Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


ICHEOKU says provided the systems on board as well as the satellite itself are not fried before their rendezvous, it will be an interesting scientific discovery if they make it to the fiery nuclear reactor. ICHEOKU wishes science all the best and hopefully they can find a way to harness energy from the abundance in the sun. Congratulations to NASA on their Parker Solar Probe mission to the sun.


ICHEOKU says and it took her over fifteen years of mentoring and profiting from President Donald John Trump's quasi adoption of her and great benevolence, for her to finally figure out that the president is a racist. What took her so long? Why did Omarosa Manigault wait until now before outing the president and alerting the world about his racist credentials. But unfortunately, it is an American society that feasts on other peoples sorrows and pains and sometimes carcasses, that is once again providing oxygen for this disgruntled, restless soul, Omarosa Manigault, in her effort to make some money by rubbishing another man's hard earned reputation. SAD. 

A woman who is looking for a cheap source of both fame and riches; and who would go to any length to achieve them, has now written a book of lies that only an unthinking fish brain would accept as a "true" insiders' account of the White House. ICHEOKU says good enough she was fired when she was fired, otherwise who knows the type of earth shattering scandal which she could have brought to the White House. Also good enough, if not even better, she did not accused the president of sexually molesting or harassing her as the coterie of the Me-Too angry feminists would have done; although t must have taken a serious persuasion by her minders to dissuade her from including such inanity, as the gold digging desperado would have insisted on including such fantasy account just to boost her book sales. 

Omarosa Manigault, ICHEOKU says YOU SUCK and you are such a groveling sicko for daring to tow this route. A very pitiful you. ICHEOKU prays that Americans will shun you and your book and not allow you to profit from the painful lies which you told of another human being. 

When you think it was only Judas Iscariot that would betray Jesus Christ for thirty shekels of silver, here comes an angry, disgruntled former beneficiary of President Donald John Trump's magnanimity, who is channeling her mental state through another person, the unhinged Omarosa Manigault, making up tales by the moonlight just to get some publicity and by extension, some riches. Looking at Omarosa, it is obvious that she is a desperate woman out to make it and be on prime time at all cost. It is even a shocker that any man found her trustworthy enough to call her a wife, admitted possibly a gold digging man who is desirous of riding her fame or rather notoriety train to nowhere good nor endearing. How can she accuse another person of being unhinged when she is the one actually exhibiting and manifesting traces of lunacy and you ask yourself who really is this Omarosa Manigault? 

Her demented self must at best be a kettle calling a pot black and you wonder what motivated her to so betray a trust other than to get back at the president for firing her from the White House. ICHEOKU says definitely a case of what is wrong with some women, they are very vengeful, the reason hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Sometimes the unashamed manner in which they go about exerting their pound of flesh, is rather mind blowing petty. 

A lowlife numbskull, who nobody would have ever heard of, nor know about, but for the president's benevolence, yet she has so disappointingly turned out to be a Brutus driving yet another dagger at the president's side. The good news is that so many have tried in the past and are still trying, but failed; including a consortium of federal agencies officials gone rogue, who want to bring the president down. There are also other books of infamy which were tailored to the same end result, but none of which has been able to do the desired damage to pull the president down. They all failed because they were all senseless imaginations and fantasies of deranged anti-Trump individuals, who made up fables, tales and stories and tried to pass them off as factual; but which, as with darkness, dissipated at the shine of light on them. 

Omarosa Manigault's addition to the pile of rubbish, UNHINGED, will also meet the same assured fate, a similar Waterloo. But unlike some of the previous writers who profited from their books of lies before their lies were exposed, Omarosa Manigault's book might bomb before it is even released. A lot of lies and contradictions contained therein have already been exposed and you wonder which American, who already knows about this angry black mad woman penchant for making it up as she goes, will still throw his or her money away by buying Omarosa's book; or in any other way help to enrich her with their money, knowing fully well that her only purpose of making up the story is to enrich herself. Why would any sane person support such a thievery or encourage such a hatchet job by buying her trashy diary titled UNHINGED. 

