Portia successfully argued that Shylock can get his pound of flesh in adherence to a contract stipulation, but that the contract must be strictly construed in order not to over-reward Shylock. According to Portia, what the contract says is a pound of flesh, period! No more no less! In essence, Shylock must figure out how to harvest his entitled pound of flesh devoid of any drop of blood.
William Shakespeare in Shylock, that is! This is what
Icheoku calls, classical lawyering and an example of an erudite attorney who deserves every bit of her charged and chargeable retainer.
Regrettably this was not to be in the
OJ Simpson case as they took not only their pound of OJ's flesh but also extracted several pints of that crimson red substance called blood. This is in utter disregard to just a pound of flesh but no drop of blood as provided for by the letters of OJ's contract with the American judiciary. OJ did not get a fair trial in this case as not only did he not commit the offense charged but the sentence is excessive. OJ Simpson

allegedly killed his ex-wife, Nicole Simpson and her paramour Ron Goldman, he was put through the legal process and was found not guilty by a duly constituted and empanelled jury of his peers. However a vocal section of the American society thought otherwise and adjudged him guilty (mob action style) in their own court of public opinion and ever since, has been strategizing on how to carry out their guilty verdict. They finally found an alley in a judge Hatchet,
Judge Jackie Glass (pictured above left) of Las Vegas Court and today December 5th, 2008, their wish was fulfilled as

this Las Vegas court Judge Jackie Glass sent OJ Simpson away for the rest of his natural life and to their delight. A thirty-three (33) years prison sentence for a
61 year old OJ Simpson cannot be in any other way interpreted.
The Las Vegas Clark County
District Attorney David Roger who prosecuted the case is here pictu

red right; while OJ defense attorney
Yale Galanter is to the left.
As far as
Icheoku is concerned,
Orephtal James Simpson was prosecuted for an offense he did not commit and is being punished for an offense for which he was previously found not guilty. It is therefore our opinion that the sentence today, December 5th, 2008 is
a mere vendetta - a reflection of a society that still sees everything in the prism of race.OJ ia not the only person to have ever beaten the legal system, -
Phil Specter pulled a trigger killing his girlfriend before a limousine driver percipient witness, who had just dropped the victim and Specter off, before he heard gun shots and rushing back to see the lady victim in her final death-twitc
hing. The jury was hung, he is white and nobody hears anything abo
ut it any longer.
Robert Blake took his
"baby-mama" out for her last dinner and thereafter killed her in the restaurant's parking lot. He was found not guilty, he is white and nobo

dy hears anything about him or how he beat the rap any longer. OJ Simpson is black and he dared to "kill" two white folks hence he must be hung, despite that he was found not guilty of the charges.
If only Johnny Cochran was still alive! The basis of all the trumped charges should be the
intent of
OJ Simpson when he went into that hotel room. Luckily he was on record,
demanding to be given his damn fu***ing thing' and you ask yourself, can one steal what belongs to him? Assuming you answer in the affirmative, of some possible scenarios/exceptions, then what was OJ's state of
mind at entry of the hotel room?
Icheoku strongly believes that OJ merely thought that he was demanding what rightfully belongs to him; devoid of any intention to

