Just five people shy of Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooting incident that claimed 26 lives, the Uvalde Texas Robb elementary school mass shooting at 21 victims, now ranks among the highest grossing gun carnage in America. It is sad that such frequent blood spilling has tragically become part of our culture as a society. May the souls of the killed now rest.


Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi once questioned former President Donald John Trump's fitness to remain in office due to what she claimed was his declining mental capacity. Does anyone know what Madam Speaker presently thinks about the incontrovertible case which America is now saddled with? Just curious!


The West should convert frozen Russian assets, both state's and oligarchs' owned, into a full seizure and set them aside for the future rebuilding of Ukraine. Like the Marshal Plan, call it the Putin Plan.


I am staying put. I will not run away and abandon my people. The fight is here in Ukraine. What I need are weapons and ammunitions, not a ride out of town like former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani - President Volodymyr Zelensky.


"There is too much hate in America because there is too much anger in America." - Trevor Noah.


A life without challenges is not a life lived at all. A life lived is a life that has problems, confronts problems, solves problems and then learns from problems. - Tunde Fashola.


When fishing for love, bait with your heart and not your brain, because you cannot rationalize love. - Mark Twain.


In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings - Dave Chappelle


“What you believe in can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk for it." - Stuart Scheller.


Never get in bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours. - Chicago PD.


'The best way to keep peace is to be ready to destroy evil. If you Pearl Harbor me, I Nagasaki you.' - Ted Nugent.


Empathy is at the heart of who we are as human beings. - Cardinal Matthew Kukah.


"Birth is agony. Life is hard. Death is cruel." - Japanese pithy.


Homosexuality is a sin. It is not ordained by God, therefore same sex marriage cannot be blessed by the church - Pope Francis.




TWITTER IS BORING WITHOUT HIS TWEETS. #RestorePresidentTrump'sTwitterHandle.


"If you cannot speak the truth when it matters, then nothing else you says matters.” - Tucker Carlson.


"To all the women who testified, we may have different truth, but I have a great remorse for all of you. I have great remorse for all of the men and women going through this crisis right now in our country. You know, the movement started basically with me, and I think what happened, you know, I was the first example, and now there are thousands of men who are being accused and a regeneration of things that I think none of us understood. I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people. I’m just genuinely confused. Men are confused about this issue. We are going through this #MeToo movement crisis right now in this country." - Harvey Weinstein.


"If it’s radical to oppose the insanity and cruelty of the Vietnam War, if it’s radical to oppose racism and sexism and all other forms of oppression, if it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical.” - Ron Vernie Dellums.


“I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. Memories precipitated by love is the only true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. The most expensive bed in the world is the sick bed. You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” - SJ


"The threat of evil is ever present. We can contain it as long as we stay vigilant, but it can never truly be destroyed. - Lorraine Warren (Annabelle, the movie)


“I’m not that interested in material things. As long as I find a good bed that I can sleep in, that’s enough.” - Nicolas Berggruem, the homeless billionaire.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


ICHEOKU says whatever made Nike do it, including their "JUST DO IT" slogan, the decision to use Colin Kaepernick for their advertisement commercial is not a healthy business decision. ICHEOKU wishes that Nike did not do it, as such a clear taking of sides will rub some of its customer base wrongly and they might react by boycotting anything Nike. Nike's taking of sides with Colin Kaepernick in the matter of kneeling during national anthem shows that Nike has been hijacked by wild eyed liberal anarchists, out to ferment trouble and unapologetic about it. 

Colin Kaepernick kneeled because according to him, to draw attention to white police killing black people; but nobody, including Colin Kaepernick ever kneels when black people kill each other, as is going on in Chicago land. Then you ask yourself does the fact of the color of the skin of the killer make any difference or make the killing otherwise justifiable. Enough of the kneeling as the point has been made; only that Nike's commercial has now given the National discuss a new lease of life and it was otherwise avoidable. SAD.


