Also, President Donald John Trump said that the American military deployed in the Southern border, will treat any stone throwing at them by those army of invading illegal migrants, as effectively attacking the United States of America military with firearms; and it will attract a deadly response. ICHEOKU says PDJT was indeed right and probably adverted his mind to what David did to Goliath, showing the fearsome power of stone projectiles.
Therefore, a Shiites militant Islamists terrorists group, in continuing the Iranian attempt to destabilize so many countries including Nigeria, by throwing stones at Nigerian soldiers, indeed have effectively begun their quest to cause anarchy and mayhem in Nigeria and should therefore be summarily suppressed. They provoked the soldiers by their aggressive behavior and therefore, invited the reprisal attack by the Nigerian soldiers who were merely defending themselves and their country from these Iranian proxy invaders. Those terrorists Shiites, should not be heard to now complain or cry victim-hood for merely being dealt with in the best manner and fashion they desired and deserved.
If they didn't want the wrath of the soldiers, they should not have provoked their retaliatory action in the first place. They should not have invaded Abuja and terrorized every Abuja resident with fear of what might happen, in addition to all the inconveniences and added tension in the land. They were even lucky that ICHEOKU was not leading the soldiers, otherwise out of the 5 million of them that invaded Abuja, at least 3 million of them would have been wasted, period. They are up to no good and the earlier they are dealt with the better for every one, including Nigerians and non Nigerians living in Nigeria.
Iran, their backers and sponsors, is a very dangerous terrorists sponsoring country and they have their eyes set on destabilizing Nigeria; just like they are going around destabilizing so many other countries, be it Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc. The other day, a ship load of firearms and weapons shipped into Nigeria from Iran was captured and seized at the port of entry and you ask yourself for who were these weapons meant if not the Shiites terrorists militant Islamists in Nigeria, readying for the eventual confrontation with the Nigeria State.
So, any Nigerian supporting those Shiite terrorists militant Islamists, should better have their heads examined for sanity. Or better still read up on the literature and security reports about Shiites Islamists terrorists, backed militarily by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and their destabilizing activities spread throughout the world. Also, these Shiites apologists and sympathizers, should reflect back on the Maitatsine Islamists invaders that nearly overran Kano back in the day, between 1980 to 1985, just because they hated Nigeria so much, that they wanted to destabilize it, according to its leader, Muhammadu Marwa's confession, before he was dispatched to his maker.
ICHEOKU says the world is a very dangerous place and some of these killer Islamists groups are out and about to ferment trouble is so many countries; and Nigeria is in their crosshairs. ICHEOKU says, were ICHEOKU the government of Nigeria, ICHEOKU will take a preemptive, proactive, first step now and proscribe the Shiites Islamists movement in Nigeria and declare them an illegal and unlawful terrorists group and completely make Nigeria a living hell for them; or better still, declare them enemy combatants and wipe them all out and NOW, before it is too late or they plunge Nigeria into a shooting war dark religious conflict.
Those Iranian sponsored and backed Shiites terrorists are up to no good and they hate Nigeria so much that they are trying to destabilize Nigeria. Iran also makes no bones about their agenda to spread terror around the world and they have Nigeria penciled down as a target and have surreptitiously been raising an army and arming them, disguised as a religious group aka Shiites Movement in Nigeria. ICHEOKU says movement to where other than turning Nigeria into another Shiites enclave or lay it waste like another Somalia, Syria, Yemen or Afghanistan. Enough of the cuddling of the snake, just cut its head and do it NOW. Salute
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