The best thing to do is to discourage such gold digging betrayers as Omarosa Manigault, by shunning her book and not buying it. Such a boycott will discourage all other future profiteers from queuing up to hawk their own versions of stories inside the White House or any other place, just to make a buck or two; and at the expense of other peoples' lives being damaged or maligned or even ruined. 

Regrettably, Omarosa Manigault has only succeeded in driving yet another wedge between the races in America and being a Nigerian, has now widened the chasm of trust which white people have on Nigerians. It was wide before, but has now gotten wider, thanks to a crazed out, wild eyed, mad and angry black woman, who is out for vengeance and has now disparaged a president simply because she was fired from the White House. ICHEOKU does not favor snitches and those who breach confidences as if honor means nothing to them . This angry black woman Omarosa Manigault, effectively qualifies as a candidate for blackout by ICHEOKU and she now stands effectively blacked out. Thank you Omarosa for further pulling apart the races in America and for making black people look angrier and more vengeful. What a woman, albeit a very bad one who is giving women a bad name. Pitiful Omarosa.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


ICHEOKU says unfortunately, the hearts of those mullahs in Tehran are so hardened that they no longer see reason and might as well be headed straight into Hades and wants America to be the instrument of propulsion. They may have, unwittingly, have their wish granted to them and the world awaits to see how easily they will "rout" the Americans in their declared intention to wage the mother of all wars against the "infidels." 

Those Iranians have been running their mouths for quite some time now, with their chants of death to America as well as other hostile activities against American interests, as well as their provocative acts of aggression against the American Navy, both in the Straits of Homes and the Persian Gulf. A continuing hostilities which started in 1979 with their Ayatollah Khomeini led Islamic revolution which toppled the Shah of Iran and has continued till this day, without let or cease; and you wonder what is it exactly that these turban wearing bearded men want or do they just have a simple death wish to be dispatched to their Allah expeditiously. 

But unbeknownst to the Iranians, America has a different president in the White House now and President Donald John Trump does not take any nonsense from anybody. Therefore they must now either shut up or have their boastful provocative mouth shut up for them; albeit forcefully, no matter what it takes. Their continuing nuisance has now become an irritation, so enough of their nuisance. ICHEOKU does not know what founds the impetus of this Islamic Republic of Iran that it has increasing grown boastful and impetuous, their eight year old war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq considered. A war of attrition which they couldn't win and lost thousands of their soldiers therein. but now the same country which couldn't win Iraq believes it could hand America a defeat. 

ICHEOKU says does not know about you or any other keenly interested party in the unfolding feud between Tehran and Washington, but it does not look good and it is headed to showdown barring Tehran developing some senses and accepting the negotiation offer which Washington has placed on the table. Whatever is driving Iranian pistons, including possible Russians, North Koreans and Chinese support, will speedily evaporate into the thin air once the targeted destruction of Iran begins. No sensible leader of any country will, after witnessing what has become of Syria's Aleppo and Iraqi's Mosul and Baqquba, wish their country such a postcard. But hey, those the Gods want to kill, they first make them mad and such deaf and dumb people often make stupid but otherwise avoidable mistake. 

True to type, President Donald John Trump has followed through with his threat to impose sanctions on Iran and the sanctions will go into effect midnight Monday August 6, 2018. The world, including ICHEOKU, now awaits the card which Iran will deal; so until then, good luck with Tehran surviving the sanctions. Hopefully they can now fire their first shot across the bow in their planned mother of all wars against America; provided they are not only in love with the sound of the word, just like Saddam Hussein once parroted.  

Monday, August 6, 2018


ICHEOKU says if you heard it from the chief sponsor of the liberal causes, a protagonist in chief of the new world order and globalist numero uno, George Soros, then you literary heard it from the proverbial horse's mouth. Yes, you heard it right that the aging billionaire is not happy with former President Barack Obama for the disrespectful manner in which he treated him while in office. A fact made more painful because George Soros money was partly responsible for electing President Barack Obama into office, being one of the benefactor and financier of the Democratic Party and their liberal agenda. 