“Today’s Democratic Party is held hostage by left wing haters, angry mobs, Deep State radicals, establishment cronies and their Fake News allies. The most remarkable thing about the modern Democratic Party is how undemocratic they have truly become. Our rejection of their idea is driving them really crazy!” - President Donald John Trump.

Friday, September 7, 2018


ICHEOKU says he is an all American, by the book, jurist, and will be an added advantage to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. 

Judge Brett Michael Kavanaugh will help Make the Supreme Court Great Again by ensuring that the court will be guided strictly by Constitutional provisions and that judges are not allowed to make laws from the bench, but merely interpret existing laws as made. 

ICHEOKU supports the president's nominee for associate judgeship of the Supreme Court and urges the Senate to confirm him now, without any further ado or much delay. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018


ICHEOKU says he had a good run at life, lived it really up and fulfilled; admitted he could not attain the United States presidency, which he so much coveted and desired and madly sought after. But he was a mean spirited and unforgiving man and this belittled him. Rest In Peace Senator John Sidney McCain. Adieu John. 


ICHEOKU says the maverick McCain, who once denied ever being a maverick; a war hero and a United States Senator from the great State of Arizona, who has been a torn in the flesh of so many people, including President Donald John Trump, is no more. Senator John Sidney McCain III, died of brain tumor and old age related infirmities. He was 81 years old. 

Recall that the Senator was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a very aggressive form of brain tumor which also killed Senator Ted Kennedy, in July 2017 and he weathered it through a little over one year before finally giving up the struggle as he succumbed to the killer disease on August 25th, 2018, by 4.28 pm, surrounded by his loving family. 

Maverick McCain will be remembered for the many things which he did, including his service to the nation as a member of the United States Navy and his being shot down and captured in Vietnam; a United States Senator and a failed presidential candidate nominee of a major party, the Republican Party. However, there are two memorable things which stood out in his life in the Senate:- his alleged telegraphing to his supporters during his failed presidential campaign in 2008 that the then candidate Barack Obama is not one of them - his infamous "THAT ONE" mouth off while pointing at Barack Obama. It registered and it stuck till this day in the minds of millions, who not only considered it offensive, but maintains it is a racist dog whistle. 

Also his thumbs down vote, which defeated President Donald John Trump's supported bill to reform Obamacare, was rather a rude shock and a big surprise to so many people, including his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Such a maverick vote by the maverick Senator John McCain was feared but not expected, because he had previously campaigned to repeal and replace Obamacare. But inexplicably, when the opportunity for him to see his wish through, "repealed and replaced", availed him, his pettiness got a better hold of him, as he decided to exert his revenge on President Donald John Trump and voted it down. His vote defeating the repeal and replace Obamacare will forever attach to his memory as one of those things that had no rhyme or reason, but which was done out of spite and for pure vengeance and it showed.

Recall that the president had questioned his hero status as a captured war hero, saying that he prefer those warriors who were not captured. John McCain who prides himself as a war hero never forgave the president and it showed in his attacks and actions against the president and he carried this animosity against the president with him to the land beyond. It became such a distasteful acts of vendetta that even when the president made some effort at rapprochement, the Senator rebuffed him; even to the extent of expressing his wish that the president do not attend his funeral. ICHEOKU says if any man was petty, little, vengeful and unforgiving, Senator John Sidney McCain III is that man; and it tarnished his legacy to the extent that no commentary of or about him will be complete without dedicating some pages on his mean demeanor and penchant for vengefulness. 

Senator John McCain may be a good husband and father to his wife and children, but he certainly had a cold unforgiving heart and it showed in everything John McCain did and spoke about. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare but when the opportunity presented itself, he refused to vote to repeal it simply because he saw voting against it as a payback to the president, with whom he has been feuding since the president rebuffed his war hero worship as a captured war veteran. Senator John McCain is also a very creepy person, as every person who watched his presidential campaign debate with then candidate Barack Obama sometimes saw him making weird moves behind or besides Barack Obama. To some people however, his death did not come soon enough as it would have spared Americans the still lurking around Obamacare disaster. To others, even at 81 years old and sickly, they would rather still have him around; except that old age and sickness ruled otherwise and today he is no more, gone to be with his ancestors. 

