The Iranian Nuclear deal now joins a litany of other knee jerk policies of the Obama administration which President Donald John Trump has eviscerated since coming into office. Will the world like the decision just like they did not like the decision to withdraw America from the Paris Climate Accord, who cares? ICHEOKU says provided the decision will be beneficial and in the best interest of America and one of its chief ally Israel, and in keeping with the president's 'America First' stated policy objective, it is oh well and dandy. Iran will now have a choice to make between complying with full transparency or stand headed into the deep, as it watch her economy tank. Why the Islamic State needs a nuclear weaponry technology, ICHEOKU does not know; since there are a lot of their are economically beneficial things they could be pursuing, short of seeking a weapon of mass destruction, which they neither will be allowed to use without being completely wiped out or even need at all for their own internal security objectives.
ICHEOKU says America now has a president who says what he means and means what he says and he does not suffer doubters and fools lightly. President Donald John Trump steadfastly keeps faith with the American people, especially those who voted for him, believing that he is not a typical politician and would keep his campaign promises. So far, the president has not disappointed the American people who facilitated his presidency and this is despite all the roadblocks from both a do-nothing Congress and a court system which has been overruling his actions. It is instructive that President Donald John Trump has dealt a lot of TKOs to former President Barack Obama's policies, especially those he rammed down the American people's throat without Congressional approval. The list is extensive and includes changing Obama's 'America should learn to live with the fact of the existence of ISIS terrorists', which the president promised to bomb the hell out of and has steadily kept the heat on them ever since his inauguration.
To date, ISIS is nearly completely wiped out of their miserable existence of terror and are now currently only holding out in one little corner of Raqqa, their supposed capital city, where they have been cornered and praying that their death could come sooner. The pressure is such that the ISIS remnants wanted a safe passage out of the hell in which they have been confined into, but which the American military backed coalition said thanks but no; and that only their dead bodies will suffice and ensure that they do not go elsewhere to ferment their troubles anew. Recall that the former President Barack Obama had told the world that they have to learn to adjust to the new reality that is terrorists ISIS and how to accommodate sharing the political world space with them. But President Donald John Trump said nope, that no civilization will accept to share this beautiful God's world with thugs, murderers and torturers; people who derive macabre joy in seeing innocent people being brutally tortured to death, some roasted alive in burn fires.
ICHEOKU is completely satisfied with this Obama's accommodate them policy which has now been completely decimated. It shows once again, that strength works and that you do not have to negotiate with pinheads and any recalcitrance, especially one involving terrorism, should be decisively rooted out and completely annihilated. Kudos to President Donald John Trump for taking it to ISIS and for bombing the hell out of them as promised during the presidential campaign. Mosul is completely liberated of their evil stranglehold; Baquba the same and pretty soon Raqqa will enjoy their own complete freedom from the evil that is wearing the face of ISIS.
President Donald John Trump also dealt a blow to former President Barack Obama's DACA policy of allowing child illegals to remain in the United States and pursue their respective American dreams. With just a stroke of the pen, the president reversed President Barack Obama and sent the DACA matter back to the Congress to either come up with an acceptable law thereon within six months or have the policy ended. Then add the President Barack Obama's Paris Climate Change Accord which the president has withdrawn America from; the coal policy which he also reversed to allow coal miners to go back to work; the do no harm appeasement foreign policy which the president reversed by not bowing to other nations leaders including their Kings and Queens; the Keystone pipelines which is now ongoing; the Trans Pacific Partnership reversal with intent to replace the former free trade laisse-faire with a fair trade.
The president also reversed Barack Obama's policy of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, which the president said he is going to keep open and going to load it up with some very bad dudes. EPA unfreezing many energy activities which former President Barack Obama had frozen, including oil exploration and drilling. It is a fair assessment to make that by the time President Donald John Trump completes his first term in office, whatever useless legacy the former President Barack Obama had his name and signature to, would have been completely wiped out of existence; leaving a somewhat tabula-rasa of a never happened presidency.
ICHEOKU says although the president's main promise to repeal and replace Obamacare is still meeting some resistance from a do-nothing Congress; and the two attempts made thereto did not succeed; the president is not resting. He has so far signed two executive orders attacking the the main structure of the failing Obamacare, one to no longer compel Americans to show to IRS proof that they are compliant in maintaining a health insurance; and the latest stoppage of payments of bribes masked as subsidies to Insurance companies to entice them into continuing coverage. ICHEOKU says this subsidy removal is actually Obamacare laid to rest, as its vein will now completely wither away naturally, deprived of its subsidy water, hence the need to repeal Obamacare might soon become moot.
Yes, indeed, President Donald John Trump understands what needs to be done to keep his promise to Make America Great Again and he is methodically pursuing them, one policy at a time; and when obstructionist Congress and liberal courts gets in the way, he plays a fast one on them by going subterranean on them, achieving the same result through another means. As at this moment, Obamacare is technically no more, killed by a double massive heart attack as the Insurance companies will do the job which the Congress will not do or rather lacks the will to mission accomplish on. ICHEOKU says congratulations to President Donald John Trump for outfoxing his detractors and obstructionists and may the Make America Great Again be fully accomplished. Iran's nuclear deal and Obamacare subsidy are now history. Well done Mr President and you have earned yourself another term, a second term in office; and ICHEOKU will, as before, throw its full weight of support come 2020.
Trump and the dismantling of Obama's legacy
ReplyDeleteAFP Jerome CARTILLIER,AFP 16 hours ago
Washington (AFP) - Brick by brick, the demolition job has begun: since taking office less than a year ago, Donald Trump has launched an all-out assault on the legacy of Barack Obama.
Climate, free trade, health care, immigration, foreign policy -- the 45th US president has set about undoing just about everything done by the 44th.
All new presidents, of course, break with their predecessor once in the Oval Office, especially if they come from a rival political party.
But what is striking is how systematic the hammer blows to Obama's legacy have been.
And rather than throw his weight behind new policies or projects, Trump has shown a willful desire to unpick, shred and erase everything his predecessor accomplished.
It's worth noting that each time he buries one of the reforms of the man who sat before him at the "Resolute desk," Trump sounds more like a candidate than a president.
- 'Ridiculous trade deals' -
The Trans-Pacific Partnership? Within days of taking office, Trump signed an order pulling America out of the free trade accord, the fruit of eight years of negotiations between 12 Asia-Pacific countries, from Chile to Canada and Japan.
"We're going to stop the ridiculous trade deals that have taken everybody out of our country and taken companies out of our country, and it's going to be reversed," Trump said.
Paradoxically, in signing off on the project's demise, Trump was aligning himself more with the left wing of the Democratic party than with the Republican mainstream.
The Paris climate accord? Obama played a leading role in attaining that milestone in the effort to combat global warming.
Trump pulled out of the agreement signed by 195 countries, claiming that it "punishes the United States" and declaring: "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."
What about Obamacare, the signature legislative achievement of Obama's first term? After trying in vain to get Congress to repeal it, Trump is now working to bring about its collapse through the regulatory process