The PDP is gradually morphing into SNPP - Southern Nigerians Peoples Party? The board of trustees chairman of PDP Olusegun Obasanjo is a southerner; the chairman of PDP Nwodo is also a southerner and now President Goodluck Jonathan, another southerner, is trying to muscle himself into office as president in 2011? So, what about those northerners or are they not competent enough to hold any one of these key offices of the PDP? Icheoku says, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it might as well be a duck; so we call on President Jonathan to immediately redress this imbalance by not running in 2011, before the largest party in Africa implodes into a sectional party for Southern Nigerians only. Regional politician Obafemi Awolowo is long gone and Jonathan should not become another Awolowo as Nigerians do not want such sectionalists anymore, nor ever did. Let the north be fully represented in the PDP, give them back the presidency - the presidency is still theirs and should remain so in 2011. Equity and good conscience as well as honor in respecting agreements demand that too!
Please Mr. President, as you inch closer to your decision 2010 concerning the 2011 Nigeria's presidential election, Icheoku wants you to be courageous and stand firm against all those sycophants goading you to go against your party's standing rules and in the general interest of Nigeria. Please shun those sycophants' advice and avoid the temptation to covet what does not rightly belong to you. You presently hold the presidency of Nigeria in trust for and on behalf of northern Nigeria; and honor demands that you hand same back to them come 2011. They are the rightful beneficiary of the mandate which you currently hold on their behalf as a trustee and never as a beneficiary yourself. So it is imperative that you hand same back to them in the interest of justice, equity and fair play in 2011. Always remember that honorable men respect and keep agreements whether it is a gentleman's agreement or a written formal contract. Moreso, there is no way in hell that the south could fairly hold the PDP's board of trustees chairman, the party's Chairman and also the Presidency all at the same time at the exclusion of the entire North? Opportunity calls for you to transform yourself into a great statesman who shunned power for the interest of the party and the nation as well. The presidency will always be there and since you are relatively young, there is enough time for a come back later in the future; but not before 2011
Ichoeku let me tell you somthing. I honestly do enjoy reading some of your oppinions atticles but certainly not this one about SNPP. and I think you should shut up your mouth since you dont know what we nigerians want in 2011 election. atleast not the northern nigeria ruling again after ruling 33yrs out of 50 yrs since our independence.