Monday, March 9, 2020
This type of women scare the living daylight out of men and Elizabeth Warren midway into her campaign, morphed into one of such ill-behaved, angry, vengeance-seeking, anti men feminist female. She started bad-mouth men at any given opportunity and campaign appearances as she embraced woke feminism full throttle. She also veered off course and made transgender causes the only cause dear to her, once stating that she will let a transgendered minor interview and approve her Secretary of Education nominee before she will appoint her.
She succeeded in alienating men, thinking that other groups in America, especially other woke sexes will be enough to see her through the campaign. Recall that she was doing well at the onset until she turned into an angel of death for men, completely scared them off, together with the women in these men's life, including mothers, wives, girlfriends, lovers, sisters and aunts who love these men.
Majority of men, including homosexual gay men such as Pete Buttigieg, love women and would readily do their bidding, including doing anything that will please and make them happy. Men are naturally disposed to love women, the reason men allow their women to run their affairs, such as homes, households, businesses and family finances. This is a clear indication that they would not hesitate in allowing a woman to run the country, provided it is the right woman and not just any other nut case woman.
Men hate it when a woman is needlessly confrontational, too bossy, lacks respect and practices the proverbial poking of finger in their eyes. Therefore, any woman seeking the support of men for the highest office in the land must be aware that her approach must be respectful, cordial, courteous and not threatening in any way. They must approach it the same way they cajole men into doing what they want, but not in adversarial manner.
It is a fact of consequences that a woman becoming president is not a right nor a bequest and therefore must be earned in the same way men earn the presidency, through brutal and grueling campaign. They want to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and must decisively prove their mettle, their ability to lead and command the fiercest military force on earth. Above all, women are not owed the presidency of America and therefore they should not expect it as a recompense or as a given for a debt owed them.
So, any woman seeking to be president must competitively approach it the right way, by canvassing the support of everyone in America, including the men of America. They must not try to subjugate men or treat their quest as a vengeful mission against men and must deploy every tactic, including being as cunningly as a fox, in order not to raise the suspicion of men that they have an ulterior motive.
In the never ending battle of sexes, both men and women are usually suspicious of each other's underlying motive for doing anything. Often, men see women as generally crazy and the feminists among them as crazier and completely bonkers. Women, on their own part, also have this strange disposition against men and perceive men as the root cause of all their misery and anguish on earth. It is akin to a cat and dog relationship of lack of trust such that some women literary hate men and are always looking for a way to hurt them in retaliation for what they perceive as their being shortchanged by men.
Some women are also more frontal with confronting men about their hurt feelings and often react in such a mercurial way as scares men shitless. Such qualities does not necessarily bode well for any woman running for any office, particularly one seeking the highest office in the land because they are scary to men.
Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one such example of an acute feminist female who scares men away, ditto Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton. Then add Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Donna Brazile, Debra Shultz Wassermann, Rashida Tliab and Ilhan Omar just to name a few. All these women are acute feminists and men see them as coming after them on a vengeance mission. Just ask yourself, which man in America and the world at large did not wonder how the husband of Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being treated at home after the display she put up in the Congress at the last State of the Union address.
The way she contoured her face, twitched her mouth as she ripped the documents painted a picture of a very mean and angry woman who treats men with disdain, poorly and badly. Also, before that, she had held the Articles of Impeachment hostage and refused to send them to the Senate, contrary to existing practice.
Then enter Queen Crooked Hillary Clinton who deleted 33,000 subpoenaed emails and bleach washed them in defiance of Congress. Then add the case of Donna Brazile who stole CNN TownHall questions and gave them to Hillary Clinton ahead of time, just to give her an edge over Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democratic primaries. Of course there was the case of DNC servers which the FBI wanted to investigate their breach, but which then Chairwoman Debra Wassermann Shultz refused them access.
Kamala Harris in her power tripping show during Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Senate confirmation hearing was one act that ruined her before American men and it reflected in her poor outing in the primaries. That Rashida Tliab uses profanities and curses everybody out at any given time is another testament that some women are better shielded from securing the ultimate political power in America. Then add Ilhan Omar and AOC and you find out that the thought alone of any of such woman winning the presidency is the stuff nightmares are made of.
These women are scary, they hate men and American men are vigilant. All these women share one additional thing in common, they are all acute feminists. Like Mitt Romney, who is an acute conservative, these women are acute feminists and they scare the daylight out of men. These women are angry and vengeful; and they seek to get even with men. They want a payback for some perceived ills which men did to women. Men therefore view them with suspicion and see their type as not well intended, vengeance seeking witches who must be prevented from the ultimate seat of power and at all cost.
Men are scared of what their fate would be in the hands such crazed out women running the country and sees preventing them from ever getting hold of power as an existential, eternal duty. Such women are spelt V for vendetta and men are too risk averse regarding them that they don't even want to find out what their lives would be like under their presidency and would rather not find out by preventing it from ever coming to fruition.
It is not a case of being a strong woman or that men who oppose their type are insecure; no, such men are only being proactive as prevention is always better than cure. Elizabeth Warren unfortunately is ranked among these women and that is why her campaign flamed out and she flunked out of the presidential primaries. This category of acute feminist women are merely seeking vengeance and waiting for the opportunity to get even with men and they will not be allowed near the White House as long as real men still exists in America and participate in the electoral process.
Nobody is asking for a slavish and ever submissive woman as a candidate for the presidency, only that a respectful, God fearing, real woman, who also appreciates the role of men in the society be fielded as a candidate for election. A woman who understands that both sexes compliment each other and that they are not diametrically opposed and adverse to each other. That although there could be competition, but not to advocate the complete elimination and annihilation of men from society as some of these vengeful women have been mouthing off.
Such a female candidate for president must appreciate that for the common good of society, there is a place for co-existence of both sexes and that one sex is not better than the other. A woman who is not a crazed out, wild eyed, feminist abortionist, who hates children and wants all of them to be aborted; a real woman, who is motherly enough, as opposed to a wild cur in heat looking for men to take it out on them, will be m\ore easily elected president of the United States of America.
This is what ruined Elizabeth Warren's presidential adventure and not necessarily her sexual identification as a female; in addition to her many other mundane policy propositions which made her appear unserious, including her stated goal of allowing a transgendered minor to nominate and approve her Secretary of Education appointee before she would proceed with her confirmation. How any serious candidate, regardless of genitalia, would make such a stupid and thoughtless statement during a campaign, is simply beyond comprehension. But she would rather blame misogyny than have some introspection on how she shot herself on the foot and with it, vaporized her campaign.
Hopefully, American women, if they are seriously desirous of a president who is female, will do their homework well and find a good woman who does not scare men and present her for election. Ordinarily, may be even a transgendered female would have qualified, except that the rejection of homosexual gay man Pete Buttigieg is an emphatic statement that America is not ready for such an aberration in their White House, at least not yet. ICHEOKU says bad bitches will not, but good women will; so lets have America's first president who is a female.
Until then, ICHEOKU wishes Elizabeth Warren safe travels in her political journey as she returns back to the Senate to continue giving hell to those who deserves it. Mini Mickie Bloomberg found out the hard way how venomous her tongue could be as she forced him to end his campaign willy nilly. So long Liz and thanks for participating, at least she got an E for effort.
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