According to a very bitter George Soros, Barack Obama shut him completely out of the White House and will not accede to any of his numerous requests for a visit to the White House. In his own words, George Soros said of the former president, "Barack Obama was “actually my greatest disappointment.” Soros said that he felt let down on a professional level by the lack of attention he received from the former president during his eight years in office. Continuing, Soros said that "Mr. Obama closed the door on me after he was elected. He made one phone call thanking me for my support, which was meant to last for five minutes, and I engaged him, and he had to spend another three minutes with me, so I dragged it out to eight minutes. Obama was someone who was known from the time when he was competing for the editorship of The Harvard Law Review to take his supporters for granted and to woo his opponents." George Soros said that he regretted supporting Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and that he likes to admit mistakes when he makes them and that supporting Obama was one of such mistakes.” 

ICHEOKU says what an unappreciative person Barack Obama is, steeped in the art of discarding the ladder with which he climbed to the top with once his climbing is done. But with a friend like that, who actually craves for an enemy, who will ask you to leave his boat in the middle of the ocean and to your own device. That such a highly regarded democratic party financier and a man of great wealth, was treated so disrespectfully by then President Barack Hussein Obama, tells a lot about the character of the former president. ICHEOKU says if Barack Obama could so easily discard the great George Soros, imagine the shafting which other lesser mortals probably received in his hands. But hey, George Soros deserves all he got and it serves him right, all his globalist agenda considered; admitted that his saying that Obama was his greatest disappointment is rather a huge story and ICHEOKU savors it. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018


ICHEOKU says whatever they do or plan to do, the Fulani government of Fulani Nigeria by Fulani and for the Fulani, must not miscalculate. They must not make the mistake of visiting on Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the fate which befell Ken Saro WIwa. The consequences of such thoughtless, dastardly act will be dire, highly consequential and as far reaching as will make Nigeria shudder. Ndigbo worldwide, irrespective of their support for IPOB or lack thereof; or their love for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu or lack thereof, will not take nor accept it. ICHEOKU says 1 Chronicles 16:22 is highly instructive and hopefully President Muhammadu Buhari is wise enough to appreciate this solemn fact.

Therefore ICHEOKU calls on President Muhammadu Buhari and his bloody Fulani hegemony to thread cautiously, fully aware that certain blood are sacred and should not be shed.  Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's blood belong in this category and if shed, will cost the country heavily. President Muhammadu Buhari has a son, likewise the Chief of Army Staff Buratai, as well as the Inspector General of Police Idris. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is a son to somebody and has been adopted by the Igbo Nation as well as the wider Biafra as their bona fide son. So anything that happens to him will be seen and treated as an affront on an entire ethnic Igbo nation in Nigeria and will not go unanswered. If these people dare, they should consider their own sons gone as well, as they will become justifiable targets for vengeance, wherever they may be found anywhere on the face of this earth and no amount of security will provide them safety nor protection with over sixty million eyes of thirty million Ndigbo searching for them. 

The right thing for President Muhammadu Buhari to do now is to release, without any further delay and unconditionally, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, so that he can rejoin his family and freely carry on with his life as any other free citizen of Nigeria, albeit Biafra. So what if he is an agitator or freedom fighter; at least he has not killed anyone nor called for anyone to be killed. Freedom of speech allows people to propagate whatever idea they want, provided they do not harm others in the process. So, why detain him for merely expressing a desire not to remain a Nigerian. He should be released forthwith in order to help decrease the tension in the land. This is the only acceptable thing for Ndigbo as well as the greater Biafran Southeast Nigeria; and a president seeking rapprochement and forgiveness of his arbitrariness, must as a matter of urgency, consider this gesture with every seriousness. The people of the Southeastern Nigeria has had it to their necks and any further provocation might tip them over the edge and how a man who has been backed to the wall will react is anybody's guess. 

Ken Saro Wiwa was killed by this people, there was no response. They also killed MKO Abiola and there was no response; and thus emboldened, they are thinking of committing yet another calamitous criminality, believing that they have become an untouchable group. ICHEOKU warns them not so fast and not this time around; and for them to thread with great trepidation because any harm that comes unto Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will not be tolerated, will not go unanswered and will be mightily avenged, regardless. Enough of the Fulani arrant nonsense; how a minority group of only six million people will continue to dominate and terrorize a country of 250 million people is simply beyond pale. Their provocations are simply approaching breaking point and hopefully they will not gamble with the life of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in order to avoid accidentally tipping over the very fragile contraption called Nigeria. ICHEOKU says release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu NOW and without any further delay or much ado. Enough of the provocations and enough of the madness of arbitrariness.

