We are talking of the biggest disaster to strike a people known for their resilience and ability to rebound each time they are pinned on their back either by mother-nature or a powerful foreign army. The fabled stoicism of the Japanese once again is not in short supply as they maintained their unassuming demeanor despite going through one of world's greatest disaster comparable to the volcanic eruption that wiped out Pompeii. They maintained their cool, showing great patience and orderliness and in the face of churning stomachs and parched throat, they did not betray any emotion or got frantic but maintained their staid. Icheoku commends the Japanese people for showing a good example of how to conduct oneself faced with helpless situation which is beyond anyone's control. It makes it easier for government officials to do their job without much distraction. The Japanese by their conduct has laid to waste the proverbial stiff upper lips the Brits are known for, as they proved that not even mother nature was capable of making them shiver and panic.
We are talking about a country reputed as the most prepared for disaster in the world; yet they found out that no amount of preparation is enough when mother nature decides to show its fury. With so many cities and towns wiped off the face of this earth, one would expect to see the Japanese hysterical and frantic; but no, they were as cool as cucumber and fastidiously going about their business of search and rescue and attending the thousands of their people rendered homeless and without food. For people of faith, these could be end-times prophesies come to life; but either way, at least the world has ended for those ten thousand plus already confirmed dead and missing Japanese. With radiation now spewing from damaged nuclear reactors at some crippled nuclear power plants in tsunami-ravaged northeastern Japan, who knows what will come next but it sure don't look good. Our hearts go out to the people of Japan and may the good Lord help them cope with the monstrosity that visited them.
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