Friday, March 27, 2015
Icheoku says what a great news indeed it is for democracy development in Nigeria that finally, the government facilitated enabling environment for opposition parties to thrive has produced a good result. It is a good thing for Nigerians to be proud of that finally a viable opposition party is putting a strong showing in this election 2015. Icheoku says both developments are very good for the future of Nigeria and the growth of its democracy, because it will force any government in power to perform well, knowing that Nigerians finally now have real choices at elections. Icheoku says congratulations to President Goodluck Jonathan and his PDP as well as the facilitators of the APC, Nigeria's current strongest opposition party, for making this remarkable development possible.
That being said, Saturday's Federal election and April's State election must be used to further prove to the entire world that their favorable assessment of a Nigeria's thriving democracy is real and not a ruse. Therefore Nigerians especially gladiators in both parties and their supporters must eschew election violence of any kind; and in the spirit of sportsmanship, accept the result of the election in good faith and together continue to nurture democracy in Nigeria. So as you vote for your preferred candidate, remember that there will be more elections in the future of Nigeria and that if your candidate did not win this time, there will be always a next time for a do-over, so don't sweat it.
That Icheoku has a preferred candidate in this election is without doubt and Icheoku hereby urge those still voting or leaning Buhari to seriously reconsider their decision. Political divisions not withstanding, Nigerians must look at the big picture and vote for what is in the best interest of Nigeria. Icheoku insists that Buhari is not such best interest, particularly his very advanced age seriously considered. But Buhari voters factored in, Icheoku is still very confident that President Goodluck Jonathan will emerge victorious in this election. Icheoku projected this outcome several months ago and is hereby reiterating that when the polls close on Saturday, the announced result will be a reelected President Goodluck Jonathan. Admitted the APC put up a good fight going into the election but Nigeria is still largely a primordial society where allegiances are still largely dictated by other sundry interests which are heavily weighted in favor of the incumbent President Jonathan. Therefore the social media driven propaganda of a "change-denudation" in the pipeline will not materialize; but will fizzle out and merely freeze over before ever making it to the other end of the pipe as a gushing reality. That the APC chose for its candidate a personality, so heavily damaged politically, did not help their cause either. Many askance Nigerians will vote against this slight on them by the APC indifference to their concerns about Buhari and will vote against Muhammadu Buhari in protest of his draconian first time around. The winner will be President Jonathan, who, many undecided voters would chose as the lesser of the two-evil option.
However, appealing to those Buhari voters one final time, Icheoku says, admitted that even suicide bombers are always convinced on the rightness of their cause and course of action, and knowing too, that does not make it right or justified, your voting Buhari could still use a change of mind. So instead of being herded by your hearts into the Buhari barn, pause for a moment to listen to the wise counseling of your brain concerning the mortal mistake you are about to make and for which you will eventually cry 'if only I had listened to the warning - caveat emptor.' Before pulling the trigger for Muhammadu Buhari, ask yourself, is Buhari the best APC could have fielded, their change mantra considered. Please do not simply because you want to spite your face, cut off your nose. President Jonathan may not have impressed you enough to easily earn your votes for a second term; President Jonathan may not have wowed you enough to be considered deserving of your votes this second time; President Jonathan may in your eyes and judgment be timid, unappealing, uninspiring, uncharismatic, too reserved and too gentlemanly; but is a 72 year grandpa a replacement option you would comfortably and satisfactorily sign off on?
Icheoku urges these voters to please consider the ramifications of their voting Buhari and instead vote to give Jonathan a second chance opportunity to improve and consolidate. Icheoku accepts that President Jonathan's first term was not necessarily an "A" performance-presidency, but logic and clear thought is in favor of giving him a second chance to improve on all the gains of his first term and then make rightful amends where needed. Also to those fence sitters, those undecided voters who are still straddling the fence on who to vote for, Icheoku urges you to break for President Jonathan. Please voting cliffhangers, vote wisely and vote smartly; vote to not change the horse midstream because continuity and consolidation are keys to success and Nigeria is already primed to succeed and should not be disrupted.
As with most first term presidencies the world over, it is usually an internship during which the incumbent learns on the job; and then use the gained knowledge to perform better during second term when they are no longer under undue pressure of trying to please all their campaign benefactors. Such second-termers are usually driven by only their legacy and they strive hardest to leave lasting legacies on the landscape. Icheoku knows this for a fact as chronicled presidencies throughout the world shows the same pattern and President Jonathan's second term will not be an oddball exception. Experimenting de novo with a 72 year old grandpa in today's world is not an option; not when Nigerians have an incumbent who has finished learning on the job and is now ready to fully put his knowledge to optimally work for Nigerians. But hey, cast your vote as only you and your conscience can agree to live with; but Icheoku prays you do so with your thinking hat on and not a sleeve-attached ephemeral emotive sanctimony. Also remember there should be no violence whatsoever in this election, both candidates are just candidates and not Nigeria; so protect your country and fellow country men and women, say no to violence. On March 28, VOTE like you understood what issues are at stake in this election, VOTE GEJ. Happy voting day Nigerians. Salute!
nigeria votes
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