Saturday, August 4, 2018


ICHEOKU says what is in a name anyway, one would ask? But not when the name is Michael, as in the case of the two Michaels,  both lawyers; but both of who are indeed creepy and ratty as they came. One of the Michael is representing a discredited professional prostitute, masquerading as a porn star; while the other Michael once represented a billionaire business man who later became president of the United States of America. 

One of the Michaels encouraged his client to breach a binding Non Disclosure Agreement and squeal about an affair; while the other Michael, publicly unloaded a client's confidential communication by way of a secretly recorded private conversation, despite an inviolable client/attorney privilege which prohibits such disclosure. 

ICHEOKU says speaking of Michael Cohen and Michael Avanatil; but with Michaels like them, which parents will still want to name their children Michael; admitted that the most famous Michael, Archangel Michael, is the Chief of Staff of Heaven. 

What a personification of low life this two men have become; and you wonder which client will still want to have their retainer-ship or want anything to do with them or have them representing them in any matter, following this unpardonable treachery. What they did, particularly Michael Cohen, certainly could have a chilling effect on client/attorney confidential relationship and make it extremely difficult for clients to continue to trustingly relax with their lawyers going forward. Why should armed robbers, murderers and other heinous criminals, candidly talk to their lawyers if they don't believe that such communication is privileged, confidential, and that it cannot be disclosed by their lawyers. Such an authorized disclosure is capable of creating a big chasm of distrust  between clients and their attorneys.

ICHEOKU says were it in the days of The Godfather, the movie, both men, particularly Michael Cohen, would have since been swimming with the fishes, hundreds of miles beneath the Atlantic Ocean, off the Jersey shores. But no, The Godfather was just a make believe, while in real life certain fantasies are frowned at and punishable under the law, hence never realized. His case is pathetic indeed, a real life drama of a supposed attorney who betrayed the confidentiality of a client's communication and surreptitiously recorded him during their conversation. Now, he is trying to use it to blackmail the president. Such deplorable conduct leaves one wondering what has become of this world, especially the world of lawyers, when clients are so spooked by their acts that they can no longer trust their lawyers to keep their confidences by maintaining the solemn oath of keeping their clients communications to them private and confidential and also privileged. 

Regardless of whatever happens and irrespective of the final outcome of the ongoing Special Counsel's investigation of the president, Michael Cohen has ruined himself permanently and forever. His legal career is definitely over, as no sane client will ever want to retain such a creepy lawyer who clandestinely records private communications with clients which was shared in utmost confidence. Added to the Stormy Daniels matter, Michael Cohen

ICHEOKU says even the Stormy Daniel's deal was a bad deal done badly; a deal which should never have been made in the first place and which should have been rigorously enforced, with every means necessary, once breached. Why even settle her, afterall she would have just ended up being just another woman, among the many, the over thirty six women who had previously made similar allegations against the then candidate Donald John Trump, but none of which ever stuck. What was so special about Stormy Daniel or her allegation that anyone would have believed her, which could have necessitated the pay off? 

Why was Stormy Daniel's allegation so special that it must be settled and not dismissively treated as yet another one of the many "get Trump, crazy, wild-eyed, feminists, showing solidarity to one of their own and the opponent of then candidate Trump, Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton? But only Michael Cohen knew why he dealt and the reason he dealt now seem obvious with his creepy recording of a client without his knowledge. The answer is that Michael Cohen does not know any better and is not a good attorney, period. What a Judas Iscariot of our time, a decrepitude betrayer, back stabbing a man who literally made him who he is. Shame on him, shame on Michael Cohen.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.

Monday, July 30, 2018


ICHEOKU says he was an equal justice warrior, who in fact was first a real-life warrior, a United States Marine, before turning to politics in 1970. He served two years in the military; served three years as City Council man for Berkeley and then won election to Congress, where he served a  thirteen 2-year terms, 27 years, before retiring from politics in 1998. But he came out of retirement to run for Oakland mayoral seat and won in 2007; and served for only one 4 year term, retiring again in 2011 as Mayor of Oakland, California. 