deprive another of that other's thing.
His action of self-help may have been wrongful, but to aggravate it to armed robbery defies every sensible logic. On the gun possession, any person with OJ's notoriety packs a gun for self-defence since his acquittal of the Nicole and Ron murders placed a big bulls-eye on his back ever since. Anyway these legal theories are now without merit, baring any higher court's intervention to rectify a patently misapplied justice; otherwise, OJ Simpson will be spending out his natural life in a confined supervised space, called the big house aka
PRISON! OJ Simpson is a man
fatally flawed and whose obsession for white blond ladies led him to his present abode. After his
Houdini escape from the jaws of the law following Nicole and Ron murders, many a reasonable man in OJ's shoes would have ran back to his ilks where he naturally belongs. No, not for OJ Simpson! Despite his experience, he was still too good to be seen around black-folks.
He flushed their fanatical s
upport during his trial for both murders down the toilet and another white blond, he chose as a girlfriend.
The white-folks were livid that this "murderer" who murdered their blond and stud had the effrontery to be screwing another one of their own, once again! It was just too much to stomach, hence the plot to take him down went into high gears. OJ hung out with several white boys/men and some of them became the "victims" and witnesses in this case, used to send OJ out of circulation and for a very long time.
OJ had money, prior-fame, new notoriety and good physique hence too good for a "sista" and would rather he is not identified with "niggers". However he has been thrown back to where he belongs which serves this
Uncle Tom OJ Simpson right, for thinking that his fame and fortune could buy him a seat at the table of the white-community; but he was dead wrong, as
a NIGGER he remained! OJ Simpson was told point-blankly by a white-lady judge, a white prosecutor/s, a white defence counsel/attorney, a white jury, a white girlfriend, several white witnesses and some white "victims" that
once a nigger, always a nigger and that a nigger's place is in the prison and thence they sent him. They threw the book at him and with a sledge hammer, they pulverised him into a sobbing shivering old fat. How is the white-obsessed mighty OJ Simpson fallen? His mightily-placed crest, that is! It is his fate that he writes his final epitaph in prison, having fallen off from grace to grass -
from a once 'the peoples' darling Juice' to the now denigrate extra-ordinaire convicted armed robber and kidnapper! What a fatal flaw? They set a wide trap for him and he foolishly walked straight right into it.
Icheoku has no sympathies for OJ as he brought the pot of burning coal upon himself. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. OJ did not learn anything from his previous criminal trial and as always,
nothing is learnt from the second kick of the mule! For the final epilogue, here are some facts that make this case too watery to even warrant a charge, talk-less of the grave sentence passed therein.
Nobody steals his thing and in some exceptions where they exists, the
intent to deprive another of that other's thing, was not present in OJ Simpson, in this case. The sentence was rather too punitive for what the world saw OJ on television, do or enroute to.
Some participants in the previous murder trial were present in court during his sentencing and from the interview they gave, it showed a group of gleeful men and women delighted that finally OJ has been put where he belongs! Commenting on the sentence, Fred Goldman, Ron Goldman's father said that his family were delighted with the sentence, stating that,
"we are thrilled, and it's a bittersweet moment; it was satisfying seeing him in shackles like he belongs."OJ Simpson's sentence brings with it a measure of satisfaction to those who believed he got away with the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, more than a decade ago. Even the judge 'acknowledged' that implicitly, when she said several times that her sentence in the Las Vegas case
had nothing to do with Simpson's 1995 acquittal in the slaying of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. According to Judge Jackie Glass, "I'm not here to try and cause any retribution or any payback for anything else," which statement,
Icheoku says is simply inferring the obvious, which statement was brought about by a guilty conscience.
OJ Simpson's lawyer
Yale Galanter said that OJ Simpson, his client, was
a victim of payback for his acquittal in Los Angeles. According to him, "
it really made us all aware that despite our best efforts, it's very difficult to separate the California case from the Nevada case". That OJ Simpson was led away to prison immediately after the
judge refused to permit him to go free on bail while he appeals the case/sentence is also evident of a determined desire by certain group to make him pay a prize for allegedly killing his ex-wife Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman; an offense for which he had earlier been found not guilty.
Lastly, this alleged armed robbery at the
Palace Station Casino Hotel Las Vegas was secretly recorded and
Icheoku wonders aloud when "armed robbery" operation became soap opera for secret cameras? If the alleged victims were made so afraid for their lives, why didn't they do more to protect themselves from their friend, OJ and the fact of their recording what was transpiring shows that they were not that apprehensive of any harm to themselves, convinced of the evidence being on tape. Some people planned the whole operations, set the video tape recorder and then set the bait for OJ to bite and he did. This shows that they know OJ very well. It all goes to show the leaking-basket case that has now put OJ Simpson behind bars for practically the rest of his life.
Icheoku will like to re-echo OJ Simpson's sister's sentiment that the last of the case has not been heard! And there goes America!
Interestingly, the Court failed to address the Bona fide Claim of Right Defence that was raised. How can a person steal that which belongs to him.(Robbery is Stealing with Violence or threats of it) He could of course be found guilty of the Kidnapping and other offences related to this crime. However, for theft offences. The Defence of Claim of Right usually avails. This writer has no pity however for O.J. he murdered his wife and her Boyfriend, got away with it and was arrogant enough to write a book with a deviant title about it.Well deserved.