ICHEOKU says may the good Lord reward Senator John Sidney McCain according to his stewardship while his sojourn here on earth lasted. Although he has seven children including two adopted black children, but only her daughter Meghan McCain is known nationally and through her, ICHEOKU sends our condolences to the family of John McCain on the loss of their patriarch, Senator John McCain. May the ever restless Senator now rest and hopefully the Governor of the great State of Arizona will appoint a replacement, worthy of the honor of truly flying the Republican flag as a bona fides Republican conservative and not a RINO (Republican in name only); and who will proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with the president and help the president accomplish his Make America Great Again agenda. Adieu John. 

Friday, August 24, 2018


“The only thing that I have done wrong is to win an election that was expected to be won by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. The problem is, they forgot to campaign in numerous states!” - President Donald John Trump. 

ICHEOKU says simply the truth and nothing but the truth and those sore losers have not learnt how to be honorable in defeat and will be whining until President Donald John Trump is sworn in for a second term. Pitiful humanoids who had complained that then candidate said that he will not accept an election result if rigged, but are now doing exactly what they had complained against. Hypocritical creeps. 


ICHEOKU says with s friend like Jeff Sessions, President Donald John Trump does not need an enemy. What manner of an Attorney General would stand idly by and watch, while the president who appointed him an AG is being bayoneted from the sane Justice Department which he is supposedly heading? From his willful indifference, the president might as well have a Bill Clinton as his Attorney General for crying out loud. 

ICHEOKU says possibly Jeff Sessions is a bona fides member of the Deep State or the Deep State has something on him and holding him hostage to it. Otherwise, what has put him into such a bind of inaction. 

But hey, things will soon come to a head as the Russian Collusion has migrated to Russian meddling to Stormy Daniels to Michael Cohen to all sundry stuff, devoid of the initial Collusion with the Russians which is supposed to be the matter being investigated. Yet, Jeff Sessions remains a no show, away without official leave. With an Attorney General like him, the president has no AG. SAD. Salute

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


ICHEOKU says what manner of a man is this guy, a lawyer, who would secretly record conversations with his client and you wonder for what possible reason? A weakling who publicly boasted that he would do anything to protect the president, that he is "very loyal and very dedicated to the president" and would even take  bullet for the president, but when the first shot was fired across the bow, he quickly ducked and let the wheezing bullet strike the target? 

This is a guy who had on several previous occasions, vehemently denied that the president had a heads-up nor knew anything about his dealings with Stormy Daniels, only for him to now turn against the president, claiming that the president instructed him to make the deal. In his own conclusion, it amounts to campaign finance violation.

The question then becomes, if indeed the president asked him to make the payments, why then did he later make requisitions for reimbursements for the payments? Why didn't the president instruct his bank account accordingly and simultaneously at the time of the instruction. Could it be a case of a personal lawyer who acted on behalf of his client, fully aware that he will be made whole once he informs the president, and as is usual in their normal course of business interactions over the decade. Is it also possible that the president was advised by Michael Cohen and acted on the advise of his counsel to make the Stormy Daniel's nuisance go away, by agreeing to pay her off in order to end her petulance and threats of a blackmail? A threat to be treated as serious in view of the period of a presidential electioneering campaign.

But a Michael Cohen, who previously stated on many different occasions that he acted intuitively and that the president was not aware of the transaction prior, but only informed him later; has now somersaulted and alleged otherwise. Query, which of the Michael Cohen should the public believe - the one who previously denied that the president knew about the transaction when he was under no pressure, or the current Michael Cohen who is overtly agitated, anxious, scared stiff and worried about a possible long term prison sentence and desperately looking for a way out; or at least, a soft landing and would say or do anything, whatever it will take, to curry favor from the prosecution, towards getting a lighter sentence. 