Ronald Vernie Dellums was 82 years old. He died of cancer and other ancillary infirmities of old age. He was fiery and he was feisty; his oratorical skills were acknowledged by friends and foes and he used it maximally to achieve great laurels including a successful 13 terms in the United States of America House of Representatives as a Congressman from East Bay, 9th Congressional District of Northern California. 

He was once called a "dirty black African" as a child and later as an adult, accused of being a radical. To the first, he fought the classmate and for the later, he responded as follows: "If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” According to him, "the only question we should ask when we make decisions about anything is: ‘Is this the right thing to do?’ 

He also once advised not to give your enemy the luxury of knowing that he can get under your skin. And for those who succeeded against all odds, he advised them not to ever lock others out of the ladder of opportunity despite their own peculiar challenges and very difficult personal experience climbing the ladder. It was to his credit, he sponsored it, that apartheid South Africa was levied a comprehensive economic sanction in 1986 which eventually led to the fall of the Apartheid regime. ICHEOKU says Ron Dellums, for who the Federal Building in Oakland was dedicated to, was a real champion for good causes; and he maintained his epicurean perch right to the end. ICHEOKU says rest in peace Ron; adieu Dellums. 

Friday, July 27, 2018


ICHEOKU says another pretentious liberal, who is a friend of the Clintons just like Harvey Weinstein, is now being gunned after by the Me-Too crazies. Whether the mantra of the far left, socialist, crazed out, wild eyed liberal anarchists, that women should be believed when they allege sexual offenses against men, still holds valid and also applicable in this case will soon be tested. 

Already, his wife, Julie Chan, has rose to his defense, stating that she trust her husband and believes him when he denied that he did not do it; thus technically calling all the women victims a bunch of liars. But the world waits to see how CBS will handle the latest development and whether the punishment which they meted out to Charlie Rose will be equally applied to the CEO. If indeed they are an equal opportunity work place as they claim, then they will not be partial and will also let go their highest staffer, their Chief Executive Officer for sexually harassing women in a work environment. This development also questions how he met and married his wife, a CBS staff and whether he harassed her into submission or got her pregnant and was forced to marry her or she blackmailed him into saying "I do?"

ICHEOKU recalls the excoriation he gave to Harvey Weinstein when his own scandal broke and how he has been having opinions on virtually everything morality including during then candidate Trump's own travails. You then wonder what happened to the old admonition that you must not throw stones if you live in a glass house; and that he who is with sin should not cast the first stone. But unfortunately, all those holier than thou Hollywood elites always have different standards where others are involved. 

Les Moonves is now the latest target in the cross hairs of those Me-Too hound dogs and once they smell blood, they do not let go; leaving ICHEOKU wondering how long will it be before the management and board of CBS lets him go, just cut him lose like they did to Charlie Rose. Being accused of sexually harassing women, as well as rape and in a workplace environment, is a serious crime which such a corporation might not likely put up with. This shows that the days of Les Moonves as the Chief Executive Officer of CBS Network are numbered and hopefully he has an explanation for his unwanted advances and being just another Bill Cosby or better still, that he did not do what he is being accused of. Definitely, a he said and she said situation, but since the liberals tell us that we must give women the benefit of the doubt in such cases, ICHEOKU rests his case. Boy, was Jesus right afterall that everybody has sinned and fallen short of glory, especially inside the Hollywood casting couch scene. ICHEOKU says Et tu Les Moonves.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


ICHEOKU says that somebody even married the prostitute in the first place is actually the real scandal here and not that a marriage destined to fail, otherwise failed. Glorified prostitute and porn star, who had sex and ratted about it; and who also breached a fully purchased Non Disclosure Agreement, Stormy Daniels is no longer married. 

Her three year old marriage to Glendon Crain is over; as her soon to be former husband has filed a get me out here quick divorce. The two has a daughter together. 

Her lawyer Michael Avenatti, made the announcement in a tweet:- “My client Stormy Daniels and her husband Glen have decided to end their marriage. A petition for divorce was filed last week, the accuracy of which is vehemently disputed. Stormy’s daughter remains her number one priority.  She kindly asks for privacy for the sake of her family.”

