Monday, July 27, 2020
So the choice on November 3rd really is not necessary about which candidate has a better personality or is more likable and relatable; no, the choice is between the consequences of each candidate's victory. Good enough, President Donald John Trump spelt out his agenda since 2016: America First, Make America Great Again and Keep America Great. He has been steadily prosecuting them since he was sworn in for his first term and will continue to implement them during his second term. With the president, American people already knows what they got and what they will continue to get during his second term. The president is also strongly pro law and order; he supports the police and he will continue to support law enforcement in his second term. The president loves America and his love for America will only grow in leaps and bounds during his second term.
But Joe Biden will see his victory as an authorization to unravel everything which the president did to secure and anchor America on good footing, creating jobs, security and safety for the American people. Joe Biden will interpret his victory as a license to undo everything which the president did, as well as to do all the things which the president rejected and refused to do including amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrants, socialized medicine, open borders, gun control, healthcare to everyone including undocumented immigrants, revive Iranian nuclear deal and Paris Climate Accord, move American embassy out of Jerusalem, allow ISIS to come back, pull down the constructed Southern border Wall, build statues for Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA for helping him win his election, defund the police, cancel right to try, cancel VA choice, globalize America, cancel America's sovereignty and put America back under the United Nations Organization's control and of course lead America once again from behind.
ICHEOKU says there was a reason American people rejected the Obama/Biden's attempt at a third term in 2016, they were tired of their ineffectual leadership, weak domestic and foreign policies. Within the past three years plus, America has traveled so far in the right direction under President Donald John Trump to just turn back now and begin a directionless, weak, appeasement-tinged policy government of Joe Biden. Who goes back to his vomit. A confused and lackluster Joe Biden is not what America needs right now as he does not have answers to America's problems. If elected, he will only make the problems worse as he will yield to the cheap blackmail of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA and helplessly watch them turn loose in the country. It is too risky a proposition to contemplate and having watched what the two anarchist groups did in the spring right up to now, such bad news should not be wished on a dear America.
Whatever may be the president's shortcomings or the misgivings arising from his handling of the Chinese Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, they are not enough nor sufficient to trade his presidency for a Joe Biden's second coming; afterall Joe Biden was part of the Obama/Biden 8 long years in the White House which President Donald John Trump effectively terminated in 2016. The foreboding of a Joe Biden's presidency is the stuff nightmares are made of and should be prevented by the American people, in the interest of their country, their children and children's children. Joe Biden is no longer who he used to be; he has parted ways with his faculties and voting for him will be granting full access to governance to the firecrackers that are Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. They are trouble and America can and must do better than allow the two entities to take over the control of the White House.
ICHEOKU says does not know about you, but the challenges currently facing America requires a strong presidency to confront. A threatening China must be confronted, an economy on the back heels must be brought back to stability, the Deep State must be unmasked and of course America must continue to be made great again. Only President Donald John Trump has what it takes to deliver on these issues as he is better placed to effectively do what will be needed in order to overcome. This election calls for the rising above from hack partisanship and doing what is in the best interest of America and the American people. It is not about who you want to be elected, it is about which of the candidates will deliver on these issues. The realities of the now demand it and the American people's conscience should get it done. In times of trouble, only a hard charging president is good enough to be in the White House and President Donald John Trump is that candidate.
The president is the only one standing in the way of China and other parasitic countries re-converging to continue their partying ways on America's expenses. Enough should indeed become enough. Let America continue to have a president who the detractors of America will remain in perpetual trepidation of. There are a lot of vultures and hyenas out there waiting to jump back right in into ravaging America and only one man is holding them at bay. His name is President Donald John Trump and only he should be rehired to continue the yeoman job which he is doing, being in charge of the tiller of State. The president has done enough during his first term to rightly earn a second term and should therefore be accordingly rewarded. A mistake must not be made on November 3rd, otherwise America will live in perpetual bondage of two very violent extremist groups, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.
Vote fro Trump
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