Therefore, is it possible that he agreed to make the admission or simply signed off on a predetermined statement just because he had no choice?  It is either he lied then or he is lying now as the two polar opposites positions cannot both be a truism. So which Michael Cohen is this, the one who lied before or the one who is lying now? Could he possibly have told the truth then and again telling the truth now, depending on whose version of the truth is being told and is believable. Did he tell the truth previously and is now telling a version of manufactured truth just to cushion his fall. Whatever be the case, his credibility is suspect at best and whatever doubt arising as to what the truth might be, must be resolved in favor of the president. Michael Cohen has more to lose, including his freedom; and having fallen out of favor of the president might be seeking his pound of flesh payback by trying to frame the president.

However, his tax fraud and making false statements to banks guilty plea has no correlation to the Russian Collusion investigation, as Michael Cohen committed the said offenses  outside his duties of working for the president as his personal attorney and therefore strictly his sole acts. His other claim of being instructed by the president is merely "a he said and he said" disputation between the two men and unless he also secretly recorded the conversation where the president was instructing him to pay Stormy Daniels, the veracity of what he said will be based on which of the two men is more believable. Michael Cohen lied before and is most likely Michael Cohen is once again lying now; and when in doubt, it should be resolve in favor of the party with less to lose, the party being accused. 

Lastly, one certainty going forward is that the Special Counsel investigation of  the Russian Collusion seems to have finally hit the rock in his primary assigned duty to find a Russian Collusion. He seems to be now simply fishing, otherwise what has someone's personal crimes of tax fraud and other crimes has to do with the president. But hey, they have certainly now moved from Russian Collusion to Michael Cohen Collusion or rather Michael Cohen please help us get the president Collusion-Collaboration. But trust is the victim in all this and if one cannot trust his attorney, who else could he trust. SAD.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


ICHEOKU says nobody, except those in denial, as well as sanctimonious faithfuls, who still see the white cassock as a symbol of abstinence, chaste and holiness, believes that celibacy is still widely observed among the Catholic clergy.  But for those in the know, the well informed human beings, who know better; human beings have desires and urge and they have to find a way to quench it, regardless of their oath of chastity. 

It is not their fault and they should not be blamed for merely acting out an urge which necessarily comes with age and maturity. To say otherwise or pretend that this does not exist or should not exist, is living a life of lie, which is repeatedly being debunked by the incessant cases of rape and sexual molestation by priests of the Catholic Church. It is is their cry for help to be allowed sexual indulgences like every other hot blooded animal who primarily live to eat and have sex sex. It is this denial by a man made rule that is consistently manifesting in all the rapes and sexual molestations prevalent in the Catholic Church. That the incidences are prevalent and generally under reported, and in some case not reported at all, especially in Africa and Latin American countries, is also a fact. Often, for every one priest caught in the act or whose perversion was discovered, there are at least ten others who are still living with guilty conscience of what they did or are still doing; and so many of them had already died in sin, with similar guilt conscience. 

Regrettably, the Vatican which modulates the lives and behavior of these men in white cassock, and which often revises rules of the church, canons of the church, has not found tune to act on the question of celibacy of these men of God. It is therefore about time they acted and in order to save a fast dying Catholic Church from complete extinction. A church which once used to be the envy of all other denominations but which has steadily witnessed a rapid decline, needs to do something urgently to shore itself up.  So many faithfuls and parishioners have since walked away from the church; and their loss is the gain of other churches, which accommodate certain needs of human beings such as the the freedom to have sex or copulate or even populate. Some Catholics are not happy with the church for their stubborn adherence to dogmas of the past century and wants some make over. Some are also tired of being forced to steep into doctrinaires of the last century which they find absolutely incompatible with modern living. Many also felt violated by the recurring sexual molestations, rape and abuse, which have now become a recurring decimal within the church clergy. All these are bleeding the church of faithfuls and parishioners and it does not bode well for the long term health of the church. 