ICHEOKU says has issue with the request for privacy and for the sake of her family. Why didn't Stormy Daniels think about the need for "privacy" by the man she labored to tarnish his image when she went public with a purely private affair matter of over 12 years old? Why didn't Stormy Daniels remember that the man he accused of having sex with also has a family that did not need to hear all the lurid tales of over a decade old? But here she is, pretentiously acting as if she cares and you wonder which prostitute, who turns tricks for money, really gives a damn. She is shamelessly asking for the privacy which she denied others; and also invoking her family, when she did not extend that to another man's family. All these after collecting a binding $130,000 in consideration, yet she breached it. 
Now, look who is talking about privacy and you wonder if karma is not a bitch and what goes around comes around. If according to Stormy Daniels, she was living incognito back home" before she went public with an affair, why then did she go public. What a pitiful bitch. 

Monday, July 23, 2018


"Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia is positive not a negative. Now, with that being said if that doesn’t work out I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had – the worst he's ever had." - President Donald John Trump.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


"Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia is positive not a negative. Now, with that being said if that doesn’t work out I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had – the worst he's ever had." - President Donald John Trump.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


ICHEOKU says never in the history of mankind, especially those who call America home, has antagonism against a president gone this crazy. A case of two people, where one broke an egg on the floor and the other is merely trying to clean up the mess. While the person who broke the egg is allowed to walk away free without any chastisement or scolding; the other person who was merely trying to clean up the broken egg is now being hounded as not either cleaning up the egg well enough and/or fast enough.

President Donald John Trump did not supervise the alleged meddling of the Russians in the last American elections. President Donald John Trump was not the president when the Russian meddling allegedly took place. President Donald John Trump was not the person who was informed about the Russian meddling before the last election and who failed to take action or do something about it. 

President Barack Obama was president then. President Barack Obama was the president who was told of the Russian meddling and President Barack Obama was the president who told the FBI and NIA to stand down and not to do a thing about it either to counter the Russians or punish the Russians. His reason for not doing anything is that he did not want such development to effect the election or in any other way, consequently taint the election of Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton; believing like the rest of them, that her election was an assured outcome. The American people rejected her candidacy and suddenly President Donald John Trump is being accused of colluding with the Russians and for not doing much at the Helsinki's summit to confront President Vladimir Putin publicly for the Russian meddling. 

Why the man who supervised the Russian meddling and who even assured the nation that nobody can rig the American election, is not being held to account for his inaction is rather the collusion and complicity as well as cover up in this matter. As a result, the angry democrats and their cohorts from the Republican party, the Never Trumpers, are always looking for any excuse to accuse the president of doing something wrong and even when he does something spectacularly wonderful, they will refuse to give him his props and will not mention or even report it in their mainstream media. But any slightest misspeak or misspelled word or slip of tongue by the president, they will hound him for it. Now, following the Helsinki Summit, they are once again up in arms haranguing the president, with some accusing him of being anti America and treasonous. 

Unfortunately, some of these accusers were in power when the Russians were doing the meddling, yet they failed to take action to either stop it or forcefully tell the Russians to cut it off. But instead of hiding their faces in shame of failure, here they are, with straight face, demanding to know why President Donald John Trump should not be impeached for not cleaning their mess fast enough and properly. Query, why did they even make the mess in the first place and/or clean it up after themselves.  

Election meddling did not start with the last election nor did it take place under President Donald John Trump. Also, Ossetia, Abkhazia and Crimea were not forcibly taken by Russia under President Donald John Trump either. But he is being held out for these actions and as if he was responsible for causing the problems or sleeping on wheels and not do a thing about them. 

The president is trying to establish a good relationship with Russia, towards jointly solving so many of world's problems through cooperation, but these guys are continuously butting heads with the president and constituting themselves into road blocks of resistance and obstructions. Admitted that Russia has done quite a number in subverting world's peace by annexing and seizing other countries' territories, but what is the other solution short of going to an outright war with the Russians. But Is this a proposition which Americans would rather opt for. 

