The 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries have among other things, revealed to the world that some places in America will qualify as the last frontier and remaining abode of our forebears - the cavemen! The States of Pennsylvania and West Virginia are two states that are still stuck in pre-civil rights era America and has refused to yield ground to all the progress so far made within the American society since the 60s. Take Pennsylvania for example, their energetic governor, Edward G. Rendell told the world before the primaries of April 22nd that his State of Pennsylvania is populated by racist white men who would rather vote for a dead pig than vote for a black man. And the governor was right as the people voted as spoken; they tuned off to all that the campaign of Barack Obama has to say, but instead trained their eyes on the blackness of Barack Obama. Otherwise, how else would it be explained that Hilary Clinton won the State of Pennsylvania with such an overwhelming digits despite that she "misspoke" severally on both sides of her mouth equivocating on what her plans of action were concerning issues that affect the average Joe Pennsylvanian. Even their loved Senator Robert Casey Jr could not assure them enough on the viability of Barack Obama's candidacy, because according to them, his blackness forecloses every other such discussion or matter as may otherwise be arising; instead they moved en-masse to a fellow white person, Hilary Clinton. They went through the election campaign tone-deaf but sighted, and only saw a black man and a white lady campaigning; today, the rest is history. And we are talking about the Penn State as they would like to be fondly called! However the action of Pennsylvania is more tolerable than that of West Virginia because during the Pennsylvania primaries there were still some flicker of hope that the Hilary Clinton's campaign may resurrect but the West Virginia election result has no basis for rationality since Hilary's Campaign was dead at best! As if the action of Pennsylvania was not loud enough, the racist state of West Virginia, one of the last bastions of KKK in America and the State that produced Senator Byrd, the once d
readed KKK Capo as their Democratic US senator; slammed Barack Obama's campaign of hope and change. Are they averse to changing their old ways of hatred and prejudice against people of color? Or are they anti-hope? One may ask?
They went to the polls like wildebeest and resoundingly thumped Barack Obama because he is BLACK! According to these former slave owners, proud KKK inheritors and humanity haters, Barack reminds them of their former slaves and it is unthinkable for them that such a seismic shift will eventually happen in America. Some of them intoned that they would prefer to have "a full blooded American as president" - a metaphor for a white American. West Virginia crass aversion to a "black man" was so manifested that some of them longed for John Edwards whom they gave 7% of their votes despite that Edwards long suspended his campaign about four months ago. Icheoku went to town to try and ascertain why West Virginia voted the way they did especially in view of the fact that as at the time they voted, Hilary Clinton was no longer in any serious contention for the Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination. Icheoku discovered that West Virginia is the second poorest and least educated States in
the Union; only beating Mississippi to the last place. It was also found that majority of the population are hillbillies mountain dwellers who hardly know about anything happening outside their very closed enclaves. Like some African-American who were not aware of the abolition of slavery until much later date - the reason for Juneteenth celebration, some of these West Virginians still believe that American blacks are still enslaved. Some of them also do not have television set and the only radio they may have is tuned permanently to the local station that feeds them the news they want to hear coupled with a lot of country music. Further many of them have lost their teeth as a result of moonshine and methamphetamine addiction. Also that certain percentage of them are incestuous as they do not know any better. That their men like their women 300lbs big or more and relish tobacco chewing as their past time.That the biggest employer of labor there is coal mining and hence most of them spend their time under the ground, in the coal mines, from dawn to dusk and are oblivious of life outside their immediate nuclear family. People with such a way of life are not expected to behave otherwise but are implored to open up a little that they may assimilate the new America where everyone has become full citizens with equal rights. West Virginians you can still make up for this inexplicable behaviour exemplified in your votes and do right during the November general election, by voting for the Democratic Party!
Because of the crass racism displayed during the last primaries by these the two most racist States of the Union, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Icheoku hereby declare them the two remaining
HELL HOLES of America's past! Hopefully a Barack Obama's presidency will help change their minds about other human beings who do not necessarily look like them, by positively affecting their lives and for the better.
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