Fortunately, there is a somewhat solution or at least some band aid to the wide spread sexual epidemic among Catholic priests.  LET THEM MARRY or at least have a lover or sexual partner. Restore their freedom to make that decision whether or not they want to copulate and it is done. 1 Timothy 3:2 and other verses of the Bible are suggestive that  priests are not forbidden to marry and since bishops can marry, why not the precursor to those bishops, the priests. ICHEOKU says since the Bible does not forbid it nor frowns at it, there is no nothing preventing them once the century old tradition, which the Catholic Church adopted for mere convenience, is lifted. Let those who wants to marry be allowed to marry and let those who do not want to marry, but would rather keep lovers, including many of them that are gay, be allowed to have sexual partners. 

Any of this is a better option than to continue to accommodate all these sexual predators in white cassock, who would rather steal sex from an alter boy and other vulnerable children, than be outed as a non celibate priest. This is modern day living and so many husbands and wives often leave their partners when duty calls, sometimes for days and sometimes for long hours including emergency doctors, firefighters, traveling salesmen and nurses, oil rig and offshore workers, as well as other emergency workers. So, there is no more excuse for priest not to marry because the nature of their pastoral service often sees them going to places, both suddenly and so remote, that they will not have time for their spouses or raising a family. There are so many single parent raising families, especially those who momentarily do so because their spouse is at work. So let such marrying priests be allowed to live the life of the society in which they pastor. 

ICHEOKU says this is a problem they are better left to figure out its solution, rather than being baby seated through them. They are adults and if they can manage the challenges necessarily concomitant with being married,  so be it; but let it not be for lack of trying. Like with every other person in the society, they should also be free to divorce their partners if and when it becomes impossible for them to carry on and tarry on. Priests and clergies of other churches marry and they get along with their pastoral works just fine; therefore there is no reason why Catholic priests should not be extended this choice. They too can joggle their life of being a priest and also being a father or lover or even baby daddy. They, like priests of other churches, can get on with their lives of pastoring flocks alongside being a husband or just lover. If they elect to so do, they must be given that option and opportunity. ICHEOKU therefore calls on the Vatican to end this rape and sexual molestation of children within the Catholic priests, and allow Catholic priests to marry or have a lover or at least let them have that choice. 

Monday, August 20, 2018


ICHEOKU says whether he is the worst director of the Central Intelligence Agency ever, is but anyone's guess. But his conduct so far and throughout the ongoing Russian investigation, is far from being admirable; especially from a former director of the CIA who is supposed to be non partisan, aware that whatever he says carries some weight of credibility. His accusation that the president colluded with the Russians, that Putin might have something on the president and that the president committed treason, would be viewed by many people as having some credibility simply because a former CIA director said it. 

But undeterred, he continued as if he has a personal ax to grind with the president and thus became the face of the opposition. It is all in the appearance and regardless of his claim of being unbiased, the optics does not look good for both the president and the former CIA director. For the president, because the director of the CIA said it, hence there must be some truth to it; and to the former director, because it pitches him directly against the president, as the new leader of the anti Trump Washington DC swamp establishment. A situation made more troubling because as a director of the CIA, he did not find the evidence and now as a former CIA director, he hasn't run into the evidence either; yet he continued to make such unsubstantiated allegations and innuendos, suggestive of the president's complicity. He did not give the president a leeway at all; and an incensed president must fight back to preserve and protect his presidency, using whatever tools within his arsenal, including the revocation of the security clearance.

ICHEOKU strongly believes that it was John Brennan's desire to placate his side of the political divide, the far left nut jobs, who could not accept that their Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton was defeated by President Donald John Trump, that possessed him and took over his self censor. Having failed to stop Trump from being elected president as director of the CIA and the attempt to sabotage his presidency having now unraveled; he seems somewhat desperate in trying to regain some momentum and went out of his way to unnecessarily antagonize the president. Query, if John Brennan knew when he was President Barack Obama's director of the agency that the Russians were colluding with Trump, why didn't he stop them then. Why did he wait until the Russians "successfully colluded with Trump and put him in the White House," before starting to throw all these mud at Trump and claiming that he benefitted from the Russians. 

