Those Iranians have been running their mouths for quite some time now, with their chants of death to America as well as other hostile activities against American interests, as well as their provocative acts of aggression against the American Navy, both in the Straits of Homes and the Persian Gulf. A continuing hostilities which started in 1979 with their Ayatollah Khomeini led Islamic revolution which toppled the Shah of Iran and has continued till this day, without let or cease; and you wonder what is it exactly that these turban wearing bearded men want or do they just have a simple death wish to be dispatched to their Allah expeditiously.
But unbeknownst to the Iranians, America has a different president in the White House now and President Donald John Trump does not take any nonsense from anybody. Therefore they must now either shut up or have their boastful provocative mouth shut up for them; albeit forcefully, no matter what it takes. Their continuing nuisance has now become an irritation, so enough of their nuisance. ICHEOKU does not know what founds the impetus of this Islamic Republic of Iran that it has increasing grown boastful and impetuous, their eight year old war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq considered. A war of attrition which they couldn't win and lost thousands of their soldiers therein. but now the same country which couldn't win Iraq believes it could hand America a defeat.
ICHEOKU says does not know about you or any other keenly interested party in the unfolding feud between Tehran and Washington, but it does not look good and it is headed to showdown barring Tehran developing some senses and accepting the negotiation offer which Washington has placed on the table. Whatever is driving Iranian pistons, including possible Russians, North Koreans and Chinese support, will speedily evaporate into the thin air once the targeted destruction of Iran begins. No sensible leader of any country will, after witnessing what has become of Syria's Aleppo and Iraqi's Mosul and Baqquba, wish their country such a postcard. But hey, those the Gods want to kill, they first make them mad and such deaf and dumb people often make stupid but otherwise avoidable mistake.
True to type, President Donald John Trump has followed through with his threat to impose sanctions on Iran and the sanctions will go into effect midnight Monday August 6, 2018. The world, including ICHEOKU, now awaits the card which Iran will deal; so until then, good luck with Tehran surviving the sanctions. Hopefully they can now fire their first shot across the bow in their planned mother of all wars against America; provided they are not only in love with the sound of the word, just like Saddam Hussein once parroted.
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