ICHEOKU says therefore short of selling weapons and war profiteering, there is nothing else fueling their maniacal attacks on the president and their desire to permanently place Russia on the enemy list. Why make Russia the enemy when other real previous enemies Japan and Germany, have since been reconciled with. If the Russians meddled to help Trump, why did the Barack Obama government not stop them, since the Obama government were heavily invested in electing Hillary Clinton president. If they did not or failed to, does it mean that they too, technically, aided and abetted the Russian help to elect Trump and therefore equally guilty of colluding with the Russians to elect Trump. 

Simply put, just a show of a total meltdown bunkum hogwash by pitiful sore losers, who do not know how to be good sport and are still lamenting their loss of an election for nearly two years now. Hopefully, they will remain in their pathetic and imbecilic lamentation mode when Trump wins again in 2020 and be sworn in for a second term. 

Monday, July 16, 2018


"Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia is positive not a negative. Now, with that being said if that doesn’t work out I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had – the worst he's ever had." - President Donald John Trump.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


ICHEOKU says they did it, deservedly and rightly earned; the boys from Paris. ICHEOKU says congratulations.


ICHEOKU says they are Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup champion. Congratulations France.

Friday, July 13, 2018


ICHEOKU says he was evasive, combative and dodgy throughout the hearing session and his holier than thou self righteousness mien were visible for even Steve Wonders to see. He came across as somewhat arrogant, cocky and as someone who feels that he is better than everyone else, including those elected members of Congress in the hearing committee, who were asking him questions. 

His utter evasiveness and refusal to answer direct questions; and when he tried, did not answer truthfully or invented his own version of the interpretation of what his text really meant, was quite telling and seem to fly in the face of the ordinary meaning of the English words which he used in his text messages. Many of his texts were plainly discernible and needed no interpretation to reveal their true purport and meaning; yet he was bold faced in denying the obvious and thus insulting the collective intelligence of the American people and implying their lack of capacity to read with comprehension to understand what was written in plain English language. 

It is so unfortunate that such a highly placed former FBI officer would lie, lie and lie without shame or compunction. It is sad and it has diminished the bureau in the eyes of America as well as the wider world which hitherto regarded the FBI as above reproach and straight as an arrow. In fact, what he did or did not do or intended or did not intend, is not actually important as the appearance is the controlling factor here. How does the average America perceive what went down? Did it look like the fix was in and indeed that things were fixed, despite all the denials and affirmation of professionalism? To an ordinary person looking from the sideline, how will he or she feel about the while story and will such a person still have unreserved faith in the FBI and that they did not try to influence an outcome. This is the imperative as justice must not only be done but must be seen to be manifestly done; but not as perceived in this case. 

In what Sean Hannity described as a verbal gymnastics, calling him a verbal contortionist, Peter Srrzok did a lot of verbal acrobats and cleverly evaded a lot of questions. In fact, lived up to the billing as he was evasive throughout his questioning. In some case, he outrightly chose to develop a selective amnesia just to avoid giving an answer; and as it soots him and as was necessary to shield him and prevent him from answering some pointed questions and in some cases, he simply parried them off. One other commentator described his performance as indicative of someone who has an unfaithful relationship with the truth. While yet another said that Peter Strzok has a hard time with the facts and that his conduct successfully created a dichotomy that erodes the American justice system. Concluding, he opined that the eventual successful politicization of American justice system, as begun by Peter Strzok and crew, will only mark the end of America's constitutional democracy as we know it. 

Overall, most Americans saw through the charade he tried to put up, a show of perfidy, meant to throw a wool over the eyes of watchers and put a cloud cover over his conduct. Peter Strzok tried to paint a different picture from the obvious conspiracy his band of do-gooders mounted to derail the election of President Donald John Trump. The hearing was indeed a chaos in Congress as Shannon Bream described it and ICHEOKU agrees with Ms Bream that a lot of dive and dodge occurred during the hearing session as Peter Strzok was not there to help unearth the truth but to mount a water clad defense of his actions. But regrettably, it did not fly as he came across as not comfortable with being confronted with the facts and would rather he did not place himself in such exposed position. However, Peter Strzok is apparently brilliant and a gifted mind; and he would certainly make a good advocate, although he refused to come clean and reconcile himself with truthfully speaking.