It is condemnable and it should be condemned by every person, who is without a dog in the fight; as a desperation on the part of John Brennan to make up a story which is not there nor true. As a former high level government official, he should have conducted himself with certain decorum and not be so obviously partisan and frontally attacking the president and for no justifiable reason. If he had the evidence of the president's malfeasance, why did he not take it to Robert Mueller or better still tender it for the American people to evaluate. But instead, it is one insinuation after another and you wonder what his objective really is and continuing. Therefore, any victim of his tirade would react as the president did react and is reacting, by at least removing him from the intelligence circle of his government, to start with. His arrest and trial for subverting the office of the president is also a possible reaction going forward. 

ICHEOKU says when a former CIA director said that the Russians might have something on the president and that the meeting which the president had in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin is treasonous, he has crossed the lines of fair comment and stepped into the adverse antagonist zone. He should therefore be seen and treated going forward as an enemy of the president fighting a declared war against the president. Otherwise, how else exactly does he want the American people to understand his utterances and actions? How does he want the ordinary Joe and Jill of America to react to it or the inference he wants them to derive from his statements. Treasonous is a serious crime and not a word of a friend, but an enemy who wants you dead since treason is a crime punishable with death. So why would the president not react to defend himself by playing every offense known to him.

The only rational thing deducible from his statements is that he wants the American people to infer that their former director of the CIA knows what he is talking about and is communicating to them that their president deserves the death penalty for colluding with the Russians; and in fact did collude with the Russians, a crime for which the death penalty is appropriate. Also the former CIA director stated that the Russians have something on their president and wants them to also believe their former CIA director on this too. John Brennan in fact wants the president executed and you wonder how such an overt enemy of the president would be allowed to continue to have an insider baseball knowledge about the workings of the president's government. He is a self declared enemy and threat to the president and should be kept as far away as possible from the presidency of President Donald John Trump as is humanly possible, and the revocation of his security clearance is a good place to begin the fight back. 

ICHEOKU says John Brennan is the face of the Washington DC swamp uprising. They are fighting against a president who they never wanted elected president nor wants him to succeed as president. A matter made worse because the president has promised to drain their swamp and is on course of doing it, which will leave many of them out and dry; and they do not want to be so dried out and hung out to die. They are increasingly getting desperate and are pulling every stop to thwart his presidency and save their swampy habitat. But there is time for everything and the time has come for the president to take both his pound of flesh against a bunch of human beings who endorsed Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton for president and also carry through with his promised clean up of the Washington DC swamp. With one security clearance now yanked away and many more to go, the Deep State has been put on notice that their days of manipulating every government will soon come to end; as their swamp will soon be fully and completely drained out and all swamp creatures will be dried out.

Saturday, August 18, 2018


ICHEOKU says he had this sartorial demeanor that distinguished him from the rest of the pack, enhanced by his salt and pepper facial hairs. He was everything gentleman; but whether the African Ghanian succeeded as Secretary General of the United Nations, the opinion is divided, albeit evenly. ICHEOKU has no opinion on that matter and joins the rest of the world who knew him to celebrate his long well lived life. Kofi Annan died following old age related brief illness; he was 80 years old. Adieu Kofi. 

Friday, August 17, 2018



ICHEOKU says rest in peace Queen and as she departed this world to live as legend in the hearts of her millions of fans as well as through her music. Adieu QofS.


ICHEOKU says not the English Queen Eliza but American Queen Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul music and she was good at it and rightly earned every laurel there is, there arising. Aretha Franklin died of pancreatic cancer; she was 76 years old.

ICHEOKU's favorite songs of hers include "A natural woman, Mary, don't you weep and everyone's favorite RESPECT. She sang for those who have souls and her songs touch the core of the being, especially for those who can feel and are passionate. With over hundred songs to her credit and about twenty top chats, she indeed touched the world and made peoples happy and their anguish lighter. 

