferment trouble is so many countries; and Nigeria is in their crosshairs. ICHEOKU says, were ICHEOKU the government of Nigeria, ICHEOKU will take a preemptive, proactive, first step now and proscribe the Shiites Islamists movement in Nigeria and declare them an illegal and unlawful terrorists group and completely make Nigeria a living hell for them; or better still, declare them enemy combatants and wipe them all out and NOW, before it is too late or they plunge Nigeria into a shooting war dark religious conflict. 

Those Iranian sponsored and backed Shiites terrorists are up to no good and they hate Nigeria so much that they are trying to destabilize Nigeria. Iran also makes no bones about their agenda to spread terror around the world and they have Nigeria penciled down as a target and have surreptitiously been raising an army and arming them, disguised as a religious group aka Shiites Movement in Nigeria. ICHEOKU says movement to where other than turning Nigeria into another Shiites enclave or lay it waste like another Somalia, Syria, Yemen or Afghanistan. Enough of the cuddling of the snake, just cut its head and do it NOW. Salute

Thursday, November 1, 2018


ICHEOKU says support President Donald John Trump implement his Make America Great Again agenda, vote to empower him with a Republican Congress, both the Senate and House of Representatives. On Tuesday November 6th, 2018, vote top down straight Republicans. JUST VOTE RED. #MAGA.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


ICHEOKU says don't stop the groove; so let the music play on as the Make America Great Again agenda revs on. Vote straight down Republicans, down the ballot.