Monday, April 16, 2018
How is it that a supposedly civilized European or rather Russian could in this 21st century, be a friend to a mass murderer who is gassing his own people, while he stands idly by and pretend and proclaim that it is not happening. Is it that he cannot control Bashir Assad and stop him from doing what he is doing or that he could care less if the children of Syria are the ones dying and being sent to an agonizing slow death by choking, and their body twitching in the most violent manner before yielding up their ghosts. Instead of joining forces with other civilized nations and countries of the world to secure world peace, this guy in Kremlin is rather busy causing trouble and stirring crisis after crisis and you wonder what exactly makes him tick.
Vladimir Putin had in 2013 made an undertaking that Syria will transfer all its noxious weapons to the world body; yet in 2017 the same Syria gassed more Syrian citizens to their painful deaths. Some missiles were fired into Syria in retaliation, and thereafter common sense dictated that will mean an end to the horrific death by choking on fumes. But in 2018 the same Assad used more gas to kill more people of Syria. The West responded by firing missiles into Syria and all Vladimir Putin could do or say is threaten the world that should any future missile be fired into Syria that there will be an International chaos. ICHEOKU says really? Is this the only way this guy knows how to respond and instead of being pertinent that a despot who he had undertaken will be of good behavior, but is still flagrantly killing his people with gas, Vladimir Putin is rather threatening the world and you ask yourself does Assad do what he does with the blessing and tacit support of Vladimir Putin?
Why must noxious fumes be his preferred choice of killing the people he is in office to protect? Recall that nobody is asking Assad to end the madness going on in Syria, just that he should not be using a banned chemical weapon as his weapon of choice. But instead of calling Assad to order, Vladimir Putin is by his own words and actions encouraging the dastardly killings and you wonder what value is Russia and their Vladimir Putin really to humanity if all the world gets from them is an inhumane confused policy misdirection. But nothing lasts forever as ICHEOKU strongly believes that his antics cannot be allowed to go on forever. It is about time Russia is given a choice, to either become a good citizen of the world and assume its rightful place among comity of civilized nations or be expelled from all world organizations including the United Nations Organization.
How any leader with a soul would support the gassing of human beings after the horrors of Holocaust is simply beyond imagination and because of this, Vladimir Putin should be condemned by every right thinking person. ICHEOKU hereby therefore condemns Vladimir Putin for his actions in supporting Assad Bashir in his penchant for using noxious chemicals to asphyxiate his people. Enough of this ongoing madness and enough of Vladimir Putin threatening the world with chaos. If he wants a third World War, may be it is about time his wish is granted; let the war be fought once and for all, instead of this his never ending nerviness and disparate tunes which festoons avoidable anxiety on the entire world. Syria's Assad can remain in power, terrorists can also be killed since they deserve to die; but the continuous use of prohibited chemical weapons on innocent Syrians should be loudly condemned as a no brainier, no option. Vladimir Putin. help the world stop Bashir Assad from killing his people with gas.
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