Aretha Louise Franklin lived it up and she will be missed, admitted she will live on through her music, having transmuted into a legend. ICHEOKU says rest in peace Aretha. Adieu Queen.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


ICHEOKU says provided the systems on board as well as the satellite itself are not fried before their rendezvous, it will be an interesting scientific discovery if they make it to the fiery nuclear reactor. ICHEOKU wishes science all the best and hopefully they can find a way to harness energy from the abundance in the sun. Congratulations to NASA on their Parker Solar Probe mission to the sun.


ICHEOKU says and it took her over fifteen years of mentoring and profiting from President Donald John Trump's quasi adoption of her and great benevolence, for her to finally figure out that the president is a racist. What took her so long? Why did Omarosa Manigault wait until now before outing the president and alerting the world about his racist credentials. But unfortunately, it is an American society that feasts on other peoples sorrows and pains and sometimes carcasses, that is once again providing oxygen for this disgruntled, restless soul, Omarosa Manigault, in her effort to make some money by rubbishing another man's hard earned reputation. SAD. 

A woman who is looking for a cheap source of both fame and riches; and who would go to any length to achieve them, has now written a book of lies that only an unthinking fish brain would accept as a "true" insiders' account of the White House. ICHEOKU says good enough she was fired when she was fired, otherwise who knows the type of earth shattering scandal which she could have brought to the White House. Also good enough, if not even better, she did not accused the president of sexually molesting or harassing her as the coterie of the Me-Too angry feminists would have done; although t must have taken a serious persuasion by her minders to dissuade her from including such inanity, as the gold digging desperado would have insisted on including such fantasy account just to boost her book sales. 

Omarosa Manigault, ICHEOKU says YOU SUCK and you are such a groveling sicko for daring to tow this route. A very pitiful you. ICHEOKU prays that Americans will shun you and your book and not allow you to profit from the painful lies which you told of another human being. 

When you think it was only Judas Iscariot that would betray Jesus Christ for thirty shekels of silver, here comes an angry, disgruntled former beneficiary of President Donald John Trump's magnanimity, who is channeling her mental state through another person, the unhinged Omarosa Manigault, making up tales by the moonlight just to get some publicity and by extension, some riches. Looking at Omarosa, it is obvious that she is a desperate woman out to make it and be on prime time at all cost. It is even a shocker that any man found her trustworthy enough to call her a wife, admitted possibly a gold digging man who is desirous of riding her fame or rather notoriety train to nowhere good nor endearing. How can she accuse another person of being unhinged when she is the one actually exhibiting and manifesting traces of lunacy and you ask yourself who really is this Omarosa Manigault? 

Her demented self must at best be a kettle calling a pot black and you wonder what motivated her to so betray a trust other than to get back at the president for firing her from the White House. ICHEOKU says definitely a case of what is wrong with some women, they are very vengeful, the reason hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Sometimes the unashamed manner in which they go about exerting their pound of flesh, is rather mind blowing petty. 

A lowlife numbskull, who nobody would have ever heard of, nor know about, but for the president's benevolence, yet she has so disappointingly turned out to be a Brutus driving yet another dagger at the president's side. The good news is that so many have tried in the past and are still trying, but failed; including a consortium of federal agencies officials gone rogue, who want to bring the president down. There are also other books of infamy which were tailored to the same end result, but none of which has been able to do the desired damage to pull the president down. They all failed because they were all senseless imaginations and fantasies of deranged anti-Trump individuals, who made up fables, tales and stories and tried to pass them off as factual; but which, as with darkness, dissipated at the shine of light on them. 

