If there is any evidence of desperation of the Clintons campaign it is now eminently obvious, as manifested in the choice of words being deployed by this American odd couple – the Clintons! For lawyers, which the Clintons are, to disparage the power of the word or deride a connoisseur of the language is either a crass envy or an attempt to find fault where none exists. This is more so when one remembers that we are coming out of very long tortuous years of a president who is technically speech-impaired and who has some memorable liners such as
“misunderestimate”. The very fact that an American president could once again speak English is enough cause for joy and the unprecedented outpouring of support infesting the campaign of BARACK OBAMA. Americans once again feel proud that they could be well represented and that world-leaders instead of tuning off will once again listen through addresses and speeches of an American president. How dare these lawyers, the Clintons, open their dirty mouth to say that talk is cheap or that speech does not put food on the table or gas in the tank? What stock in trade do lawyers possess if not words? Words have moved mountains; words have caused revolutions all over the world; words have changed history and words have caused wars and words have healed etc.
Learned minds all over the world know for a fact that words-smith such as William Shakespeare was not mincing words when Mark Antony caused the plebeians to change cause in Julius Caesar. Words made Winston Churchill one of the greatest leaders of the Great Britain with his ever timeless
“never in the history of mankind has so much been owed by so many to so few” speech forever etched in memory. Words made Martin Luther King Jr. bring civil rights to minorities in American especially African Americans with his
“I have a dream” speech. Cicero is an orator whose oratorical skills moved the masses. Is it JFK with
“think not what your country can do for you” speech or the Ronald Regan
“tear down this wall” speech; and even Bill Clinton of yesteryears? Our lord and savior, Jesus Christ exploited words to the best of its potency in the bible and had a grand command of the language. That these Clintons are getting very desperate have signage everywhere; and to such an extent as disparaging BARACK OBAMA’s rhetorical prowess as meaningless. What will they not do?
From a hitherto would-be coronation status to a hyped Super Tuesday to all the trouncing in various polls and the high negatives and now to the final Rudy Giuliani’s Florida strategy; the Clintons have all but lost the nomination. They should do the right thing now and bow out in order to save whatever iota or modicum of decency they may still have left in them. They should throw in the towel honorably and now is the time to stop further hemorrhaging of their standing in the world. The mere fact that OBAMA could run an effective closely-marked campaign against the Clintons decade-tested machine is enough reason for the Clintons to show some respect. President Putin today admonished Hilary as having “no head’ and questioned how a headless Hilary plans to be the president of America? The Clintons should be a sportsman and admit the obvious that Americans do not like them anymore and would rather not institute a pseudo-monarchy by default of a Bush, a Clinton, a Bush and another Clinton? It is not happening and the political denudation is sure to sweep them away barring their sudden wake up from their political slumber to smell the tidal wave currently plowing the political landscape of our dear country. Enough of these Clintons!
This Clinton couple appears to be very shameless as Monica Lewinsky scandal once proved this their peculiar trait to the whole world. Again they are at it but nobody would be hoodwinked by them this time around. They have started shifting the goal-post in the middle of the game - from a gentle-man agreement that Michigan and Florida should be punished, by excluding their votes for disobeying party laid down rules when despite all entreaties not to shift their primary date, they did it anyway; to their now insisting that the votes/delegates be counted. This is even more pathetic when other contestants did not have their names on the ballot and where they did, did not campaign in obedience to party’s instruction. If anybody should be punished for this, Hilary Clinton is the culprit for contravening the party’s disciplinary measures. It is disrespectful of the laws of contract and wherein are the gentleman/ lady in this couple? Tell that to the marines that these votes should be counted. To hell with this couple and it is about time America stand up to these two individuals and call their bluff. If Hilary was winning, would we hear all these rants? It is not only America that is watching this development but the whole world including Iraq and Afghanistan and are waiting to see how all these Clintons’ grandstanding will pan out. Obama is a phenomenon and his gospel of “YES WE CAN” is now permeating the world and becoming the battle-cry of politicians all over the world. It is a very powerful mantra of what is possible; that even a politician in Italy has adopted it as his campaign slogan. Obama should act fast with its patent registration! Can do attitude is the only attitude that moves a nation or group – there is no task impossible for a motivated mind and OBAMA has motivated all of us including those in denial and surely his presidency will be the first in recent times to command the mandate of the whole populace.
Finally the whole world is watching to see if American has moved forward from their age long racism and bigotry. Anything short of swearing in BARACK OBAMA next January 20, 2009 will be interpreted as sabotage. So therefore, BARACK OBAMA must not only win the nomination but must also win the general election as any other thing to the contrary will be misconstrued by the American public as well as the whole wide world as racism. How dare America mortgage their very best because of skin color, they will ask. Such action will force the world to begin to see America in a different prism of do what I say and not what I do. The white majority must therefore not allow this opportunity to slip away but MUST use it to forever silence racism in America by electing BARACK OBAMA, the next president of United States of America. BARACK OBAMA is highly qualified to be our next president – he is very viable, erudite, intelligent, charismatic, handsome, very tall and slender, humane and tough; very articulate, discerning and finally can motivate the people to do greater things. Also he smiles and sincerely too. In fact BARACK OBAMA is everything America is seeking for and needs at this very time in our society. All the Clintons and their attack machine which are shamelessly attacking OBAMA easily forgets that BARACK OBAMA went to Harvard Law School, that he made membership of the board of Harvard Law Review and that he attained the Head/President and Editor in chief of that school’s prestigious law journal. If he was ordinary, he would not go to law school; if he was mediocre Harvard will not admit him; if he was merely good, he will not head the editorial board. In other words, BARACK OBAMA is exceptional. It is not an easy task indeed and being a blackman made it more onerous. An “empty suit” does not attain such heights especially so when that “empty suit” is a blackman and in America. To deny Barack Obama’s eminent qualification for the top job in the land is to deny the obvious. You can only be blind and dumb not to realize the tons of bricks which he has come to represent. It is a morbid hallucination to deny that this candle has been lighted and glowing and will shine into the hearts of many more millions of American minds and for our very own good. A time this opportune has never shown itself in recent past and will be a healing balm not only for the past seven plus years of Bush despondency but also will forever sooth the nightmarish memories of slavery and racism in America. This moment is as rare as phoenix and we must seize it with all our strength and fanatical admiration. Lets’ finally say Bye-Bye to the Clintons and proclaim in one loud thundering voice, in OBAMA we can! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!
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