Omarosa Manigault's addition to the pile of rubbish, UNHINGED, will also meet the same assured fate, a similar Waterloo. But unlike some of the previous writers who profited from their books of lies before their lies were exposed, Omarosa Manigault's book might bomb before it is even released. A lot of lies and contradictions contained therein have already been exposed and you wonder which American, who already knows about this angry black mad woman penchant for making it up as she goes, will still throw his or her money away by buying Omarosa's book; or in any other way help to enrich her with their money, knowing fully well that her only purpose of making up the story is to enrich herself. Why would any sane person support such a thievery or encourage such a hatchet job by buying her trashy diary titled UNHINGED. 

The best thing to do is to discourage such gold digging betrayers as Omarosa Manigault, by shunning her book and not buying it. Such a boycott will discourage all other future profiteers from queuing up to hawk their own versions of stories inside the White House or any other place, just to make a buck or two; and at the expense of other peoples' lives being damaged or maligned or even ruined. 

Regrettably, Omarosa Manigault has only succeeded in driving yet another wedge between the races in America and being a Nigerian, has now widened the chasm of trust which white people have on Nigerians. It was wide before, but has now gotten wider, thanks to a crazed out, wild eyed, mad and angry black woman, who is out for vengeance and has now disparaged a president simply because she was fired from the White House. ICHEOKU does not favor snitches and those who breach confidences as if honor means nothing to them . This angry black woman Omarosa Manigault, effectively qualifies as a candidate for blackout by ICHEOKU and she now stands effectively blacked out. Thank you Omarosa for further pulling apart the races in America and for making black people look angrier and more vengeful. What a woman, albeit a very bad one who is giving women a bad name. Pitiful Omarosa.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


ICHEOKU says unfortunately, the hearts of those mullahs in Tehran are so hardened that they no longer see reason and might as well be headed straight into Hades and wants America to be the instrument of propulsion. They may have, unwittingly, have their wish granted to them and the world awaits to see how easily they will "rout" the Americans in their declared intention to wage the mother of all wars against the "infidels." 

Those Iranians have been running their mouths for quite some time now, with their chants of death to America as well as other hostile activities against American interests, as well as their provocative acts of aggression against the American Navy, both in the Straits of Homes and the Persian Gulf. A continuing hostilities which started in 1979 with their Ayatollah Khomeini led Islamic revolution which toppled the Shah of Iran and has continued till this day, without let or cease; and you wonder what is it exactly that these turban wearing bearded men want or do they just have a simple death wish to be dispatched to their Allah expeditiously. 

But unbeknownst to the Iranians, America has a different president in the White House now and President Donald John Trump does not take any nonsense from anybody. Therefore they must now either shut up or have their boastful provocative mouth shut up for them; albeit forcefully, no matter what it takes. Their continuing nuisance has now become an irritation, so enough of their nuisance. ICHEOKU does not know what founds the impetus of this Islamic Republic of Iran that it has increasing grown boastful and impetuous, their eight year old war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq considered. A war of attrition which they couldn't win and lost thousands of their soldiers therein. but now the same country which couldn't win Iraq believes it could hand America a defeat. 

ICHEOKU says does not know about you or any other keenly interested party in the unfolding feud between Tehran and Washington, but it does not look good and it is headed to showdown barring Tehran developing some senses and accepting the negotiation offer which Washington has placed on the table. Whatever is driving Iranian pistons, including possible Russians, North Koreans and Chinese support, will speedily evaporate into the thin air once the targeted destruction of Iran begins. No sensible leader of any country will, after witnessing what has become of Syria's Aleppo and Iraqi's Mosul and Baqquba, wish their country such a postcard. But hey, those the Gods want to kill, they first make them mad and such deaf and dumb people often make stupid but otherwise avoidable mistake. 

True to type, President Donald John Trump has followed through with his threat to impose sanctions on Iran and the sanctions will go into effect midnight Monday August 6, 2018. The world, including ICHEOKU, now awaits the card which Iran will deal; so until then, good luck with Tehran surviving the sanctions. Hopefully they can now fire their first shot across the bow in their planned mother of all wars against America; provided they are not only in love with the sound of the word, just like Saddam Hussein once parroted.